Inauguration of COCOBOD Education Trust: Clarification of misconception

The Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) wishes to address and clarify misconceptions arising from the recent inauguration of the COCOBOD Education Trust.

1. On Monday, 20th May 2024, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Peter Mac Manu, inaugurated a five-member Board of Trustees for the newly established COCOBOD Education Trust. This new Trust represents a system designed to utilize funds previously allocated to the Cocoa Scholarship Scheme, which has seen changes in relevance following the introduction of the free Senior High School (SHS) policy in 2017.

2. The Cocoa Scholarship Scheme was established to support wards of cocoa farmers to pursue secondary education. However, with the introduction of the free senior high school policy, this scheme is no longer necessary. The COCOBOD Education Trust is a new initiative that will utilize the funds allocated to the scholarship scheme to support education in other ways.

3. The COCOBOD Education Trust is aimed at providing resources and infrastructure for basic s
chools in cocoa-growing communities and helping to bridge the infrastructure gap between schools in deprived areas and those in urban centers.

4. We understand there are concerns among the public, perceiving this new system as a failure or collapse of the Scholarship Scheme that has supported the education of many prominent Ghanaians for more than 70 years.

We assure the public that our commitment to supporting education in Ghana remains unwavering. The COCOBOD Education Trust is a new chapter in our efforts to support the education of wards of cocoa farmers, and we are confident that it will make a positive impact on the lives of many.

5. The COCOBOD Education Trust is therefore not a termination of the Board’s educational support programs, but a diversification to better serve evolving educational needs in rural communities, including the provision of essential facilities such as classrooms, libraries, teachers’ bungalows, among others, and ensuring a conducive learning environment for children.

6. The
COCOBOD Education Trust is a strategic initiative to build on the successes of the past while introducing innovative methods to meet the evolving needs of our beneficiaries.

Source: Ghana Web

High Blood Pressure: The silent demon killing vibrant youth and loved ones

In recent times, social media has become a platform where news of the sudden demise of young, vibrant individuals spreads rapidly. The comments section is often filled with disappointment and dismay, with many asking the common question, “Were they sick? They looked healthy.”

Various news reports have shown that hypertension, commonly referred to as BP among Ghanaians, topped the list of the top 11 diseases that killed people in Ghana in 2022.

According to, the latest statistical report from the Births and Deaths Registry in Ghana revealed that 18,689 deaths, representing 36.7% of the 50,992 registered deaths, were attributed to the top 11 causes of mortality in the country.

Hypertension claimed the lives of 2,573 individuals, making it the leading cause of death, followed by pneumonia, heart failure, acute respiratory failure, stroke, diabetes, severe sepsis, septic shock, chronic liver disease, cancer, and cerebrovascular diseases.

Another report by states that
findings by the Ghana Society of Cardiology, SASNET, and the World Heart Federation revealed that an estimated 34% of Ghana’s population between the ages of 30 and 70 had hypertension or high blood pressure in 2022.

Highlighting more on this report, as sighted in a September 2022 article, the Director-General of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, stated that the data indicated that more than 600,000 people, including 400,000 females and 200,000 males, are diagnosed with high blood pressure every year, with many more affected individuals remaining undiagnosed.

A graphical representation of the distribution of the 11 top killer diseases in Ghana in 2022

The data showed that these diseases kill more males than females. For hypertension in particular, approximately 60% of the people killed by the disease are males.

This article will delve deeper into why high blood pressure is killing both the young and old at an alarming rate.

What is hypertension or high blood pressure

The Centre for Disease Control describes Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, as a serious medical condition in which the blood vessels are pushing against artery walls at a rate higher than they should. Known as ‘the silent killer,’ hypertension can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.

How is hypertension diagnosed?

Blood pressure is recorded with two numbers: systolic pressure, which is the force of your heart pumping blood, and diastolic pressure, which is the resistance to blood flow in your blood vessels between heartbeats. Hypertension is diagnosed when the blood pressure measures 130/80 mm Hg or higher.

