Illegal miners face arrest in Ghana after shaft shut


AngloGold Ashanti has closed off unauthorised entry points to a gold mine shaft in Ghana, meaning illegal miners working there will face arrest when they exit through the main mining area.

Ghana’s disaster management organisation has given an assurance that there is a safe authorised exit point from the shaft in Anwiam in the Ashanti region.

“AngloGold discovered that the illegal miners had an entrance that leads to their pit, so they covered it,” disaster management official George Ayisi told the BBC.

The mining giant has also issued a press statement, saying the illegal miners can leave the shaft on foot via an existing ramp to the main mining area.

Seven illegal miners had already left this way and been arrested and handed over to the police for prosecution, AngloGold Ashanti said.

It is not clear how many miners are in the shaft – some reports suggested that 300 people could still be underground.

Source: BBC