STMA inspects state of hygiene at hotels, restaurants in Takoradi 

The Environmental Health Department of the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) has embarked on an unannounced visit to inspect the sanitary and hygienic conditions at hotels and restaurants within the Takoradi Sub-Metro.

The exercise formed part of the ‘Operation clean your surroundings’ campaign being implemented by the Assembly.

The campaign, which was launched in November last year, is a component of a three-year European Union (EU)-funded Twin-Cities in Sustainable Partnership Project (TCSPP) being implemented by the STMA, Palermo Municipality in Italy and other partners.

It was to enforce the Assembly’s environmental sanitation by-laws and encourage citizens to take responsibility for their actions towards a clean environment.

The campaign also sought to raise awareness on cleanliness, hygiene, waste management, and environmental preservation through media campaigns and the deployment of a task force to ensure residents complied with sanitation by-laws.

As part of the campaign’s implement
ation modalities, a task force undertakes unannounced visits to households, eateries, hospitality facilities, markets, transport terminals among other places to inspect the state of sanitation and hygiene within those areas.

During the visits, it was found out that some staff of some the facilities operated without medical certificates of fitness, others improperly disposed of their waste, with some operating without environmental and occupancy permits among other nuisances. 

Those found culpable of violating the STMA’s sanitation by-laws were handed spot fines and ordered to correct all identified nuisances within a specified timeline. 

Mr Abdul Karim Hudu, the STMA Environmental Health Officer, who led the task force, said the exercise was to ensure that hospitality facilities operated under good sanitary and hygienic environment to help safeguard the health of those who patronised their services. 

He said: ‘All those who have been found with all nuisances and fined, if they fail to pay and put everythi
ng in order, we will prosecute them so that the right thing is done.’

Mr Hudu stated that all these measures put in place by the STMA would help to improve the general sanitation practices within the Metropolis and enhance the overall well-being of the people.

The Metro Environmental Officer noted that the task force would continue its unannounced inspections across the Metropolis to help achieve the campaign’s objectives.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Lands and Mining Watch Ghana calls for clarifications on Adamus Mining Company case

Members of Lands and Mining Watch Ghana (LMWG) has reiterated their call on the government to find solutions to the politics that has encircled the Adamus Mining Company for some time now.

They have also appealed to all the influential people, who have been accused in the case to clear their names in the allegations levelled against them in the boiling case to breathe in some confidence in the courts.

In a statement signed by Mr Solomon Owusu, its Convener and copied to the Ghana News Agency, they stated that the issue of leadership had lingered on for long, and the earlier the government intervened the better for the company and country as well.

The LMWG is a civil society organization dedicated to promoting responsible and sustainable mining practices.

Adamus Mining, a company 90% owned by Adamus Australia and 10% owned by the Government of Ghana has been embroiled in a legal tussle after the purported sale of 90% of the company’s stake to Nguvu Mining Limited, a company registered in Mauritius was cha
llenged on account that the person who signed the alleged share transfer agreement was not a director or officer of the company hence lacked capacity to do so.

According to the statement, this culminated in a series of injunction applications which caused the Accra High Court to institute an Interim Management Committee (IMC) to steer the affairs of the company and manage the accrual of revenue until a final determination of the matter.

‘However, Nguvu Mines the company purported to have purchased the 90% stake in the Adamus Mines are shipping gold mined by the company without the approval of the duly appointed IMC.

‘The Interim Management Committee (IMC) which was formed by the Accra High Court of Justice (Commercial Division 7), on March 1, 2024, to direct the Management of Adamus Resources Limited is continuously being prevented from executing its mandate as per the court ruling’.

The statement said there had been instances of the Ghana police service providing security to the IMC on trips to the compa
ny’s headquarters at Airport residential only for the police to withdraw their services at the eleventh hour due to as they put it ‘orders from above’.

‘There are also several allegations of influential political figures interfering in the work of the IMC and thwarting their efforts.

