How police constantly harass me over ‘wee’ makes me uncomfortable in Ghana – Kwaw Kese


Ghanaian singer Kwaw Kese has complained bitterly about how he is being treated unfairly by the Ghana Police Service.

He said the security service has constantly been searching him for “wee” (marijuana) since he was arrested and convicted of smoking the substance in 2015.

Speaking in an interview on Accra 100.5FM’s “Ayekoo Ayekoo” on Thursday, December 22, the popular singer said he is now a changed person, yet Ghana police have been making his life uncomfortable wherever they see him.

“As of now, the police see me and stop me to search for weed. Three days ago, it happened again,” he said.

The “Dondo” hitmaker continued, “I was in the Trassaco area, in an Uber car when the police stopped us. The moment they realized it was me in the backseat, they asked me to step down for a search for weed.

“I have even stopped smoking weed,” he revealed, lamenting that “You want to find weed on me for a case so you put me in jail again.”

Kwaw Kese said the continuous harassment from the security agency is making him lose interest in living in the country, adding that he always feels reluctant to return to Ghana whenever he travels abroad.

The award-winning rapper wondered if the Ghana police were there for the benefit of citizens or to torment them, citing instances where the police refused to arrest foreigners who were found smoking weed.

“Sometimes, when I travel, I don’t even want to return to Ghana.

“Anytime I remember that issue, I grieve. I’m a citizen of Ghana, but when they caught me smoking weed, they put me in prison but when a Jamaican came to Ghana and was smoking in public all over the place, the police, armed with guns, were guarding him while he smoked in the midst of Ghanaians,” Kwaw Kese bemoaned.

He asked, “So what does the police want? How do they work? Are they working for Ghanaians or against Ghanaians?”

Source: Modern Ghana