Why Aps Ntumy ended up in a wheelchair contrary to rumours that he got ‘crashed’ by God


There have been so many stories surrounding the man of God, Apostle Michael Ntumy, and why he is now in a wheel chair.

Though he had spoken about it on his 54th birthday in 2017, in a blog post, Apostle Ntumy during the Church of Pentecost’s 2023 annual General Council meeting, held earlier in May 2023, decided to address the long held perception among church members.

In a video which went viral on Tiktok, Apostle Ntumy told members that contrary to perceptions that he was in the wheelchair because God had crashed him for not obeying a prophecy, his current condition was the effect of an accident that happened in 1992 during a trip to Ivory Coast.

He said his wife suffered 3 broken collar bones, and he also suffered spine injury as a result of the accident.

This was how he narrated the story:

“Ghanaians know that Apostle Ntumy is a man of God…What did I hear, the stories where many and told from different angles. But the summary was that God had crashed me, he had knocked me down. Because God threw a prophetic message, had appointed a chairman for the church but I, Apostle Ntumy, refused to give the chairmanship to the one name in the prophecy.

“There was a prophecy that Apostle Ntumy didn’t hand over the chairmanship to the one name in the prophecy, that is why God has crashed him. But many don’t know about the electioneering system at the Church of Pentecost. When somebody’s name is mentioned in a prophecy, the executive council will sit down and discuss it, whether to accept it or not.

“The Executives Council met, including the person named in the prophecy – that Prophet J.E. Ameyaw. The council accepted it. The second stage is to meet the electoral college consisting of all area heads, etc.

“The college also discusses it and then at that level, we vote. Only a simple majority is needed. So we didn’t reject prophet’s name… 55 voted no, 53 voted for him, 3 people didn’t vote… So, beloved members of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Ntumy didn’t refuse to present Prophet Ameyaw’s name… We had to go back and propose Apostle Onyinah, who went through and then ended at the 3rd stage and was elected the chairman.

“So, I will like to say that many of those who say these things say it out of ignorance. My problem started in 1992 in Ivory Coast. We were involved in a car accident while on a trip.

“My wife’s collar bone broke into 3, and it affected my spine without my knowledge. I carried this pain for 9 years until I became chairman. The workload increased, and the problem also increased to a point, I couldn’t even stand for more than 3 minutes.

“When I went to for the surgery, the doctor looked at my spine and told me that ‘Dr Ntumy, you have waited for far too long. When I perform this operation, you are going to lose the use of your hands and feet. But you are going to recover. The doctor told me all this and I agreed.”

Source: Ghana Web