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association divide blood pressure into four categories:

1. Normal blood pressure: Lower than 120/80 mm Hg

2. Elevated blood pressure: The top number ranges from 120 to 129 mm Hg, and the bottom number is below 80 mm Hg

3. Stage 1 hypertension: The top number ranges from 130 to 139 mm Hg or the bottom number is be
tween 80- and 89-mm Hg

4. Stage 2 hypertension: The top number is 140 mm Hg or higher, or the bottom number is 90 mm Hg or higher

What are the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is often described as dangerous and a silent killer because it often has no warning signs or symptoms. The disease can go undetected for years and become even more fatal when left uncontrolled.

The Center for Disease Control states that measuring your blood pressure is the only way to know whether you have high blood pressure. However, the World Health Organization states that people with very high blood pressure (usually 180/120 or higher) can experience symptoms including:

– severe headaches

– chest pain

– dizziness

– difficulty breathing

– anxiety

– abnormal heart rhythm

What can increase your risk of getting high blood pressure?

– older age

– genetics

– being overweight or obese

– not being physically active

– high-salt diet

– drinking too much alcohol

What are the treatments for hyper

Lifestyle changes can help lower high blood pressure. These include:

– eating a healthy, low-salt diet

– losing weight

– being physically active

– quitting smoking

– managing stress

In addition to making positive lifestyle changes, some people with high blood pressure need to take medicine to manage their blood pressure.

Talk with your healthcare team right away if:

– you think you have high blood pressure

– you’ve been told you have high blood pressure but do not have it under control

By taking action to lower your blood pressure, you can help protect yourself against heart disease and stroke, also called cardiovascular disease (CVD).

You only live once; take action to protect your life. Some people stop taking their drugs when they get introduced to some herbal preparations.

Most of these preparations are claimed to be the cure for hypertension. Stick to your doctor’s prescriptions and only stop if your doctor asks you to.

Source: Ghana Web

Electrical fire outbreaks possible during rainy season – GNFS warns

The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) has issued a warning to the public to exercise caution during the rainy season to prevent fire outbreaks.

Contrary to popular belief, the service explains that fire outbreaks, particularly those related to electrical issues, can occur during this period, hence the need for vigilance.

DO1 Alex King Nartey, from the Public Relations Department, clarified that electrical fire outbreaks are still a risk during the rainy season.

He advised that it is prudent for individuals to turn off their electrical gadgets during heavy downpours, as power fluctuations can lead to fires.

“We advise the Ghanaian public to remain vigilant.

“When it rains, switch off your gadgets since power fluctuations can cause fires. Despite common beliefs, we do record fire outbreaks, especially electrical fires, when it rains.

“Therefore, we encourage people to turn off their electrical gadgets when it rains. Sometimes, the rains are accompanied by power fluctuations and outages, which could lead
to fires,” he stated.

He also warned against standing under trees, billboards, or electric poles during heavy rains, as they can fall and cause damage.

“Electrical poles can be pulled down, and if there is power in the wires and they come into contact with water, electrocution can occur.

“It is crucial to find safe spots and wait until the rains stop. We also advise drivers to steer clear of trees and billboards and to avoid parking in low-lying areas to prevent their vehicles from being swept away by floodwaters,” he added.

These remarks were made during an interview with Nyankonton Mu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM.

Source: Ghana Web

Farmers at Adidome applaud gov’t’s PFJ Phase-two programme

Some crop farmers at Adidome in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region have expressed appreciation to the Government for implementing the Second Phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme.

The programme is set to significantly support farmers across the country by providing them with essential agricultural inputs such as fertilizers.

It also aims to boost self-sufficiency in selected food commodities, modernise agriculture, and stimulate growth through subsidies for food security and job creation by adopting a holistic value chain approach.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency’s (GNA) Mr Thomas Moore Zonyrah, the District Chief Executive, spoke on plans by government to give agriculture in the district and other parts of the country a facelift.

The initiative would also welcome new entrants, allowing more farmers to participate and receive support from the Government, which would bolster agriculture productivity and sustainability.

Mr Zonyrah assured the farmers of the Agricult
ure Department’s action to enroll all eligible participants in the programme and encouraged them to be dedicated to their work.

