Ghana Publishing Company to launch Ashanti Region office in July

A delegation from Ghana Publishing Company Limited (GPCL), led by the Board and Management, visited the Manhyia Palace to pay their respects to His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene.

The visit was a significant milestone in GPCL’s expansion plans, as the company prepares to establish a regional branch in the Ashanti Region.

The delegation sought the Asantehene Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II’s blessings and endorsement for their endeavors.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II graciously received the delegation and expressed his support for GPCL’s initiatives in the region and beyond.

The Asantehene commended the company’s commitment to promoting literacy and education in Ghana.

As a symbol of their appreciation, GPCL, led by the Managing Director David Asante, presented a donation of GH100,000 to support the Healing Komfo Anokye Hospital project, an initiative of the Manhyia Palace.

The meeting reinforced the strong bond between GPCL and the Manhyia Palace, fostering a partnership that will benefit the people of t
he Ashanti Region.

“We are deeply grateful for the King’s blessings and guidance. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration, promoting the region’s development and prosperity,” said David Asante, GPCL’s Managing Director.

GPCL said it remains dedicated to delivering exceptional services, supporting community growth, and honoring its social responsibilities.

Source: Ghana Web

SALL Election Denial Case: Ho High Court orders Peter Amewu to testify on July 2

The Ho High Court has directed Peter Amewu, the second respondent in the ongoing SALL election denial case, to provide his testimony on July 2, 2024.

This decision follows an assertion by Peter Amewu’s counsel that he was unavailable for court proceedings due to a national assignment, as reported by

Counsel for the petitioners, Tsatsu Tsikata, raised concerns about the conduct of the second respondent, highlighting that his absence from the court undermined the authority of the judiciary.

Peter Amewu had previously evaded court bailiffs for nearly a year, and there were allegations of violence inflicted by his associates on bailiffs.

During the proceedings, the court introduced two additional issues to the trial at the request of Mr. Amewu’s counsel. These issues questioned the constitutionality of the enactment of C.I 128 and the authority of the Electoral Commission to place the SALL communities under the Jasikan District.

Legal representatives engaged in a rigorous debate over these a
dditional issues. Counsel for the petitioners argued that the existing court-set issues already covered these matters, while Mr. Amewu’s counsel contended that the court lacked jurisdiction to declare C.I 128 unconstitutional, citing Article 130(1) and (2) of the 1992 Constitution.

The Electoral Commission’s counsel supported this position, emphasizing that C.I 128 governed the 2020 elections nationwide. In response, Mr. Tsikata clarified that the focus of the case was specifically on the Hohoe constituency and the validity of C.I 128 concerning the exclusion of SALL traditional areas from that constituency.

Ultimately, the court ruled that if the second respondent intended to file additional witness statements following the introduction of the new issues, they must do so within three days.

Counsel for the second respondent indicated the possibility of not submitting further witness statements and suggested that Mr. Amewu might choose not to testify at all.

Source: Ghana Web

Hard working Akufo-Addo surrounded by ‘thieves’ – GUM leader Osofo Kyiri Abosom

Rev Christian Kwabena Andrews, founder and leader of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), has expressed a critical yet supportive view of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, praising his efforts while condemning those around him.

In an interview on CTV’s morning show “Dwabo,” Mr Andrews popularly known as Osofo Kyiri Abosom described the President as “good” and hardworking but asserted that he is surrounded by embezzlers.

“Nana Akufo-Addo is working, as he sits there, he’s really working. It is those surrounding him who are thieves. He’s good, he’s really working,’ the GUM leader emphasised.

Recounting a personal interaction, Kyiri Abosom shared: ‘When 2024 began I phoned Nana Akufo-Addo, Bediatuo was the one who answered the phone and said they were abroad but he handed him [Nana Addo] the phone as soon as he heard it was me. I requested to see him, so he invited me over on their return home. I went to his office to talk, and I left there around midnight.’

The GUM leader raised concerns about the country’s
debt and questioned the actions of government officials.

‘Each Ghanaian owes a debt of GHS22,000. They are thieves; all that money, what did they do with it?’ he quizzed, adding, ‘These people, you can’t trust them, you can’t believe them.’

Source: Ghana Web

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supports renovation of Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools

The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools in Adabraka has been transformed following an extensive refurbishment project funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in collaboration with the Ga Mantse Foundation.

The renovated school was officially commissioned in a ceremony that marked the realization of a vision set forth by His Royal Majesty King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, the Ga Mantse and President of the Ga Traditional Council.

In his address at the commissioning ceremony, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, Africa West Area President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed his joy in seeing the project come to fruition.

“We are honored to support this vital initiative that will impact the lives of many children in this community. Education is the cornerstone of a bright future, and we are committed to helping provide the resources needed for these children to succeed,” Elder Nielsen stated.

