Adding another ministerial job to ‘non-performing’ Cecilia Abena Dapaah worrying – NDC Communicator

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Deputy Youth Organiser of the main opposition National Democratic Congress in the Akuapem North constituency, Ahmed Agbenyadzi is questioning the performance of Sanitation and Water Resources Minister, Cecilia Abena Dapaah to warrant her caretaker role.

The minister has been acting as the caretaker minister of the Gender, Children and Social Protection Ministry since the former sector minister, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo left the post some months ago.

Last Friday, Cecilia Abana Dapaah continued as the Caretaker minister after the President announced the revocation of the Dome-Kwabenya lawmaker from the post.

NDC’s Ahmed Agbenyadzi in an interview with the reporter was surprised President Akufo-Addo could not find anyone competent to man the ministry except Cecilia Abana Dapaah who he described as “non-performing.”

“Let’s ask ourselves about the performance of Hon. Abena Dapaah at her ministry if she has even performed to expectation for her to add up another ministry” he rhetorically quizzed the reporter.

The NDC Communicator again asked the whereabout of the ‘men’ the NPP normally boast off to run the economy.

He stated “I was expecting the President to have come out with someone to replace Adwoa Sarfo the day he (President) sacked the Dome-Kwabenya lawmaker. It could have even done away with the many perceptions the public has about the whole brouhaha”.

The Dome-Kwabenya MP has come under several criticisms and backlash for absenting herself from her parliamentary and ministerial duties since the beginning of the year.

Source: Modern Ghana