Amir of Qatar reiterates need for peaceful co-existence globally


Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, has reiterated the need for global peace and security for all.

“The new age that we dream of, and that I personally work for, is the era of peace, security, coexistence and social justice for all,” Sheikh Al-Thani said on Saturday in his remarks at the opening of the 20th edition of the Doha Forum in Doha, Qatar.

“For our part, we have chosen a path of rational dialogue that is simultaneously based on balancing common values and interests.”

The two-day Forum is being organised by the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the theme, “Transforming for a New Era”.

This year’s edition is focusing on four core areas- Geopolitical Alliances and International Relations; Financial System and Economic Development; Defense, Cyber, and Food Security; and Climate Change and Sustainability.

The Doha Forum is a global platform for dialogue, bringing together leaders in policy to build innovative and action driven networks.

Sheikh Al Thani mentioned the millions of Palestinians who had been suffering from the Israeli occupation and international neglect over several decades.

He said similarly, a lot of other people such as the Syrian people and the Afghan people, for whom the international community had failed to render them justice.

“This war reveals, beyond any doubt that the formulas upon which the international order was based in the aftermath of World War II – and after the end of the Cold War are changing,” the Amir said.

He said it was incumbent on all nations to take a serious stand to determine the future of the international order.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, who was the special guest of honour to the 20th Doha Forum in a live video address to the Doha Forum, criticized Russia for the ongoing war in his country; declaring that Ukraine was for peace.

He urged petroleum producing countries, such as Qatar to increase their exports, especially natural gas, in order to help lessen the impact of the war on other countries.

At the event, Madam Roya Mahboob, the founder/Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Citizen Fund, received the 20th Doha Forum Award.

The annual Doha Forum Award recognizes individuals or organizations for outstanding achievement rooted in the core values of the Doha Forum – dialogue, diplomacy, and diversity.

Madam Mahboob, who is an Afghan entrepreneur and philanthropist was awarded for her efforts in building digital literacy for women and children in developing countries.

In her remarks, a visibly elated Madam Mahboob urged nations of the world to promote the girl child education.

Established in 2000, the Doha Forum is a platform for global dialogue on critical challenges facing our world.

Doha Forum promotes the interchange of ideas, discourse, policy making, and action-oriented recommendations.

Doha Forum reaches out to high level: policy makers, government leaders, private sector representatives, civil society, and non-governmental organizations with the belief that diversity in thought will enhance how they deal with their collective challenges.



Source: Modern Ghana

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