He added that successful completion of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools
renovation is ample proof of the power of collaboration and the impact of community-driven initiatives.

Elder Nielsen was confident that as the students and teachers of the school step into their new and improved environment, the foundation has been laid for a brighter educational future in Adabraka.

Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Kwartei Titus Glover representing President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said it was a day of great delight seeing the advancement of education through enhanced infrastructure. ‘This is consistent with our agenda to make education accessible to all Ghanaians,’ he noted.

The project, which began on August 2, 2021, during the King’s 50th birthday, stemmed from his commitment to enhancing the educational infrastructure for the children in his community. Instead of a lavish birthday celebration, the King chose to spend the day with the students of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools. Shocked by the dilapidated state of the school, he pledged to renovate it to provide
a conducive learning environment.

The journey to the renovation began with the formation of a committee led by Honorable Ekow Spio Garbrah – an alumnus of the school – who worked tirelessly alongside the Municipal Chief Executive of Korley Klottey, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Ga Mantse Foundation, and various other stakeholders.

Their combined efforts led to the sod-cutting ceremony on May 10, 2023, and the commencement of construction shortly thereafter.

On her part, Member of Parliament for the Korle Klottey Constituency, Dr. Zanetor Rawlings, lauded the collaborative efforts that made the renovation possible. “This is the most dramatic transformation of any school I have personally witnessed. This project is a shining example of what can be achieved when communities and organisations come together with a shared vision. The refurbishment of this school will undoubtedly have a lasting positive impact on our children’s education and future prospects,” Dr. Rawlings remarked.

The ne
wly refurbished school now boasts state-of-the-art facilities that will provide students with a better learning environment. Classrooms have been upgraded, new educational materials provided, and essential amenities installed to support the holistic development of the students.

The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools now features a newly built library with over 2,000 books and a state-of-the-art ICT center with 40 fully installed computers. The project included the renovation of the 12-unit Mantse Tackie Tawiah block, the 6-unit Liberty Avenue block, the Mantse Tackie Tawiah KG block, and the Liberty Avenue ICT Laboratory and office.

Additionally, a new astro turf football pitch with a 60-seater spectator stand, an 8-seater toilet facility with urinals and girls’ changing rooms, and a 100-seater canteen have been constructed. A 20-seater toilet facility was also renovated. The school’s perimeter was upgraded with a new fence wall, improved drainage, new pavements, landscaping, a new security post, and
an upgraded entrance.

King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, whose vision and dedication drove the project, shared his aspirations for the future. “This renovation is just the beginning. I have many more dreams for the Ga State, and with the continued support of our development partners, we will achieve them. Every child deserves the opportunity to receive quality education and realize their full potential,” the King affirmed.

Source: Ghana Web

A critical wake-up call to all concerned citizens

The current cohort of Senior High School students, now aged between 15 and 18, and their seniors, the Free SHS graduates, now aged between 19 and 24, were merely 8 to 11 and 12 to 17 years old, respectively, when Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia assumed the highest offices in our nation. They did so on the basis of promises that many now regard as deceptive.

For the past eight years, these young individuals have known no other presidency but that of Akufo-Addo and his vice president, Bawumia. At the time of the 2016 and 2020 elections, they were too young to fully understand the realities and implications behind the campaign promises that were made.

Today, many of these youths may not be aware of the inconsistencies and unfulfilled promises that have marked these past elections. Consequently, they may be particularly vulnerable to the narratives and pledges currently being put forward by Vice President Bawumia, including recent commitments such as providing laptops and tablets to student

It is crucial that we, as members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), along with concerned grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and other relatives, take proactive steps to educate and inform our youth. We must ensure that they are aware of the historical context and realities behind the political rhetoric they are exposed to.

We need to engage our young people in thoughtful conversations, equipping them with factual information and fostering critical thinking. It is important to emphasize the significance of scrutinizing political promises and understanding the long-term impact of political leadership on their future.

This is not merely a call to action, but a critical early warning. The youth of today will shape the future of our nation, and it is our responsibility to guide them with honesty and integrity, helping them to make informed decisions that will benefit their generation and the country as a whole.

Recent promises by Dr. Bawumia, such as the distribution of laptops and tablets, shou
ld be approached with a critical perspective, given the context of past unmet commitments.

Let us come together in our efforts to cultivate a well-informed and discerning youth population capable of critically evaluating political promises and holding leaders accountable. This is not just a political imperative but a moral duty to our future generations.

Source: Ghana Web

This is madness, what are you celebrating? – Kwesi Pratt slams government over celebration of Eurobond deal

Veteran journalist Kwesi Pratt Jnr has criticized members of the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government for “rejoicing” over an agreement reached with Eurobond holders regarding the treatment of Ghana’s $13 billion debt to external creditors.

Under the agreement, Eurobond holders are expected to forego approximately $4.7 billion of the debt owed to them by Ghana and provide additional cash flow relief of around $4.4 billion to support debt sustainability efforts.