‘The Lands and Mining Watch Ghana is therefore calling for immediate and resolute action to address the rampant impunity demonstrated by Angela List and her accomplices in the illegal exportation of gold from Adamus Resources’.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ada Traditional Council launches 2024 Asafotufiami festival 

The Ada Traditional Council, in collaboration with the Asafotu Planning Committee, has launched this year’s Ada Asafotufiami Festival to pave the way for its celebration in August.

Mr Sampson Tetteh Kpankpah and Ms Sarah Dugbaki Pobee, District Chief Executives of Ada West and Ada East, respectively, unveiled the festival theme: ‘Upholding the Discipline of Our Forebears as a Tool for the Sustainable Development and Unity of Ada.’

Nene Agudey Obitchere III, the Mankralo of Ada, speaking on behalf of the Paramount Chief of the Ada Traditional Area, Nene Abram Kabu Akuaku III, said that the festival served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by their forefathers to secure the land for the current generation.

Nene Obichere noted that the experiences of their ancestors instilled values of peace and unity in them.

He stated that the festival’s key feature was its ability to bring together Ada indigenes from around the world, renewing family ties and resolving differences, which fosters socio-economic develop

‘Asafotufiami resonates with most Ghanaian communities, especially the Ga-Dangmes, and it reminds us of the heroic traits of our forebears in fighting for self-preservation and fending off domination.

‘Our forebears journeyed from far-off lands and battled aggressors and opposing parties on their way here. The art of war also taught us valuable lessons about creating alliances to consolidate our gains,’ he said.

The festival, he noted, also attracted tourists to the area, saying Ada was noted for its distinct tourist attractions, including the estuary and beautiful islands, complemented by modern recreational centres such as Aqua Safari and Treasure Island.

He commended Electrochem Ghana Limited for its exceptional contribution to the celebration of the Asafotu Festival in recent years, including this year.

Nene Obitchere III also appreciated the support from sponsors such as Premium Motors, Ramani Distribution Company, and Interplast Ghana Limited.

The occasion was graced by all the chiefs and qu
eens, Asafoatseme (warlords), traditional priests, and various youth groups of Ada adorned in their traditional wares.

Source: Ghana News Agency

24-year-old mason jailed for abduction, defilement

A 24-year-old mason, who abducted and defiled a 14-year-old girl, has been sentenced to 16 years Imprisonment in hard labour by the Tarkwa Circuit Court.

Francis Blay, who was charged with two counts of abduction and defilement, pleaded guilty.

The court presided over by Mrs Hathia Ama Manu convicted Blay on his own plea.

Prosecuting, Chief Superintendent of Police Alex Odonkor, said the complainant, elder sister of the victim, the victim, a school dropout and Blay all resided at New Atuabo, in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality.

He said in 2023 the accused happened to be a friend to the victim’s family.

The court heard that on February 25, 2023, at about 1830 hours, the complainant sent the victim to buy her camphor in a store opposite their house, but she did not return home with the item.

Prosecution said a search conducted by the complainant in their neighborhood for her proved futile, and therefore, reported the case to the Domestic violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) at Tarkwa on February 26, 2

Chief Superintendent Odonkor said an Extract of Occurrence was prepared for the complainant to be taken to radio stations in Tarkwa and Kumasi for announcements to be made so she could find the victim but to no avail.

On Monday April 22, 2024, at about 1800 hours, the complainant had a phone call from a woman who introduced herself as Diana, and said she lived at Esiama Kikam in the Western Region.

She then informed the complainant that the victim lived with Blay at Kikam and that she had just given birth and was finding it difficult to survive.

Chief Superintendent Odonkor said the complainant quickly informed the DOVVSU at Tarkwa, and with the help of police officers at Esiama, Blay was nabbed, and the victim was rescued together with her two months old baby.

Prosecution said during the investigation, the complainant pleaded with the police to let Blay refund the money she spent while searching for the victim and also to take care of the baby.

Source: Ghana News Agency

ECOWAS Court Declares ECOWAS Commission Case Seeking a Revision of Judgment Inadmissible

The ECOWAS Court of justice, on Thursday 30th May 2024, declared inadmissible the application brought by the ECOWAS Commission and its President, seeking a revision of judg?ment delivered on 10 March 2022 in favour of the respondent, Suleiman Muhammad Hussaini, a former staff of the ECOWAS Commission.

