KiddieFest 2024: Ga West celebrates Ghana’s rich cultural tapestry

The Ga West Municipal Education Directorate hosted a vibrant celebration of Ghanaian culture on June 15th, 2024, at Amasaman, marking a day of joyous festivities under the banner of KiddieFest.

This cultural extravaganza aimed to kindle the flame of heritage in the hearts of young Ghanaians as they embarked on an exploratory journey through the nation’s rich traditions and stories.

Jemima Dufie Agyepong, the Early Childhood Coordinator for the Ga West Municipal Education Directorate, highlighted the importance of creating an interactive space for children to discover and appreciate Ghana’s unique customs through music, dance, art, and play.

“Our goal is to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a lifelong appreciation for cultural diversity,” she stated.

“By bringing together educators, cultural experts, and community members, we are crafting a collaborative environment that values shared knowledge and experiences.”

The KiddieFest event provided a platform for early graders from seven circuits within the mu
nicipality, including Kotoku, Kuntunse, Amasaman, Sapeiman, Mayera, Okushiebiade, and Achiaman, to immerse themselves in Ghana’s cultural heritage. Adorned in traditional and contemporary attire, the young participants engaged in activities such as cultural dances, poetry recitals, choral music, culinary arts, drama, and more.

Enock Noye Tawiah, the Municipal Director of the Ga West Educational Directorate, emphasized the significance of instilling Ghanaian cultural values in young learners.

He expressed concern over the influence of foreign cultures and advocated for a stronger promotion of Ghanaian values in schools.

“It is essential for our children to grow up with a deep appreciation of our cultural roots,” he remarked.

Source: Ghana Web

Let Eid rekindle spirit of kindness, love for one another – Seidu Agongo

Businessman and philanthropist Alhaji Seidu Agongo has appealed to Ghanaians to show more compassion and generosity to one another during the Eid-ul-Adha festival and beyond.

Alhaji Agongo, who is sponsoring thousands of people into school, through skills training and with shelter, food, and funds, said it was only in giving that human beings find true fulfillment in the worship of Allah, and the manifestation of their spiritual beliefs.

Speaking to the media to mark this year’s Eid-ul-Adha celebration, the founder of the collapsed Heritage Bank Limited said while giving should be an everyday thing, occasions like Sallah were meant to bring humanity closer to God as well as remind them of the need to share with each, however little.

Alhaji, therefore, expressed the hope that Muslims and Christians alike would use the occasion to preach and spread love, compassion, and any material gains they have been blessed with.

Economic crisis

The founder of the Class Media Group (CMG) said giving was particularly c
rucial this year, given the economic challenges that the country finds itself in.

With prices of basic items and utilities rising; eroding the already meager incomes of fellow citizens, Alhaji said underprivileged families will find it tough to celebrate Eid.

He said any support would mean more to such families as it could bring smiles to the faces of children and even parents.

The business mogul’s appeal comes when religious leaders are urging their followers to be conscious of the tough times in marking the occasion.

Last week, an Imam at the Ashaiman Newtown Junction Mosque, Malam Abdul Rakib Abubakar, advised Muslims to celebrate the Eid within budget, given the economic challenges.

Last year, Muslims in the Upper East Region reportedly resorted to chicken in place of the age-old sheep and cattle as protein to celebrate the occasion as a result of the economic crunch.

Alhaji Agongo said these were evidence that not many families would be able to afford the special meal associated with such occasions
, hence the need for the few privileged to support the needy.

Wealth in diversity

Alhaji Agongo also admonished Ghanaians to cherish and nurture the diversity in society, shaped by our hereditary backgrounds, life experiences, inheritances, and the favours bestowed by God.

‘Whether one follows a specific religion or a unique spiritual path, the essence of our existence is to live harmoniously, recognising the value each person brings to the world. Our diversity is not a barrier but a beautiful tapestry that weaves together a more vibrant society,’ he said.

He said these differences, which he described as blessings, should be celebrated, not as points of division but as opportunities for growth and strength.

‘In these trying times, let us remember that our strength lies in our unity. Let us embrace the differences that make us unique and cherish the commonalities that bind us.

‘By doing so, we can create a world where mutual respect and understanding prevail, ensuring that the human race thrives in a spi
rit of coexistence and harmony,’ Alhaji Agongo said.

Meanwhile, CMG comprises the Class 91.3 FM, Accra 100.5 FM, Ho 92.5 FM, CTV, and Dagbon 102.5 FM, among other media houses nationwide.

Alhaji Seidu Agongo pays the fees of hundreds of students at various levels of education and also constructed an outpatient block for the Child Emergency Unit of Korle Bu in 2018.

Last year, he donated cash to more than 1,150 aged and other vulnerable residents of Mepe in the Volta Region affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage disaster.

Source: Ghana Web

Patient abandoned in bush was treated and discharged to her preferred destination – Winneba Trauma Hospital

The Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba has, in a report, indicated that the patient who was abandoned in a bush was treated, declared okay and was discharged.

