Assin Hasowodze Community gets mechanized borehole


Assin Hasowodze (C/R), May 31, GNA- Assin Hadsowodze, a farming community in the Assin South District, have been provided with a mechanized borehole to enable them access potable water, easing their burden of water scarcity over several decades.

The ultra-modern mechanized borehole is estimated at GH¢54, 250.00 and is sponsored by the Rotary Club in Canada and the USA.

Hitherto, residents of the beneficiary community relied on River Ochi for their daily water needs, which exposed some of them to many water-borne diseases.

Speaking at the ceremony to commission the project, Father Stephen Amoah-Gyasi, Director of Diocesan Caritas of Cape Coast, said water was one of the basic necessities of life, which must be readily available, especially to the rural poor.

He said it was for that effect that he communicated with his partners in Canada and the USA to support the community to get potable water.

Father Amoah-Gyasi, who is also the Chaplain of the Cape Coast Technical University, said the Club was poised toward the provision of potable water to the underprivileged in society.

It was in that direction that the Club had sunk more than 40 mechanized boreholes in various communities within the region.

Father Amoah-Gyasi urged the residents of the beneficiary communities to take good care of the project and ensure its regular maintenance to prolong its lifespan to benefit future generations.

He called on other benevolent organizations and individuals to also contribute their quota in transforming the lives of the rural folks.

Nana Kweku Armah IV, Chief of the town was grateful to Father Amoah-Gyasi for his contribution to the community and pledged his commitment to maintaining the project.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Kofi Annim, a farmer gave a sigh of relief and appealed to the Chief and leader of the town to adopt pay as-you-fetch approach at an affordable price to generate enough venue for maintenance and sustenance of the project.

Joyce Adjei, a basic three pupil, said with the intervention of the project, she would be able to perform her house chores early so that she can go to school on time.

Source: Ghana News Agency