Accra Omega Lions Club to construct modern kitchen block for Weija Leprosarium


Accra, May 30, GNA – The Accra Omega Lions Club, a newly-formed service organisation, has appealed to the public and corporate organisations to support it as it mobilises resources to construct a modern kitchen block for the Weija Leprosarium.

The Weija Leprosarium is a facility for people who have been cured of leprosy.

The project, which is the Club’s flagship project for this year, is intended to cater for the inmates at the Leprosarium, who currently prepare their own meals with challenges because of their condition.

The project, estimated to cost about GHS376,000, also seeks to support efforts by the Management of the Leprosarium to provide one hot meal for the inmates daily.

Speaking at an inauguration and fundraising ceremony in Accra, Mr (Lion) Hector Delali Avornyotse, President, Accra Omega Lions Club, said the Club was worried about the challenges that the inmates went through in preparing their own meal, hence the project.

“This project was identified when the project Committee visited the Weija Leprosarium. We observed that the lepers prepared their own meals, and because of their deformities, especially with their fingers, they find it quite difficult doing so.

“Omega felt their pains and thought of helping solve the challenge,” he said.

Mr Avornyotse said the Club planned to complete the project within one year and appealed to the public to “support this worthy cause.”

Reverend Father Andrew Campbell, Director, Weija Leprosarium, said the non-availability of a kitchen was impeding efforts by the Management of the facility to provide one hot meal a day for the lepers.

He welcomed the decision by the Accra Omega Lions Club to come to the aid of the Leprosarium, and appealed to the public to extend love to the lepers by donating towards their wellbeing and upkeep.

“The lepers on the LEAP Fund get 1 cedi a day to live on. How do we expect them to live on one cedi a day?” he asked.

Mama Kodzogasi II, President, Accra Premiere Lions Club, who sponsored the formation of the Accra Omega Lions Club, rallied all the club members to support the project in accordance with their commitment to support humanity.

Source: Ghana News Agency