Technical education will reduce unemployment rate- Anointed technical Institute?


Accra, Sept. 6, GNA – Mr Samuel Adjei Boateng, Managing Director, Anointed Technical Training Institute (ATTI), says the prioritisation of Technical and Vocational education will put Ghana on the path of massive youth employment.

He stressed that it would provide opportunities for the youth to have hands-on experience, encourag them taste entrepreneurship hence self-employment and joint ventures.

He said this in Accra at the second graduation ceremony of ATTI on the theme: “TVET for Youth Employment and Sustainable Economy.”

The graduating class went through a10-month training in electrical and controls, mechanical engineering among others.

Mr Boateng encouraged the youth to venture into technical and vocational education to gain practical experience and be productive in life.

He said most of the students from technical schools posted to do internship at their Institute lacked practical knowledge hence he decided to establish ATTI to address the gap.

Mr Boateng said the country’s educational system emphasised theory devoid of practical skills and training needed for the job market, leading to limited job creation.

Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 200 million people aged between 15 and 24. This figure is likely to double by 2050 according to the 2012 World Economic Outlook. 

Dr Kwadwo Anokye Dompreh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Cape Coast, said TVET was the 21st century course to meet the needs of industry.

He stressed that TVET trained or equipped the youth to pursue self-development, confidence and creativity for the socio-economic growth of the country.

He advised the class to make good use of the knowledge acquired and be ambassadors of technical education.

TVET systems could churn out competent technicians and artisans required in the automobile, road and building construction and sanitation industries.

Master Christian Kusitor, the overall best student, on behalf of the class, thanked the Institute for the opportunity for skills acquisition and values and pledged to ambassadors in all their endeavours.

Source: Ghana News Agency