Onakankuzi residents demand water from regional council

ONAKANKUZI: Residents of Onakankuzi village in the Omuthiya Constituency of the Oshikoto Region have expressed concern about water difficulties in their village.

A total of 97 residents from 94 households attended a village meeting on Thursday where they discussed challenges they face with various directorates of the Oshikoto Regional Council.

The village’s headman, Leevi Nangolo explained that they have a critical challenge of water and urged NamWater to extend their pipelines to their village because people currently depend on traditional wells.

Nangolo said residents from his community depend on salty and smelly water from traditional wells and thus called on the regional council to construct an earth dam for their animals.

‘People are also using drugs, fighting and committing crimes such as stock theft,’ added Nangolo.

He said they lack recreational facilities, sanitation and electricity.

The directorate of water supply and sanitation representative at the meeting, Asser Iimbondi urged the community
to follow the procedures put in place to acquire a pipeline.

‘You should write a letter specifying how many households and animals will depend on this water and the distance it will cover in kilometres to the regional council and the directorate of rural water supply,’ said Iimbondi.

He added that people should stop complaining that they do not have water in their houses and act so they can acquire water.

‘We need to step up, people should come and remind us at our offices that they need water,’ said Iimbondi.

Iimbondi further said people have a tendency to take things for granted once they do get water and in such cases stop paying their water bills.

‘If you do not pay your water bills then we will cut your water,’ he said.

Iimbondi further said that if the community wants water tankers they should organise themselves and go to NamWater and pay to get water.

Oshikoto Regional Council chairperson, Samuel Shivute was accompanied by various directorates from the regional council such as the directorate o
f gender equality, poverty eradication and social welfare, directorate of water supply, sanitation and coordination and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Social Services.

Shivute encouraged the residents of Onakankuzi to refrain from criminal activities.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Savo Nuts Private School exam results nullified due to malpractices: Nghipondoka

WINDHOEK: Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka has stated that results from Savo Nuts Private School candidates are not withheld, but rather nullified for the subjects with evidence of malpractice.

These candidates are currently serving a 12-month penalty outlined in the Government Gazette on 28 June 2016, for violating the minimum requirements and standards for administering national senior secondary certificate examinations.

Nghipondoka on Thursday was responding to questions posed by Member of Parliament Elma Dienda of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), in relation to the examination results of some candidates from Savo Nuts Private School at Oshikango in the Ohangwena Region.

Dienda inquired whether these learners would be able to continue their education at the school in question, given that the topic of deregistering the school is still in court.

The minister stated that the candidates will be allowed to finish their study beginning in 2025, as they are only barred for 12 mo

‘Candidates can repeat their subjects at any registered and recognised centre for national examinations. I should also clarify that the school under discussion has not been de-registered,’ she stated.

The MP also wanted to know how the ministry will ensure that these students do not face discrimination when they attend other schools.

The minister stated that learners can register at any centre without discrimination as long as they have the requisite documents. The names of these candidates are not made public by the ministry, thus prejudice is quite improbable, she stated.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Brick-making project targets youth unemployment at Walvis Bay

WALVIS BAY: With the youth making up the country’s majority population, youth development and empowerment are at the forefront of Government’s agenda.

This is according to Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope while addressing Friday’s official launch of the African Counsellors Social Development Association (ACSDA) Youth Brickmaking Project at Walvis Bay.

Itope said Namibia’s development, through the attainment of goals as outlined in Vision 2030, the successive national development plans, and the Harambee Prosperity Plan and ultimately, is linked to the well-being of its youth.

‘The country’s population is youthful, and prosperity for future generations depends on investments to enhance our youth’s health, education, social welfare, and opportunities for economic empowerment,’ he expressed.

The project currently employs 10 youth from Walvis Bay and was funded with N.dollars 2,4 million by the Social Security Commission (SSC) through its Development Fund, to fight poverty and reduce unemployment by creatin
g employment opportunities for the youth.

The governor therefore commended the collaboration by ACSDA and SSC for their contribution towards the country’s youth developmental goals.

‘This project marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to combat unemployment and poverty, particularly among the youth of Walvis Bay.’

In a speech delivered on her behalf, SCC Chief Executive Officer Milka Mungunda noted that the company’s allocation of funds to establish the brick-making enterprise underscores its unwavering commitment to supporting sustainable development initiatives that provide tangible benefits to communities.

‘Youth empowerment is a cornerstone of national development. Our youth are the drivers of innovation, the bearers of our future, and the custodians of our dreams. Investing in them means investing in the future of our nation,’ she stressed.

