Five-year-old hole-in-heart patient receives $2,500 from Titus-Glover


Tema,- Mr Daniel Nii Kwetei Titus-Glover, former Member of Parliament (MP) for Tema East Constituency has presented a cheque of $2,500 towards the cost of surgery for Miss Susana Ofoley Quaye, a five-year-old hole-in-heart patient.

The donation covers the total cost of surgery, anesthesia, and accommodation among others.

The Former Tema East MP also presented an additional GH¢1,000.00 for expenses they would incur during the process.

Mr Titus-Glover who was also the former Deputy Minister of Roads and Highways told the Ghana News Agency in Tema after presenting the cheque that “I was compassionately moved to support Miss Quaye, to ensure that life is saved, and a smile is put on the faces of the family members.

“When I was an MP, these are things we did with ease because when people are in desperate need, that is when your love is needed the most, looking at the poor innocent girl in the car that day when the grandmother came to me for help, I was moved, a voice spoke to me to help the little girl to live”.

The former Tema East MP explained that to save one’s life was an act that was irreplaceable adding that, “am always touched whenever there is an advert soliciting for funds to assist people battling with health conditions”.

Mr Titus-Glover noted that he has the desire to open a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the future to solicit funds to help people with heart conditions to give them a chance to live.

The former Tema East MP said nobody knows what tomorrow holds; as such, it was crucial to help those who needed help today saying, “I believe that my compassion for helping people in need, is a calling from God”.

Madam Nueki Annan, grandmother of the patient who received the cheque said, Miss Quaye dropped out of school while in the nursery because of her health condition.

Madam Annan said she had appealed to several individuals but there had been no support saying that the monthly expenditure on drugs for the patient to survive was GH¢300.00.

She thanked Mr Titus-Glover for the display of dynamic act of leadership even though he was no more MP saying that “I least expected the help from him immediately and prayed for long life for him”.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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