Let’s work together to protect constitution – Pharmacist


Anomabo (C/R),– Mr. Fredrick Larbi, a pharmacist at Anomabo in the Mfantseman Municipality, has urged Ghanaians to accept to cherish and uphold the country’s constitution.

It should not be lost on anyone that it is the constitution that protects and binds them together as people..

“ As people, let us be proud of the constitution because that dictates who we are as a country” he stated.

Giving his thoughts on the essence of Constitution Day, Mr. Larbi said many Ghanaians lacked information and education on the Day leading to low involvement.

The Constitution Day, was instituted as a public holiday in 2019 to mark the coming into effect of Ghana’s 1992 Constitution and the birth of the Fourth Republic.

He called for the Government to channel more resources to the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) and the Information Services Department (ISD) to carry out massive public education to help everybody to appreciate the significance of the day.

Mr. Larbi said the education campaign must be targeted at the young people to encourage and assist them to appreciate the relevance of the Day.

A cross section of people interviewed by the GNA said they did not see the significance of the day.

Madam Aba Kese, a fishmonger said the holiday was for government workers adding that they rest on such days: “ I know that every holiday is for teachers, nurses and others to release stress”.

Miss Gifty Gyimah, a nurse at the Anomabo Health Center said the Constitution Day should be an important celebration accepted by all in the country.

She said observing the Day gave an indication of the respect that the population have for the laws governing the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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