“Under the Agreement in Principle, Bondholders would forego approximately $4.7 billion of their claims and provide cash flow relief of approximately $4.4 billion during the IMF program period,” the agreement term sheet stated.

Supporters of the government, including President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Finance Minister Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, have hailed this as an achievement and a sign that investors have confidence in Ghana’s rebounding economy.

In response, during a panel discussion on the Good Morning Ghana program on Wednesday, June 27
, 2024, Kwesi Pratt Jr. expressed disbelief that government members were celebrating the agreement.

“When I watch television, listen to the radio, and read the newspapers, I’m always shocked by what our leaders celebrate. What are they celebrating?” he questioned.

The veteran journalist pointed out that the agreement actually highlights the economic challenges facing the country and indicates that Ghana is financially strained and unable to meet its debt obligations.

“You’re so indebted, you can’t pay your loans, you have reached a state of bankruptcy, and so on. Your creditors gather and say, ‘Look, we need to recoup at least some of what we lent you and therefore, we are restructuring the debt, forgiving a small percentage, adjusting interest rates on some debts to recover something.’ And our leaders, surprisingly, are celebrating this as a sign of confidence in the Ghanaian economy.

“Madness. Complete madness. You listen to the NPP’s communication and they say, ‘This is a sign of confidence in the Ghan
aian economy.’ How is this a sign of confidence in the Ghanaian economy? How? Admitting that you are financially strained and unable to meet your debts is seen as a sign of confidence in the economy.”

Source: Ghana Web

Ambulance Case: Attorney-General takes over cross-examination

Attorney-General and Minister of Justice Godfred Yeboah Dame has taken over the cross-examination of Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the ongoing ambulance procurement trial, from his deputy, Alfred Tuah-Yeboah.

State prosecutors are currently cross-examining Mr. Jakpa in a case involving the Minority Leader of Parliament, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, who is standing trial alongside him. Both men are accused of willfully causing financial loss to the state and deliberately misapplying state funds.

The state alleges a loss of pound 2.37 million due to the procurement of defective Sprinter buses.

During Thursday hearing on June 27, 2024, Mr. Tuah-Yeboah revealed that the prosecution aims to complete its cross-examination by next Tuesday.

This marks the first time Attorney-General Godfred Dame is directly cross-examining the witness, following earlier speculation that he was avoiding confrontation with Richard Jakpa after a leaked conversation suggested potential witness tampering.

Attorney-General Dame is no
w the third state prosecutor to interrogate Mr. Richard Jakpa, following Deputy AG Alfred Tuah-Yeboah and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Yvonne Atakorah Obuobisa.

Source: Ghana Web

What is the corruption in this? – Sammy Gyamfi defends NDC gurus listed in Dubai property scandal

Sammy Gyamfi, the Communications Officer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has defended former ministers Moses Asaga and Inusah Abdulai Fuseini, against accusations of involvement in a “dirty money” scandal linked to real estate investments in Dubai.

An investigative report released in May 2024 by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) alleged that Inusah Fuseini, a former Minister of Lands and Natural Resources and ex-Member of Parliament for Tamale Central, owns 20 apartments in Dubai, valued at over US$6 million.

The report, titled “How Dirty Money Finds a Home in Dubai Real Estate,” details how various individuals, including politicians and criminals, conceal their wealth in Dubai through property investments.

The report also identified Moses Asaga, a former deputy finance minister, as owning property in Dubai. Asaga is alleged to have invested $133,000 in a hotel in Dubai.

Speaking on his NDC 360 show on June 26, 2024, Sammy Gyamfi dismissed the allegations, asserting
that the investments were legitimate and unrelated to any form of corruption.

“Honourable Moses Asaga and Honourable Inusah Fuseini are the individuals captured in the report, not Mahama, I have heard Adom Otchere saying that this is the biggest scandal in the history of Ghana, but really, what is the corruption in this?”

Gyamfi elaborated on Asaga’s financial history, noting his extensive career spanning over 30 years in various significant roles, including positions at Ecobank, GNPC, and several oil companies, as well as serving as the Deputy Minister for Finance.

“Moses Asaga is being accused of investing $133,000 in a hotel in Dubai. Go and read the reports, what are the real facts; he invested $133,000 in 2008 when he was in opposition,” Gyamfi argued.

“He paid the money over a period of 18 months for a single-room student apartment. What are they talking about?

‘Paul Adom Otchere is saying that this man cannot afford $133,000 in opposition to invest,’ he added.

Regarding Inusah Fuseini, Gyamfi emp
hasized that Fuseini has publicly refuted the allegations, asserting that the claims made in the report are false.

“Honourable Inusah Fuseini has set the records straight that what they are saying is not true and for that matter, he will engage his lawyers for legal action,’ he added.

Source: Ghana Web