Farouk Aliu Mahama reveals why he joined mainstream politics


The Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi Constituency in the Northern Region, Farouk Aliu Mahama, has revealed that his love for public service, informed his decision to join mainstream politics.

He explained that the spirit of public service, and the desire to serve humanity underpinning his core principles, could easily be traced to his family lineage and his political background.

According to the dynamic lawmaker, following many years of witnessing true leadership, the kind gesture of his father, being extended to humanity through beneficiary families, irrespective of their backgrounds, and status, by former Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, informed his decision to serve humanity with agility and humility.

He said his late father, devoted much of his entire life to serving humanity through various public service positions he held, and in all these positions, it was about people and he delivered that creditably well without blemish.

These, incredible leadership qualities displayed by his late father, he reiterated, have become the benchmark for many public officeholders in the country.

The same benchmark, he underscored, will be used to measure his commitment and desire to serve humanity. “We will continue on this path of humanitarian work started by my late father, Alhaji Aliu Mahama” he affirmed.

Farouk Aliu Mahama explained that when his late father had the opportunity to serve in public life, he did that with distinction and his legacy remained exemplary in the country.

The MP for Yendi Constituency made these remarks when he addressed guests at an exotic dinner organized at his private residence in Tamale on Friday 14th October 2022 to climax the celebration of the Damba festival.

The dinner, which attracted many big wigs of the NPP in the Northern Region, was in honor of Morocco’s Ambassador to Ghana, Imane Ouaadil.

Farouk Aliu Mahama noted, that one of the top signs that showed that indeed former Vice President of Ghana, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, succeeded in his public life, was actually the daily testimonies emerging about the enviable role the former Vice President played in the establishment of a healthy relationship between Ghana and many other countries including Morocco.

He revealed that his father did not only establish concrete ties with Morocco as a country but extended it to King Mohammed VI, the leader of the North African country.

He said through these timeless ties, consciously created by Alhaji Aliu Mahama, many Ghanaian students succeeded in benefiting from scholarship programs offered by the Moroccan King.

A positive development, that he observed, eventually guaranteed that many of these beneficiary students of the scholarship scheme, became useful citizens and better human resources for mother Ghana.

In line with established norms, customs, and practices, he assured the Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana Imane Quaadil that he will rekindle the flame lit by the former Vice President.

To this end, he announced plans to join hands with Moroccan institutions and all relevant authorities, required to create an amazing bond to revitalize the historic social relationship that existed between the two countries with emphasis on his constituency.

Already, he revealed that plans were in place to visit Morocco next month as part of his lobbying activities to engage private and public institutions in the North African country on mutual grounds.

This, he affirmed, will open up many windows of opportunities for his constituents and Ghana through the social and economic networking he intends to facilitate for Yendi and ultimately the country.

Aside from that, he said the relationship hithero created by his late father, between Ghana and Morocco, should ordinarily benefit the people of Yendi, Dagbon, and Ghana generally, hence his determination to rekindle the flame and sustain it for the benefit of humanity.

Under the partnership with Morocco, he said many things will be achieved in diverse ways, considering the program of activities being rolled out by his administration in collaboration with the Moroccan Embassy in Ghana.

For instance, he said he will work closely with relevant partners to create an avenue for the King of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Abubakari Mahama to visit the King of Morocco to strengthen social and economic ties.

At this stage, the heartwarming speech of the MP, then attracted rapturous applause, as he intermittently introduced one mouth-watering package to another as part of activities defining the purpose of the gathering.

He said through a series of programs he will churn out, he will see to it that Ghana and Morocco will remain the best of friends in the African continent.



Source: Ghana Web


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