Let’s demonstrate love to one another during the yuletide- MCE



Accra, Dec 17, GNA- Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, Yohane Amarh Ashitey, has called on Ghanaians to let the upcoming Christmas festivities be punctuated with love and fraternal goodwill.


He likened his prescription to a love affair between President Nana Akufo-Addo and his beloved bride, Ghana.


In his Christmas message to the Ghana News Agency at the sidelines of a programme in Accra on Friday, Mr Ashitey said “Let love lead; love one another like the father of the nation, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, loves his highly beloved bride, Ghana”.


He said “President Akufo-Addo’s love for Ghana is what keeps him awake; it’s what informs all the good plans and Programmes he devises for Ghana. But what is Ghana if not you the people? And how can we progress if we do not love and forgive?”


“All work and no play, makes men and women dull. All work and no rest, also puts your health at risk. Therefore please take the time to rest your weary bodies after a whole year of sacrifice for our families and nation.”


He called for reconciliation, forgiveness and love pointing out that Christmas commemorated the greatest love that was ever demonstrated in the form of God taking on human flesh to die for sinful humanity.


He said the love and reconciliation he was calling for was not only on personal level, but on family and even national levels. “Yes, my call is also to political opponents. What shall it profit us if we fight one another and fan fires of enmity, when at the end of the day, we are only in politics for the opportunity to serve our country, our people, one another? I call on all political opponents to also use the Christmas holidays to let go of all enmity and let us truly be one nation under God.”


He especially sent yuletide felicitations to the people of Tema, wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year in advance. “May we live to see the New Year and even better years ahead of us,” he wrote.


He also cautioned against irresponsible jollification especially, excessive drinking during the Christmas and New Year festivities.


“Finally, I pray for God’s blessings on our fatherly leader, President Akufo-Addo, his Vice, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, all appointees of state and every Ghanaian on the face of the earth. Merry Christmas and prosperous happy new year to us all.”


Source: Ghana News Agency


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