Luxury Portfolio International publie son rapport 2022 sur l’état de l’immobilier de luxe

Le nombre de vendeurs d’immobilier de luxe augmente à travers le monde ; certains acheteurs expriment une forte crainte de passer à côté d’une occasion (phénomène « FOMO ») ; le développement durable est jugé « extrêmement important » parmi les acheteurs fortunés du monde entier. Le dernier rapport inclut les données relatives aux 1 à 5 % de personnes interrogées de […]

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Luxury Portfolio International Divulga Relatório Sobre Imóveis de Luxo para 2022

Número de vendedores de imóveis de luxo aumenta globalmente; alguns compradores expressam FOMO (Strong Fear of Missing Out – Forte Medo de Perder Oportunidades); Sustentabilidade “criticamente importante” entre compradores ricos em todo o mundo Relatório abrange dados dos afluentes na faixa de renda do topo 1-5% pesquisados em 20 países, representando uma população afluente de […]

Read More remporte le Digital Media Awards Worldwide de la WAN-IFRA en 2021

Sophi Dynamic Paywall remporte le prix mondial de la meilleure stratégie média payante TORONTO, 02 déc. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, Le moteur d’automatisation, d’optimisation et de prédiction basé sur l’intelligence artificielle du Globe and Mail, a remporté le prix Digital Media Award Worldwide 2021 de la WAN-IFRA dans la catégorie Meilleure stratégie média payant pour […]

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COVID-19 fight: MTN Ghana Foundation contributes GHC10 million

Sunyani, Dec. 03, GNA – MTN Ghana Foundation has donated GH¢5Million to National COVID-19 Trust Fund to support the government’s effort in combating the pandemic in the country. The presentation brings MTN’s total contribution to the fund at GH¢10 million, a press statement issued, and jointly signed by Samuel Koranteng, Chief Corporate Services Officer, and […]

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UN chief: COVID-19 laid bare barriers faced by 1 billion people with disabilities 

Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, said on Friday that those with a disability were among the hardest hit by the pandemic.  “COVID-19 has laid bare the persistent barriers and inequalities faced by the world’s one billion persons with disabilities”, he said.  Now, Mr. Guterres argued, a disability-inclusive pandemic response and recovery should be guided by persons with disabilities themselves.   It should […]

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