Mr Doku Victor, a maize farmer, highlighted the potential impact of the programme on his yield, saying: ‘I have been trying hard to get more yield over the years. But I think with the support from the second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs project, I will achieve better results.’

Similarly, Madam Esenam Amudzi, a cassava farmer, expressed her intent to enroll in the programme to benefit from the support and praised the government’s efforts in sustaining agriculture growth.

Source: Ghana News Agency

No issue with Bryan Acheampong winning hotel bids – NPP Swindon chapter chairman

Nana Osei Asibey Socatoa, chairman of the NPP UK’s Swindon Chapter, has stated that there is nothing inappropriate with the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) selling the majority of its shares in four hotels to Rock City Hotels, owned by Minister for Food and Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong.

He maintained that as long as the businessperson and politician met all the criteria for the bidding process, there was no cause for complaint.

SSNIT has announced it is divesting 60% of its shares in the four hotels to Bryan Acheampong’s company, citing their submission of the best offer.

It was clarified that Rock City Hotels provided the most compelling technical and financial proposal among the six shortlisted companies that showed interest in the bid.

SSNIT aims to collaborate with a strategic investor to raise capital for investment in its hotels and to assist in their management.

This statement from SSNIT came in response to North Tongu MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa’s petition to the Commission o
n Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), urging an investigation into the sale of six hotels, including Labadi Beach Hotel and La Palm Royal Beach Resort, to the Abetifi MP, alleging potential conflict of interest and other irregularities.

However, Chairman Socatoa, speaking on Rainbow Radio 92.4 FM in the United Kingdom with host Daniel Dadson, defended the bidding process, describing it as transparent, credible, legal, and initiated in 2018.

He argued that since a bid was opened and Rock City Hotels qualified, the process should be respected.

“Bryan Acheampong is indeed a minister and a cabinet member, but there is nothing objectionable if he has won the bid for the SSNIT hotels’ shares. As a Ghanaian businessman who has succeeded in various bids, we should not prolong this discussion unnecessarily.

“Nonetheless, I endorse the decision to petition CHRAJ on the matter. It is crucial for CHRAJ to conduct an investigation and ascertain if any wrongdoing occurred. Therefore, let’s await the outcom
e of CHRAJ’s investigation,” he concluded.

Source: Ghana Web

Nana Oye’s US$1.5m libel suit: Tony Lithur enters appearance, seeks order to dismiss action

Top lawyer Tony Lithur has filed a notice of appearance to challenge a libel action brought against him by his former wife Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, a former gender minister.

In papers filed in April 2024, the former minister, who is also a lawyer is seeking US$1.5 million in damages against libelous aversions by her former husband in their divorce petition filed years ago.

In Lithur’s notice of appearance filed on May 14, 2024, he is seeking ‘an order dismissing or staying or striking out Plaintiff’s (Nana Oye) writ of Summons and Statement of claim.’

According to Accra-based Starr FM, the motion of appearance was filed in pursuance of order 11 rules 18(1)(a)/(b)/(d) and is set to be moved on May 27, 2024.

In his filings, Lithur stated three grounds on which he wanted the matter dismissed, stayed and or struck out.

‘Take Notice that Plaintiff shall move the Honourable Court for an order dismissing or staying or striking out Plaintiff’s Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim filed on April 25, 2024, on groun
ds (a) that they do not disclose a reasonable cause of action against Defendant; and or (b) that same are frivolous and vexatious; and/or (c) that they constitute abuse of process of the Court; ‘And for such further order(s) as the Court may deem,’ he stated.

Nana Oye Bampoe Addo drags ex-husband to court in $1.5 million damages suit

At the heart of the latest suit is the ‘alleged malicious contents of the divorce petition Mr. Lithur filed on May 2, 2018, to end their 27-year-old marriage,” a report by The Chronicle newspaper said.

According to Nana Oye, this has since caused her reputational damage at home and abroad.

She added that the divorce has also maliciously caused hatred, ridicule and public odium against her.

