World Book and Copyright Day commemorated in Accra


The Ghana Book Development Council and collaborative partners such as the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, the Ghana Publishers Association, the Ghana Association of Writers, the Copyright Ghana, and the UNESCO Ghana, have today, Monday, April 25, 2022, commemorated this year’s World Book and Copyright Day at Omanye Aba Hall, Accra Metropolitan Assembly Head Office, Accra.

World Book and Copyright Day is an important day celebrated by member states of the United Nations (UN). Among other reasons, the event is organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), every year, to promote reading, publishing, and copyright.

All over the world, books and reading are celebrated; and reading and its related activities are undertaken on the day by member states to celebrate the importance of books and reading.

The event which was organized under the theme “Reading to Develop Minds” saw the attendance of officials of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, officials of the UNESCO Ghana, the book industry practitioners, promoters of reading, teachers, and officials of Ghana Education Service, school children, and the media.

Activities conducted to mark the day included a symposium that focused on the prospects of the Accra World Book Capital 2023 title. A reading and creative writing session were also conducted for the participating school children.

In Ghana, the commemoration of the day has become more significant because of the designation of Accra (Ghana) as the UNESCO World Book Capital for 2023. The designation is meant to promote the local book industry, libraries, books, reading, awareness of literacy, and lively book culture.

The UNESCO World Book Capital title is also used to promote tourism and draw national and international attention to the literary heritage of the city and nation. The bidding for the designation is always competitive, and thus winning the title represents an important symbolic acknowledgment for the city and country as a whole.

The organizers of the event also used the opportunity to congratulate the city of Guadalajara on their official opening of the Guadalajara World Book Capital 2022 on April 23, 2022, and wished them well in the year-long celebration.

Source: Ghana Web

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