In the judgment delivered by Justice Dupe Atoki, the judge rapporteur, the Court declared that it had jurisdiction to entertain the matter.

However, it declared that the application is inadmissible.

In the case, the Applicants sought a revision of judgment delivered on 10 March 2022, which ruled against them for the wrongful termination of the

Respondent’s employ?ment as a Controller by the 1st Applicant, the ECOWAS Commission.

The Applicants claimed they discovered a new fact arguing that on March 2022, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) filed criminal charges against the Respondent at the High Court and Federal High Court, Abuja regarding financial irregularities at the ECOWAS Commission

They alleged that the Respondent was aware of these charges but did not report to the Head of Institution in accordance with the provision of Staff Regulation, causing their ignorance of this fact, which they discovered two months after the judgment was delivered.

They sought an order to suspend the earlier decision directing them to pay the respondent’s salaries and allowances pending the conclusion of the criminal cases.

The Respondent urged the Court to dismiss the application, arguing it is inadmissible as it did not comply with Articles 25 of the 1991 Protocol and

Articles 92 and 93 of the Court’s Rules.

He stated that the charges did not exist as of 27 February 2018 when his employment was terminated and thus cannot be considered new facts.

Additionally, he argued that he had no obligation to report charges filed after the termination of his employment.

The Respondent also noted that on 27 September 2019, his name was removed from the charges, leaving Muhammad Dangana as the sole defendant.

sought an order dismissing the Application for review of judgment no ECW/CCJ/JUD/03/22.

He also asked among others, $ 1,000,000 in dam?ages for frivolous application.

In the judgment, the Court acknowledged that the Applicants met the requirements of presenting

a new fact and applying within the timeline.

However, it determined that their ignorance was due to negligence.

Thus, the Court concluded that the application did not meet the cumulative require?ments of Article 25 of the Protocol and Article 92 of the Rules of Court.

Consequently, it said that further analysis as to whether the unknown facts are of a decisive factor is mute and declared the application inadmissible.

Also on the panel were Honorable justices Gberi-bè Ouattara presiding and Ricardo Claúdio Mon?teiro Gonçalves, member.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Four organizations to establish sanitary pad banks in Sunyani for schoolgirls

In an endeavour to create a supportive environment and provide young girls with menstrual hygiene products, a pioneering initiative has been introduced to establish a sanitary pad bank in six selected schools within the Sunyani East Municipality.

The initiative is a collaborative effort between the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), Ghana Education Service, Sunyani East, RiseUP Incorporation, a United States-based organization, and Ark FM, a local radio station.

The pilot project is underway in six schools in the Municipality, including Presbyterian Cluster of Schools, Ridge Cluster of Schools, Sacred Heart Cluster, South Ridge Basic School, SDA Basic, and Methodist and M/A Cluster.

The project is a significant milestone in creating a period-friendly environment in the beneficiary schools by providing accessible and affordable menstrual hygiene products, raise awareness, and advocate for improve facilities.

The initiative also sought to empower girls and enhance their overall well-being and
educational outcomes.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Sunyani, Ms. Esther Boateng Awuah, Head of the Facility and Project Coordinator of PPAG Sunyani, said the project was targeted at supporting about 20,000 adolescent girls in their reproductive stage in the Bono region by raising awareness about menstrual hygiene management.

She said the project would educate girls on proper menstrual hygiene practices to empower them to confidently manage their periods, ultimately to encourage attendance and academic performance.

Ms Awuah mentioned that the pad bank pilot project, involved installation of dispensable machines filled with menstrual pads in the selected schools.

She explained that the machines would allow girls to access pads by inserting coins in time of need, to effectively manage their mensuration.

She added that the selection of schools for the project was based on various factors, including high rates of female absenteeism, incidents of teenage pregnancy, frequency of menstrual hygien
e-related issues impacting education, and security concerns.