‘The divorce petition, which was variously reported by the media, said the Plaintiff was lazy, irresponsible mother, adulterous, cruel and violent person, as well as engaged in acts that contradict her professional ethics as a human rights lawyer. These claims, Nana Oye Bampoe Addo says ha
ve maliciously injured her image.

‘Nana Oye (Plaintiff) said Mr. Lithur’s (Defendant) claims could be understood that she is cruel and violent philanderer, adulteress, human rights violator, mean and wicked person and unfit to hold public office.

‘In reference to the divorce petition, the former minister said her ex-husband accused her, as a human rights lawyer, of an act of cruelty and violence including pouring water, beating, slapping and using her fingernails to harm their domestic staff,’ portions of the suit sighted by GhanaWeb read.

Source: Ghana Web

SLAMARFEST launched to advocate reparations for Africans

Slave Market Festival (SLAMARFEST) has been launched in Accra to advocate amends and compensation for Africans.

SLAMARFEST is a festival celebrated annually to emancipate Africans from mental bondage, African slave trade history and its effects on the African continents.

The slave trade was a dehumanising and painful period for Africans and is believed to have impacted on the African continent.

Mr Isaac Wereckoh Ampem, Founder of Slave Market Festival, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Accra said, the slave trade was a painful act and a dehumanising treatment that forefathers who were captured as slaves were subjected to, leading to most Africans believing in white supremacy.

He said most Africans had been brainwashed in several ways such as language, dressing, dancing, eating, and thinking, ‘our education and Christianity has made Africans not to excel in any developmental projects even when we try to’, he added.

He said forebears worked hard in the development of the western world, by worki
ng in their plantations and fields, therefore, Africans needed reparation and compensation for their efforts.

He called on African leaders to have a dialogue and push for compensation to allow Africans hail from ills caused by colonial masters.

He said African leaders must set up an enquiry body to ensure the westerners paid for their dehumanising acts on Africans. ‘The beneficiaries themselves know they gained a lot from Africans therefore when Africans make the efforts, they will pay for their debts.

‘Africans were not slaves but were enslaved and the scars of the slave trade continued to live in the memory of many Africans.’ ‘So, never again should we allow a handful of people to come to our land and seize the people and turn them into slaves,’ he said.

Mr Ampem said the compensation could be done in the form of funds or developing Africa without any prejudices.

He said the compensation was long overdue, however, it was never too late to demand returns from the whites.

The Founder said Ghana was the
main point of African slave trade, which made Ghana a leading country to push for the reparations and compensation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Hopeson Adorye released after meeting bail conditions

Mr Hopeson Adorye, a leading member of the Movement for Change, has been released from police custody after meeting his bail conditions on Thursday afternoon.

Mr Adorye was arrested on Tuesday on claims of detonating explosives in the Volta Region during the 2016 General Elections.

Mr Adorye, a former member of the New Patriotic Party, and his legal team on Wednesday afternoon executed his GHS20,000 bail requirement together with two sureties at the Dansoman Circuit Court.

His lawyers declined to speak with the media after his release.

Some supporters of the Movement of for Change, who accompanied him to the Dansoman Circuit Court, celebrated his release and vowed to support him till the final determination of the case.

On May 10, 2024, Mr Adorye said on a radio interview that he and others planned and set off explosives to scare voters in the National Democratic Congress’ strongholds in the Volta Region to help the New Patriotic Party win the elections.

The self-confession by Mr Adorye went viral leadi
ng to calls for his arrest and interrogation.

Mr Adorye was reportedly invited by the Police on Wednesday over his claims.

Upon arrival at the Ministries Police Station in Accra, he was detained and subsequently processed for Court on Thursday morning.

Mr Adorye was charged with publication of false news.

The Dansoman Circuit Court, presided over by Halimah El-Alawa Abdul-Baasit, granted the accused bail in the sum of GHS20,000 with two sureties one of whom must be justified.

Seven Lawyers, led by Yaw Buaben Asamoa, a member of the Legal Team of the Movement for Change, filed the bail application, arguing that their client will not interfere with investigations.

As part of the bail condition, Mr Adorye is to report to the police once every week.

Source: Ghana News Agency