NDC behind the damaged train


In a polarized world, it is disheartening to see how some people allow the game of politics to diminish them. It is true that opponents can be lethal; however, if caution is not exercised, blame can be misdirected to an innocent contender.

Today’s world is full of evil. People steal, slander, commit murder, and so on. When news of such vices breaks, some people blame the devil for the faulty train of thought that drove those actions.

However, No Demonic Control (NDC) is to blame for the predominant damaged train of thought. Even though Satan orchestrates evil (Genesis 3:1-6), he has no power over us. We choose who to obey, either God or Satan (Josh. 24:15). Unfortunately, the devil has been overrated and has been credited with all manner of evil deeds.

Meanwhile, when a person succumbs to sin, it is because he has been drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. The desire then gives birth to sin, which, when mature, gives birth to death (Jas. 1:14-15).

Until we accept responsibility for our own transg
ressions, we will continue to blame the NDC for our mismanagement of God’s resources, spiritual power crisis, and economic woes. Let us resolve to be humble enough to admit our mistakes, surrender our broken train of thought for repair, and resolve to do what is right.

For all damaged trains, you can contact the chief locomotive mechanic by following these steps: believe in Christ (Rom. 10:10), repent (Acts 2:38), confess (Rom. 10:10), be baptized (Acts 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21), join His church (Acts 2:47), and walk in newness of life.

Enjoy the grace of God!


Source: Ghana Web