In a report by the Medical Director who has been relieved of his position pending an investigation, the patient who was brought in from Gomoa Ojobi was discharged from the hospital after they took responsibility for her.

‘The patient had been on admission for six (6) days and finally discharged on the 3rd June 2024 after being declared well. The medical record is tendered in as evidence,’ the report said.

The report indicated that the patient insisted on being taken to Gomoa Ojobi and there was correspondence between the hospital and the social welfare officer of Gomoa Ojobi before she was taken away.

The Hospital said it performed the role expected of it even though the inevitable occurred.

‘Sincerely speaking, if one should objectively analyse the situation at hand, one would realize that the hospital had played its role as expected of it b
y taking care of the patient, empathize with her but unfortunately the inevitable occurred.’

The Ghana Health Service has been given 30 days to investigate the issue and bring it to rest. As a result, a five-member committee has been put in place to investigate the matter.

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has demanded the immediate summoning of the Board and Management of the Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital and the Ministry of Health over the alleged abandonment of a patient in a bush at Gomoa Ojobi in the Central Region.

Source: Ghana Web

I am not going independent – Kennedy Agyapong

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central Constituency, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has firmly dismissed rumors that he plans to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming December 7 elections.

According to him, many have encouraged him to go independent, but he does not believe that is the right course of action.

Addressing friends, loved ones, and key members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) during his 64th birthday celebration on Sunday, June 16, Agyapong clarified his stance, emphasizing his continued loyalty to the NPP.

‘What I want all the party faithfuls to know is that I have not resigned from the party. I am not going independent. I’m still an NPP member,’ the legislator said.

Agyapong acknowledged past conflicts during the primaries but urged his supporters to move forward and rally behind Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia for the upcoming elections.

‘Whatever happened during the primaries is behind me. If you know me very well, I am not selfish, and people have come to me several times sa
ying ‘Go independent, go independent’. I think that is not a wise thing to do. Therefore, I have refused to do that,’ he said.

Agyapong’s call for unity is expected to ease tensions within the NPP, as he has been perceived as a significant competitor to Dr. Bawumia. Despite alleging that his supporters faced intimidation from the Vice President’s supporters, he urged reconciliation and cooperation for the greater good of the party.

‘Once I’m a party member, no matter what happened during the primaries, I think we are all one people and it will be best for all of us to come together,’ Agyapong said.

He further appealed to both his supporters and those of the Vice President to put aside their differences, using his birthday as a symbol of reconciliation.

‘I’m also appealing to the Vice President’s supporters. I know they are intimidating my supporters. If they want us to come together and unite for a united front, then they should also reciprocate the same favors I am rendering on behalf of my supporters,’
he concluded.

Kennedy Agyapong has apologized to his supporters for not informing them before joining the Vice President and his campaign team on the Ashanti Regional campaign tour.

He made it clear that he has not resigned from the NPP and is not considering running as an independent…

– EDHUB??? (@eddie_wrt) June 17, 2024

Source: Ghana Web

Mahama’s vision for financial institutions

The collapse of several banks in Ghana has been a significant and controversial issue. The Bank of Ghana, under the leadership of the Akufo-Addo administration, embarked on a cleanup exercise of the financial sector to address issues of insolvency, poor corporate governance, and mismanagement in some banks and financial institutions.

The cleanup exercise resulted in the revocation of the licenses of several banks, leading to their collapse and subsequent consolidation of some banks to strengthen the financial sector. The government argued that the cleanup was necessary to protect depositors’ funds, restore confidence in the banking sector, and ensure the stability of the financial system.

Critics, however, have raised concerns about the handling of the cleanup exercise, including allegations of political interference, lack of transparency, and the impact on the affected banks’ shareholders, employees, and customers. Some have also questioned the effectiveness of the cleanup in addressing the root causes of
the financial sector’s challenges and its overall impact on the economy.

H.E. John John Dramani Mahama has plans to correct what went wrong with the banking cleanup exercise when voted for in the upcoming polls.

His vision for financial institutions in Ghana is centered around promoting a strong and stable financial sector that supports economic growth and development. He believes that financial institutions play a critical role in mobilizing savings, providing credit to businesses and individuals, and facilitating investment in key sectors of the economy.

Mahama has emphasised the importance of ensuring that financial institutions operate in a transparent and accountable manner, with effective regulatory oversight to prevent financial misconduct and protect the interests of consumers. He has also advocated for policies that promote financial inclusion, ensuring that all Ghanaians have access to affordable financial services.

In addition, President Mahama has highlighted the need for financial institution
s to embrace technology and innovation to improve efficiency, expand their reach, and offer new products and services to meet the evolving needs of customers.

He will support initiatives to promote digital financial services and increase financial literacy among the population.

Mahama’s vision for financial institutions in Ghana would create a resilient and inclusive financial sector that drives economic growth, fosters entrepreneurship, and improves the overall well-being of the Ghanaian people.

Source: Ghana Web