Institute policies to enhance transparency, Bono Minister urges PURC

Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, the Bono Regional Minister, has urged the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority Commission (PURC) to introduce transformative policies and programmes aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability. That she said, will drive the improvement of the work of the PURC. She said that would also enable the Commission to gain the confidence of service providers and consumers […]

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Complex problems in Africa require African-led, African-sourced solutions

  Madam Virginia Palmer, the U.S Ambassador to Ghana, says Africa’s complex problems require African-led and African-sourced solutions. She said through Flintlock exercise 2023 and decades of military-to-military cooperation, the United States had demonstrated that its bilateral relationship was strong, productive, and mutually beneficial, helping to address some challenges on the continent. Madam Palmer was […]

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Add value to natural resources for economic growth – Community leaders appeal

  Community leaders within the Mfantseman Municipality have appealed to the Government to add value to all natural resources before exporting them for economic gains. The country over the years lacked several infrastructural developments due to the inability to process its natural resources into finished products before export. ‘We need to process our own resources […]

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