Policewoman shot in Bawku Municipality


Bolgatanga, – A woman identified as a police woman with the Paga Police Unit has been shot by unknown people in the Bawku Municipality in the Upper East Region.

The Policewoman who is said to be with the Paga District Police unit visited her colleague in Bawku on Sunday and on alighting at the Highways Junction in Bawku, a destination for all commercial vehicles to stop for passengers to alight because of the security issues in the township, was shot by unknown men while making a phone call.

Though the Regional Police Command has not shared any information to the media as yet, close sources on Monday January 24 indicated that on Sunday about 1705 hours, Police Woman Constable Regina Angenu of the Paga Unit paid a visit to Constable Erasmus Enkson of the Bawku Division MTTU.

The two were on their way to Constable Enkson’s barracks when they were attacked by unknown assailants and the police woman was shot in the groin and died at the Presbyterian Mission Hospital, where she was receiving treatment.

Meanwhile, the Upper East Regional Security Council has placed a ban on riding of motorbikes in the Bawku Municipality and its surroundings, effective January 24, 2022.

The statement, which was signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga by Mr Stephen Yakubu, Upper East Regional Minister said the ban affects both men and women.

“It is also instructive to note that this ban does not include motor tricycles,” it added.

The statement therefore admonished the Bawku Municipal Security Council to strictly enforce the directive until further notice.

Since November 2021, the Bawku Municipality and its environs had experienced violent chieftaincy disputes resulting in the killing and injuring of many people.

The conflict had to do with disagreement over the performance of the funeral of a chief who died more than 40 years ago, to pave way for the enskinment of another.

The Ministry of the Interior earlier imposed a curfew in the area to restrict movement especially in the night as part of measures to deal with the insecurity situation, however, the violence continued.

The situation compelled the REGSEC to also place a ban on wearing of smock within and pillion riding by males.

Also, government, through the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, in an earlier statement noted that the Chieftaincy disagreement was settled by the Supreme Court in 2003 and urged all parties to respect the ruling.

More than 40 people have been killed so far with several injured since the reoccurrence of the impasse in November, 2021 with gunshots heard virtually every day.

Since the Bawku incidence resurfaced, eight persons are reportedly in critical conditions, and on Sunday, three civilians and a policewoman died in the shooting incidents.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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