L introduces Next-Gen of laundry with AI-Powered washer

LG has introduced 6 Motion DD Technology Washing Machine with All Round Cleaning and Efficient Wash Performance. One of the key technology is direct drive technology, which generated six unique motions that take cleaning and washing of clothes to a whole new level. Direct Drive washing machines are high-efficiency machines that cut energy costs and […]

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Public universities risks closure due to labour unrests – GAUA

Accra, – The Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) is calling on all stakeholders, especially government and its agents to immediately resolve all labour disputes to avoid total closure of Public Universities. “We understand certain gestures have been offered at the negotiations to resolve the impasse, and wish to serve notice that GAUA is equally […]

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Hndred Civil Service staff to be rewarded on merits for 2020 – Dr Darkoh

Accra, Aug, 5, GNA – Dr Evans Aggrey Darkoh, Chief Director, Ministry of Parliament affairs has said that about 100 Civil Service staff would be rewarded during this year’s Civil Service Week and Award Ceremony. This he said was in fulfilment of Section 88 of the Civil Service Act, 1993, Act 327. He said the […]

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Two confirmed dead with 13 sustaining injuries in an accident at Hemang

Hemang (Ash), – The Ashanti Regional Police Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) has confirmed two people dead in a fatal accident at Hemang in the Afigya-Kwabre South District of the Ashanti Region. This was after a Nissan Urvan bus with registration number AS 8094-Z ran into a DAF articulated truck number AS 7479-13 on […]

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Rads Ministry to receive GH¢800 million for disbursement to contractors

Accra, – Mr Kwasi Amoako-Attah, Minister of Roads and Highways, says the Ministry of Finance is set to release GH¢800 million to his outfit for onward disbursement to contractors who have their certificates with Government. He said the list of all qualified contractors would be submitted to the Ministry of Finance by close of Thursday […]

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WO guidelines now include Roche’s diagnostic tests in expanded effort to eliminate tuberculosis

WHO guidelines now include ROCHE’S diagnostic tests in an expanded effort to eliminate tuberculosis by providing patients greater access to timely diagnostics Tuberculosis is a disease of poverty, and economic distress with 1.4 million deaths annually1, and the growing challenge of drug resistance is adding to The global health crisis WHO guidelines support the expansion […]

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Trial of Alhaji Dauda, four others are “selective justice”- Minority

Accra,- Mr Haruna Iddrisu, Minority Leader in Parliament, has described the trial of Alhaji Collins Dauda and four others allegedly involved in the US$200 million Saglemi Housing project as “selective justice”. Mr Iddrisu said the charges were “frivolous” and same was intended to politically harass and persecute and “we remain undaunted.” “I do not think […]

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