Rude attitude of some load carriers at Tema market unacceptable – Shoppers


Tema, July, GNA – Scores of traders and customers at Tema Community One market are furious at the rude behaviour of some load carriers describing it as a nuisance to the public.

Tema Community One Market like other markets have truck pushers and head potters as load carriers of goods for some traders and buyers.

The services provided by these truck pushers to traders and other shoppers were indispensable because they provide cheap and readily available service.

However, some traders at the market have complained about the rude behaviour these carriers put up.

Speaking to Ghana News Agency at Tema, Madam Adjoa Akyere a trader said, these carriers don’t care who was in their way when pushing the wheelbarrow or the truck and end up hurting people.

She said that, when this “happens and you try to draw their attention to it, they would rather insult and walk away without showing any signs of remorse.

Madam Mary Asabea a trader added, when they were supposed to say “agoo” which literally means excuse me politely or respectfully, they would rather shout and even push you with their wheelbarrows or trucks and this was becoming a nuisance.

Sister Adjoa Serwaa a buyer, also recounted how a truck pusher tore her dress with the truck.

Madam Yawa Dora a trader also said, her rice and gari were pushed down by these truck pushers and instead of apologising he fought her “so I got him arrested”.

Maame Donkor said, the Assembly should try and bring the load carriers under one umbrella, where they would have a leader who would advise and regulate their activities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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