The List Of NPP Politicians Involved In Crime Or Corruption, As Well As What They Did

Key Issues

I didn’t start writing for ModernGhana to back an incompetent government or a dishonest politician, just because we belong to the same tribe or country. Ghana has become one of the most violent countries in West Africa as a result of tribalism, which encourages bad governance, violence, thievery, and corruption. This has created issues for which Ghanaians were unprepared. The following is a list of politicians who are meant to be in prison and shouldn’t be serving our nation.

The current Ghanaian leader, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo

Akufo Addo is a swindler who forced his way into politics because his father was one. In his opinion, his father has not received the proper honor during Ghana’s political history in the time of Nkrumah. Ghanaians therefore, believed that his struggle to win the presidency before getting the chance in 2016 was an attempt to pull off some extraordinary feats never before seen in the country’s political history. Since he was aware of how effective tribalism is in Ghana, he employed it while lying and deceiving.

First, Akufo Addo urged Ghanaians to vote for him because John Mahama is dishonest and useless while he is honest and effective. To gain the public’s trust and win the 2016 presidential election, he used deception. Since every liar is a thief, once he gained the confidence of the populace, he began stealing the government of its funds, despite making several promises, including lowering taxes, building a factory in every district and a dam in every village, and not encouraging his family and friends in politics and to protect the public’s coffers, he did the opposite, leading to Ghana’s downfall.

Akufo Addo, Ken Agyapong, George Dampare, Hopeson Adorye, Paul Adom-Otchere, Charles Bissue, Eugene Arhin, Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, Jean Mensa, and Ken Ofori-Atta should have resigned and prevented from serving the nation because, considering the crimes these politicians committed, they need to be put behind bars. The impact of the crimes has resulted in the collapse of the nation, the economy, and the currency.

Akufo Addo spoke out on Twitter on May 4, 2016, when the exchange rate of the national currency was GHC 3.72 to the dollar, claiming that the depreciation of the Ghana Cedi that had led to such a rate was the product of poor leadership and that Ghanaians needed a change of administration. The current exchange rate for one dollar is GHC 11.00, as I write this article. So why would any sensible Ghanaian consent to such a person being in power? Is it the president who is ill or the majority of Ghanaians?

Akufo Addo’s corruption knows no bounds. In addition to appointing corrupt politicians and journalists to his government, including Charles Bissue, Eugene Arhin, the late Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, Paul Adom-Otchere, and others, Akufo Addo also started embezzling Ghana’s money, including COVID funds, which led to massive debt without accountable, a high unemployment rate, crime, the collapse of the economy, and depressed currency. Akufo Addo’s lies for power have failed, and have come back to haunt him.

Akufo Addo was romantically involved with Evelyn Aidoo, a Ghanaian-Canadian nurse better known online as Serwaa Broni. No matter how attractive our wives may be, we are all males and urges to act improperly occasionally arise. However, the president’s method of resolving the issue was a grave transgression; nobody expected a president to act in this manner.

He dispatched some prominent NPP politicians to pursue the woman and seize her possessions at gunpoint, to prevent the case from being proven to be genuine. The woman discussed her nightmare with Kevin Taylor in an interview. Despite committing this terrible crime, Nana Akufo Addo chose not to step down and is currently the president of Ghana.

Kennedy Agyapong, an NPP politician and Member of Parliament representing Assin Central

Ahmed Hussein Suale was brutally killed by assailants on a motorcycle on January 16, 2018, when he was working with Anas Aremeyaw Anas with the “TigerEye” private investigation firm. The suspects have not yet been apprehended, and the case is still considered cold. The alarming aspect of the case, though, is that politician Agyapong threatened Mr. Hussein-Suale’s life on national television before the journalist was murdered.

Ken Agyapong promised to pay anyone who beat up Mr. Hussein-Suale in exchange for the beating of the journalist while displaying his photo. Agyapong would not have been let off the hook very easily in any respectable nation with a strong judicial system. He would have been prosecuted and even sent to jail. Due to the psychological effects of his wealth, he exploited his position by insulting judges, politicians, and even women, on social media.

That wasn’t the end, Ken Agyapong, whose rage was out of control, makes a threat to set John Mahama’s home on fire. He accused Mahama of starting several fires that destroyed markets across the country. If you know Kennedy Agyapong is a politician or a member of parliament, what he says would shock you. No matter if he has a mother or not, enraged Agyapong will use derogatory language on any woman who crosses his path. This man is currently running for president of Ghana with the support of tribal bigots, yet Ghanaians pray daily for the country to be a great nation.

