Our footsoldiers are dissatisfied and it may send NPP to opposition – Abronye DC


Bono Regional Chairman and leading communicator of the ruling NPP, Kwame Baffoe popularly known as Abronye DC is not happy about the way grassroots members of the party are being treated.

The party’s footsoldiers, who worked in the hinterlands to bring the party back from opposition, have been abandoned by Akufo-Addo’s administration, according to Abronye DC.

The vocal politician revealed in an interview with Accra-based Okay FM that the President and his appointees should be blamed if the party goes to opposition due to their actions.

“The party’s foot soldiers, regional executives, founding members, patrons, all of them are not happy with some of the decisions taken by the appointing authorities, the president and co,” Abronye disclosed.

According to the Bono regional chairman, if nothing is done about the issue, the party’s electoral fortunes may be cur short in the 2024 general elections indicating that the angry members determine the party’s fate.

“The foot soldiers are angry. If from now until 2024 we don’t resolve issues, things will collapse before we realise it, and if things collapse, we are all going to go.

“The foot soldiers always determine whether the NPP wins an election or not. And if you check critically, all the elections the NPP has lost were due to the foot soldiers deciding not to vote,” Abronye emphasized.

Source: Modern Ghana