Ms Awuah said by addressing these issues, the initiative would promote better menstrual hygiene practices and contribute to safer and more conducive learning environment for girls.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Stop self-stigma and denial, choose to access health care- PLHIV

Mr Gabriel Andoh-Amenya, a model of Hope and a member of the USAID-Community Led Monitoring Team on HIVS essentials has encouraged People Living with HIV (PLHIV) to stop self-stigma and denial and rather access quality care.

He said self-stigma and denial, which happened to him some 10 years ago, nearly caused his life… ‘I progressed through all the symptoms and even on the verge of become an AIDS patient until I decided to adhere first to the counselling from my medical team accepted my condition and started using my experience to counsel affected individuals in one facility here in the Sekondi/Takoradi Metropolis.

The model of Hope in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said one key challenge was defaulter rate on medication, lost to follow-ups and distance to Antiretroviral centres.

Mr Amenya, therefore, called for more advocacy about self-denial and Stigma to ensure that the targets were achieved.

The community Led Monitoring programmme would provide regular and systematic information on communit
y needs to guide HIV planning and improvement process at the facility and community level, mobilize such people to demand health rights and hold service providers accountable for their commitment to improve quality of care and services.

The USAID Community Led Monitoring of HIV Services Activity is being implemented by SEND-Ghana in selected assemblies within the Western and Western North Regions in 41 health facilities.

The five-year pproject aimed to integrate results into planning activities of the government and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief to better understand the perceptions of the quality of services and care provided to people living with the disease: human rights violations, stigma. And commodity availability.

Also, feedback would be provided to facilities to improve health service delivery to Persons living with HIV, key populations and TB patients in the operating districts.

Mr. Siapha Kamara, the Chief Executive Officer of SEND West Africa during a recent training for some
selected community networks and NGOs said the project would ensure enforcement of policies on stigma, discrimination, sensitize and empower affected individuals, increase advocacy capabilities of PLHIV networks, improve community mobilization and support service providers to adhere to national quality standards.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NCCE celebrates Constitutional Week with schools in Tema

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has observed its annual constitutional week celebration with sensitization programmes at basic schools in the Tema Metropolis.

Ms Gifty Agyeiwaa Badu, the Tema Metro NCCE Director, said resource persons comprising prominent people in society such as Nana Ogyedom Ama Tsetsewa I, the Osumpahen of the Gomoa Assin Traditional Council, and the Fantefohen of Tema should educate the pupils on the importance of the Constitution and their roles as responsible citizens.

She said the week-long celebration, which commenced on Monday, May 27, and is expected to end on June 5, 2024, will see the civic educators and resource persons visiting 30 schools in the area, adding that it aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of civic duties and promoting active participation in nation-building among the youth.

The theme for this year’s celebration, ‘Together We Can Build Ghana,’ she noted, aimed at promoting civic awareness, national unity, and a deeper understanding of Gha
na’s Constitution among the young participants.

Reverend Francis Guggisberg Tetteh, the chairman of the NCCE’s Tema Metro Inter-party Dialogue Committee (IPDC), who was the resource person at one of the sensitization programmes at First Star Academy, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the theme called on every individual to get involved and also reflected a deep-seated belief that the prosperity and peace of Ghana rest in the hands of its people.

Reverend Tetteh, who is also the chairman of the Tema Local Council of Churches, emphasised the importance of unity and collective effort, stating that ‘building Ghana is an ongoing project that requires the contribution of every citizen and even non-citizens living in the country.’

‘As young as they are, they have a responsibility. They can start by taking care of their environment and respecting one another’s views, religions, and political affiliations. Instilling these values in children from a young age is crucial for the nation’s growth,’ he said.

He fur
ther urged parents to be responsible in bringing up their children and nurturing them with strong principles, which he noted will contribute to a better Ghana.

Reverend Tetteh called on religious leaders to maintain ethical standards in their pronouncements, especially during elections. 

‘We must be neutral and speak in a way that promotes unity, not division; the church has a prophetic role to play by speaking truth to power and ensuring that policies benefit the nation’s progress,’ he stressed.

He stated that the future of Ghana lay in the hands of its people by working together, respecting each other, and taking responsibility for their actions to build the Ghana of their dreams; adding there was a need to get involved and contribute to building a better Ghana for all.

Source: Ghana News Agency