Inspector General of Police, George Dampare
Calling someone a murderer or claiming they know about murder is a criminal offense. Kennedy Agyapong, an NPP politician, claims that George Dampare, the inspector general of police, is aware of who killed J.B. Danquah, a Member of Parliament and NPP politician. Agyapong claims that Dampare was relocated to a new location to avoid the IGP pursuing the matter since he knows who killed J.B. Danquah.

The president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, and Ken Agyapong were named as two suspects in the murder case involving J.B. Danquah by the murder suspect who was interviewed while in custody. It didn’t surprise me in the least that IGP Dampare exonerated Ken Agyapong of any guilt in J.B. Danquah’s death so that he could pursue his presidential dreams without being labeled a murder suspect. This was done to allow Agyapong to cease accusing him of knowing who killed Danquah.

Hopeson Adorye and other NPP politicians doing Akufo Addo’s dirty work

Hopeson Adorye is an NPP politician who has a white beard like me, however, he is waiting for his eyelashes to be grey or white before being wise. Like Kennedy Agyapong, Hopeson Adorye does all the dirty work, including criminal activities, together with John Boadu and Ernest Owusu Bempah, for the president, Nana Akufo Addo. When the president’s affair was exposed in an interview by a woman the president, Nana Akufo Addo had an affair with, what was said about what Adorye did still shocks me today.

The president dispatched high-ranking NPP politicians, including Hopeson Adorye, to confiscate anything in the woman’s possession to prevent incriminating the president. The scandal had already been made public on social media, but many people were still supporting the president and accusing the woman of lying. Due to this, Evelyn Aidoo was stopped while traveling and some of her items, including mobile phones, were removed from her under threat of force at gunpoint.

To ensure that Serwaa Broni, the woman with whom Akufo Addo had a sexual relationship, had nothing to implicate him, Hopeson Adorye, secretly entered the hotel room of the woman to steal evidence and because he was sent by the president, this man was not charged and made to face the law. However, given that the majority of the NPP politicians are made up of criminals, why should we expect Ghana to be a great country or the NPP administration to be successful? If Ghana had an efficient, non-corrupt judicial system, Adorye should have resigned or been imprisoned by now.

Paul Adom-Otchere, a journalist who polishes Akufo Addo’s crimes to be diplomatic policies

Akufo Addo is an opportunist and con man, neither a president nor a leader, as was previously said. He elevated Kwasi Anin-Yeboah to Chief Justice and appointed corrupt judges. He also appointed his relative Ken Ofori-Atta as the Finance Minister to make corruption easier for him, appointed Jean Mensa as the head of the Electoral Commission to rig the elections, and appointed Ghanaian journalist Paul Adom-Otchere to make his crimes appear to be routine political activities.

Paul Adom-Otchere, who was in charge of a company at the Kotoka International Airport, exploited his position and engaged in corruption by raising the price of an ordinary Christmas tree to be used as decoration there. Despite the president’s extensive involvement in crime and corruption, Paul Adom-Otchere has never criticized Akufo Addo since the time of his appointment. He keeps standing up for the president’s corrupt and criminal behavior.

Paul Adom-Otchere defended the president by labeling the woman a liar and accusing her of attempting to extort money from the president because she is aware that women are having nice houses and bungalows in wealthy communities in Ghana, such as the Airport Residential Area and other places. This was after Kevin Taylor, the host of “Loud Silence TV,” interviewed the woman Nana Akufo Addo had a sexual relationship with. Why should someone like Paul Adom-Otchere, who ought to be in jail right now, get away with it?

Charles Bissue’s corruption and his pretense of fighting against illegal mining

Political figure Charles Bissue represents the NPP party. He was appointed by Nana Akufo Addo, the president, to head the president’s “anti-galamsey” campaign and initiatives, which have since failed. Investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas had accused Charles Bissue of receiving money unlawfully in an exposé that should result in Charles Bissue’s indictment.

In a videotape made public by Anas, Mr. Bissue is seen collecting cash purportedly to speed up approval for a mining firm without following the proper procedures. He is also heard ordering his employees to expedite the processing of the company’s paperwork.

The film showed several additional people associated with the committee’s activity and also the Presidential Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, acting in facilitating capacities for agreed-upon sums. Others offer to help provide armed guards for the firm’s concession, while security agents, informants, and go-betweens also offer to give the company information on the whereabouts of a security task force against illegal miners.

Even though Akufo Addo’s government committed to employing Anas’ strategies to combat corruption in Ghana, the case against Charles Bissue went cold after Anas exposed him. However, Charles Bissue’s case is currently being looked into by the Special Prosecutor when they unexpectedly became interested. Why now? Kevin Taylor claims that this is a scheme to disprove the claim so that Bissue is innocent so that he can pursue his political ambition for a key position in the administration.