To date, a total of N.dollras 1 315 675 from the total funding, has been disbursed, facilitating the development of the site, procurement of bri
ck-making equipment, acquisition of a delivery truck, and recruitment and training of the youth.

ACSDA Director, Saltiel Kalola noted that the organisation’s vision is to achieve community social and psychological wellness through psychological services, skills training, and livelihood promotion intervention.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Nangombe urges caution amid Mpox outbreak in SA

WINDHOEK: Ministry of Health and Social Services Executive Director, Ben Nangombe has advised members of the public to exercise caution after cases of monkeypox (Mpox) were reported in South Africa.

Nangombe in an interview with Nampa indicated that although there is no cause for alarm as no Mpox cases have been reported in Namibia, it is cause for concern not only for Namibia, but globally, whenever there is a confirmed outbreak of a disease.

‘The Mpox outbreak in a neighbouring country is a concern because the disease can spread due to international travel. Today it’s in South Africa but the following day it can be across the Atlantic or the pacific, so it is a situation that should be of concern to everyone,’ Nangombe said.

He further indicated that the ministry is closely monitoring the situation in line with World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations in terms of how countries should position themselves in the event of disease outbreak.

‘Given the outbreaks in our neighbourhood, our healthcare wo
rkers are advised to act with a high index of suspicion,’ Nangombe remarked.

He further said the ministry has surveillance systems in place to monitor outbreaks, saying the epidemiology division is primed to monitor and assess potential outbreaks.

‘We do have mechanisms in place that help us to monitor a situation and to be able to respond appropriately in terms of taking the necessary actions. We also have ports of entry officials at our border posts who also monitor the movements of people coming into the country by air, land borders or by sea,’ he stated.

South Africa has reported 16 cases of Mpox since May this year. Two of the cases were confirmed in Gauteng and three in KwaZulu-Natal.

On 26 June, South Africa’s National Department of Health confirmed that the death toll in the ongoing outbreak has risen to three.

Nangombe called on members of the public to continue exercising caution by practicing hand hygiene, wearing masks, practicing cough etiquette and avoiding crowded places.

‘These are lesso
ns we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic,’ the executive director said.

Mpox common symptoms include a skin rash, fever, headache, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

NTB denies spending N.dollars 60 000 on politicians for Etotha Carnival

WINDHOEK: The Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) has denied spending N.dollars 60 000 on costumes for the President, First Lady, and Vice President, attending the Etotha Carnival.

This comes after claims circulated on social media and in local newspapers that NTB intended to spend N.dollars 60 000 on costumes for the politicians attending.

The Etotha Carnival Festival is scheduled from 27 June to 01 July at the Kangonde Salt Pan in the Oshikoto Region.

In an interview with Nampa on Thursday, NTB CEO Bonnie Mbidzo stated that the amount spent on advertising for this event is within the company’s budget and is not an uncommon spend.

‘Therefore, NTB planned to participate in this noble initiative. The Namibia Tourism Board only spends what is budgeted for, and any claims suggesting otherwise are misleading and inaccurate,’ he said.

Mbidzo stated that the carnival is organised in collaboration with several entities, including the Ministry of Environment and the Ondonga Traditional Authority, and that its primary ro
le is to oversee the carnival’s marketing efforts, ensuring its visibility and promotion both locally and internationally.

‘The Namibia Tourism Board has sponsored several high-profile delegates and government officials. NTB as a marketing arm of Government has over the past given corporate gifts for visiting journalists on familiarisation trips and at international trade fairs and road shows, NTB has been giving these hats and jackets on numerous occasions,’ he said.

He also stated that NTB understands the worries about the reported increase of its projects and would want to emphasise that its budget is carefully monitored to guarantee prudent spending.

He said funding for these expenditures is allocated from NTB’s existing budget, which has been changed to reflect new priorities.

‘As always, we remain committed to maximising the impact of our limited resources and will continue to prioritise strategic investments that drive long-term growth and development in the tourism sector,’ Mbidzo stated.

He emph
asised the Etotha Carnival’s significance as an important event in Namibia’s tourism calendar, noting that it demonstrated the festival’s collaborative nature, which strives to enhance tourism, bringing economic advantages to the region.

NTB’s marketing initiatives are intended to attract tourists, raise awareness, and promote local companies, he stated.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Drought threatens voter registration in Kunene

OPUWO: The recurring drought which has ravaged livestock and crippled livelihoods in the Kunene region is now impeding the voter registration process in some sections of the region as farmers are forced to relocate in quest of greener pastures.

