Mentioning Jesus during orgasm is sin, He’s not the person sleeping with you – Prophet Kumchacha


The founder and leader of Heaven’s Gate Ministries, Prophet Kumchacha, has described as sinful having sex and mentioning Jesus’ name.

According to him, it is tantamount to mentioning Jesus’ name in vain which is against the scriptures.

Speaking on Okay Fm, he quoted Exodus 20:7, to buttress his point saying, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who taketh his name in vain.”

“You are not serious if you mention Jesus’ name, the Holy Spirit’s name during the process of getting your orgasm. It simply means you are not a serious person. You don’t mention Jesus’ name in such duties, the bible says don’t mention His name in vain,” he said.

“Jesus is not the person sleeping with you. We don’t use God’s name in such a disrespectful manner. Jesus has nothing to do with having your orgasm,” he added.

Source: Modern Ghana