I believed Kevin Taylor because he is saying the same thing that the Inspector General of Police George Dampare did for Agyapong to pursue his presidential ambitions. This demonstrates how Ghana has degraded as a country.

Eugene Arhin, the president’s dishonest director of communications

The face of Eugene Arhin, the president’s director of communication, reminds me of myself in some of the photos from when I was hustling in Lagos, Nigeria, in the early 1980s. His expression conveys the turmoil in his existence as a commoner who wakes up to corn porridge and bread. Eugene Arhin, however, realized quickly into his political career that it was his opportunity to accumulate a fortune. Arhin accumulated more fortune over the briefest span of his political career than an advanced country politician might amass throughout a lifetime in office.

When one becomes wealthy in life, he is no longer under the guidance of God; instead, his wealth directs him. Arhin first began dating other women. His wife claims that she was made to get surgery so that she wouldn’t become pregnant again, yet despite this, he fathered a kid by another woman. People can be made angry and that’s exactly what happened. Arhin’s wife exposed her husband’s fortune he had accumulated since Akufo Addo appointed him.

How is it possible for one person to own all of these properties? Later, Arhin’s wife revealed to the public that her husband does not possess such properties and that she only made the statement out of rage. Who will believe this? Arhin refused to leave his position in the NPP government and was never prosecuted to face any legal action. This administration is awaiting financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund to boost the economy. Such a joke!

Chief Justice Kwasi Anin-Yeboah
Kwasi Anin- Yeboah was appointed as the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after Sophia Akufo Addo went on retirement. The new Chief Justice made sure that since he was appointed by President Akufo Addo, he has to serve the president alone but not Ghanaians. He abused his office and Ghana’s constitution, making sure that anyone who brings a case against the NPP or the president will lose. The partial ruling of Anin-Yeboah increased lawlessness and corruption that have never occurred in Ghana.

According to one Akwasi Afrifa, the Chief Justice wanted a $5 million bribe to purportedly sway the outcome of a legal proceeding. The Chief Justice, however, denied allegations that he made a $5 million demand. In any rational nation, given the bloodshed, crime, and corruption that have plagued Ghana since the Chief Justice was appointed, he would need to step down right away, even without his involvement in the corruption scandal.

Anin-Yeboah declined to resign as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and was not subject to an investigation or even a warning from the Ghana Bar Association. In addition to having a strong financial base, a prosperous nation also needs a strong judicial system, unfortunately, Ghana hasn’t any. Due to a high rate of crime and unaccountable debt, Ghana’s economy and currency have fallen.

The head of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa

The chairperson of Ghana’s electoral commission, Jean Mensa, is now referred to as the “Jezebel of Ghana politics.” After removing Charlotte Osei from her position, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo appointed her. Like Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, she chose to serve just Akufo Addo and the party, not the wider public. Most Ghanaians lost interest in Akufo Addo after his first four years in office without any notable accomplishments or improvements.

The president’s decline in popularity was evident, and it ultimately cost him the 2020 presidential election. But Jean Mensah made it possible by manipulating the results to name the unsuccessful Akufo Addo the victor. Everyone understood that this election was a daylight theft. The electoral chief was unable to even provide correct results for the figures she led the public to believe. She kept changing, and eventually the numbers she provided revealed her evil intentions.

The opposition NDC was unhappy with the events and appealed to the Supreme Court, but they were unsuccessful since the judge had acted in favor of the government because he was appointed by Akufo Addo. Angry Ghanaians and the opposition demanded Jean Mensa appear in the witness box for accountability, but Chief Justice Anin-Yeboah stopped that from happening.

The current government doesn’t care about Jean Mensa’s dishonesty or crimes because she committed them on their behalf. Unfortunately, given that everything in its way has gone crazy, the government has failed, and Jean Mensa is facing pressure from angry Ghanaians who are hungry and jobless. As long as she is still in charge of the election commission, Jean Mensa has been free to commit crimes with impunity.

Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister
Even though his involvement in widespread corruption, incompetence, and theft contributed to Ghana’s present political and economic unrest, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister and a relative of the president, has not been formally charged with corruption. Ken Ofori-Atta ought to have been charged, tried, and imprisoned; however, as long as Akufo Addo is in office as president and Kwasi Anin-Yeboah is the Chief Justice, none of those things will be possible.

We shouldn’t be surprised to see Ghana crumble as a nation, along with the economy and currency, as each of the persons whose harmful actions are recounted in this article directly affected the country. Ghana has plunged into anarchy as a result of the political upheaval and unjustified hardships that many Ghanaians are currently experiencing. Good luck to any Ghanaian who believes the NPP would take them to the promised land.


Source: Modern Ghana

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