Communities must initiate self-help projects to receive support from Assembly – Director

Key Issues

Nsaba (C/R), Jan. 13, GNA – The management of the Agona East District Assembly has pledged support to communities that initiate self-help projects to improve their living standard.

“Communities that would rekindle their communal spirit to start projects would not be denied support by the Assembly to complete them to enhance quality living standard,” Mr Mohammed Alhasan, the Agona East District Coordinating Director, assured residents.

He gave the assurance when the Chief of Kwesi Twikrom, Nana Kwesi Twi IV, led an entourage to pay a courtesy call on the management of the Assembly at Agona Nsaba in the Agona East of the Central Region.

The visit was to express their appreciation to the District Chief Executive, Mrs Jane Odei Paintsil, and the management for the donation of 100 pieces of roofing sheets by the Assembly to support the Community Centre project.

Mr Alhasan, on behalf of the DCE, promised additional assistance of bags of cement for the project and that the Assembly would ensure the reshaping of roads in the entire district to facilitate transportation of goods and services.

Nana Kwao Ponsi, the Presiding Member of the Assembly, also the Adontenhene of Agona Asafo, said the Assembly was poised to assist communities undertake developmental projects to complement government’s efforts.

He commended Nana Kwesi Twi and his elders for their show of appreciation to the Assembly and called on other community leaders to emulate the example.

Nana Kwesi Twi expressed gratitude to the DCE and the management of the Assembly for the longstanding relationship with the chiefs and the people of Kwesi Twikrom and called for the continuous support of the community in its development.

“We are much thankful to the Assembly for the provision of the school feeding to the town; this has increased enrolment and had lessened the burden on parents,” he stated.

Nana Mensima II, the Queen of Kwesi Twikrom, appealed to women to encourage their girl children to pursue their education diligently and study hard to enable them to become responsible women in society.

“Parents should not hesitate to encourage their girl children to take advantage of the TVET education to learn trades to assist them live a decent life and serve as role model in their communities,” she said.

Source: Ghana News Agency