Former President Kuffour courts support for Danny List Foundation


Accra, Jan. 23, GNA – Mr. John Agyekum Kuffour, former President of Ghana has thrown his weight behind the Danny List Foundation following its vision to establish a Golf Academy in Ghana.

The Danny List Fundraising ceremony, held in Accra yesterday, was targeted at supporting Danny List’s objective of nurturing young golfers to become champions shortly.

The former President speaking at the fundraiser said, “Danny List has proved himself to be a champion worthy of emulation by all, and I from my standpoint celebrate him as a very great leader in sports”.

According to Mr. Kuffour, the 24-year-old had grown in the sport for over a decade now and would make Ghana a hub of golf in the next few years, having been tagged as one of the best the continent had ever seen.

He described List as a sportsman who was committed to allowing the youth to realize their dreams of becoming international golfers, adding that, the 24-year-old needed support to make golf a household sport in Ghana.

“Whatever you can do to support Danny this vision and ambition, let’s do voluntarily and pray that he succeeds in this laudable venture for all of us,” he said.

Under the theme “Golf4Change”, the event saw renowned golfers and sports personalities around the world come together to support the young golf champion.

List has over the years risen as one of the best in the world, competing in the European and US tours as one of the best U-25 players.

The youngster intends to establish a Golf Academy in Ghana which would include a variety of targets, high-quality golf balls, and some other experienced coaches to train the players.

Source: Ghana News Agency