According to Mike Nganjone, the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) regional elections officer in Kunene, drought is also posing unprecedented hurdles to the voter registration procedure, with a large number of farmers unable to register for the presidential and national assembly elections set for 27 November 2024.

‘As we know the region is still reeling in drought and most of the people here are farmers. They are nomadic so most of the time they move around in search of grazing for their animals,’ he said in a recent interview with Nampa.

The movement of farmers in Sesfontein, Epupa, and Opuwo Rural necessitates the deployment of a team to mobilise people, inform them of the registration dates, and advise them not to leave the area until they are registered.

most cases, we first send out a team to mobilise people, inform them of the registration date, and just caution them not to leave the area before they are registered,’ he noted.

Kunene is one of the country’s vastest regions, thus rendering it difficult for ECN to reach specific parts of it by road or vehicle, a challenge that has necessitated the use of a helicopter to ferry ECN officials to difficult-to-reach locations.

According to Nganjone, the team left for the hard-to-reach areas on 12 June and will return to Opuwo on 26 July to attend to voters in the villages of Skeleton Coast Safaris, Sierra Cafema, Otjavaja, Okakora, Otjomumborombonga, Otjiheke Tjangututu, Onjezu, Ehekeratjitindi, Otjahawe, Oroviheke, and Orokaue.

Among other obstacles, Nganjone highlighted that certain individuals arrive with erroneous documents, such as old voter cards, believing that they will be able to obtain new ones by using the old ones.

He said the region has 31 teams separated into two zones: Kunene North, which compri
ses Opuwo Urban, Opuwo Rural, Epupa, and Sesfontein, and Kunene South, which includes Kamanjab, Khorixas and Outjo, with a total of 104 registration officers.

Despite the multiple hurdles, Nganjone stated that voter registration is faring well, with over 20,000 persons registered since 03 June 2024 in the region.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Colombia 2024: 35 players to begin camping ahead of U-20 Women’s World Cup

Yussif Basigi, Head Coach of the Black Princesses has settled on 35 players to begin camping ahead of the U-20 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Colombia.

Ghana secured a place at the global showpiece after thrashing the Teranga Lionesses of Senegal 7-1 on aggregate.

In its seventh consecutive appearance, the West African giants are ready conquer the rest of the world to clinch the title this time round.

The team is expected to commence camping on Thursday 27th June,2024 in Cape Coast.

The U-20 FIFA Women’s World Cup, scheduled for August 31 to September 22, 2024, would see Ghana lock horns with Austria, New Zealand and Japan in Group E.

Goalkeepers: Afi Amenyaku, Debora Brown, Amina Ahamadu, Huzeeiman Osman, Afishatu Issah, Najat Salam.

Defenders: Comfort Yeboah, Fatimata Fuseini, Opoku Anoma Abena, Afishatu Mohammed, Sarah Kulible, Afia Twumwaa, Abiba Issah, Hannah Nyame, Comfort Owusu and Faiza Abdul Rashid.

Midfielders: Stella Nyamekye, Wasiima Mohammed, Tracey Twum, Beline Nyarkoa, Asana Alhassan, Success
Ameyaa, Sarah Nyarko, Jacqueline Amponsah, Debora Annoh, Jennifer Owusuwaa.

Attackers: Princess Owusu, Salamatu Abdulai, Rita Moussa, Asantewaa Angela, Mary Amponsah, Agnes Yeboah, Mercy Attobrah, Jennifer Dawah and Abigail Sakyiwaa.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Medal Rankings: Ghana finishes ninth at 2024 African Athletics Championship

Team Ghana at the just-ended African Athletics Championship finished ninth on the medal rankings after winning two gold and one silver medal.

Team Ghana, who placed 12th in the last edition after winning one gold medal in Mauritius, made a massive improvement at this year’s championship, which was held in Douala, Cameroon.

The 18-man Ghana contingent could have even improved their medal ranking in the final of the competition but missed out narrowly in the 200m finals and men’s high jump competition.

Mary Boakye and Abdul Rashid Saminu finished fourth in the women’s and men’s 200m finals, while high jumper Evans Yamoah also missed out on a place at the podium.

However, Rose Yeboah grabbed her second consecutive gold medal in the women’s high jump event at the 2024 African Athletics Championship.

Also, the men’s 4×100 quartet comprising Ibrahim Fuseni, Isaac Botsio, Edwin Gadayi, and Abdul Rasheed won a gold medal, while their female counterparts won a silver.

Team Ghana would be looking to have their be
st outing at the African Athletics Championship when they host the next edition in 2026.

Source: Ghana News Agency