World Vision hands over mechanised water system to Mangoase community

The Agortime-Ziope Cluster of the World Vision Ghana, has handed over a mechanised water system to the people of Mangoase in the Kadjebi District of the Oti Region.

Mrs. Georgina Harriet Nyamekeh, the Cluster Manager, handing over the facility, said the project formed part of the Healthy Environment and Wellness (HEAL) project objectives of ensuring that communities and institutions had sustained access to safe water for multiple uses.

She appealed to the community to take good care of the facility and maintain it well to ensure sustainability.

‘We have trained Water and Sanitation Management Teams to help manage the water facilities, please, support them to function properly’, she added.

Mrs. Nyamekeh, said as the community was already practising the ‘pay as you fetch’ system, they would entreat that funds from the water system should be used for the maintenance and management of WASH facilities and no other non-related purposes.

The Cluster Manager said World Vision, a Christian relief, development an
d advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice would continue to support underprivileged and vulnerable people.

She said her outfit was dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

She said as a child focus organisation, they had partnered the Ghana Health Service, Environmental Health, Ghana Education Service, among other partners to promote the well-being of children in communities through their Child Sponsorship Programme, Education, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health interventions in the Kadjebi District.

‘Our vision for every child is to have life in all its fullness, and our prayer for every heart, is the will to make it so’, she added.

Mr. Wilson Kwami Agbanyo, Kadjebi District Chief Executive, said access to safe water was not merely a convenience but a fundamental human right essential for life, health and dignity.

He said when there is no water, all livin
g things ceased to exist, hence the adage ‘water is life’.

‘However, with the increasing industrialization, over-use and exploitation of all natural sources, human life is facing some questionable situations such as water shortage,’ he lamented.

He said there was growing demand for potable water due to the increase in population and that the District Assembly has taken deliberate steps to ensure that all communities in the district have access to clean portable water.

Alhaji Abdulai Adamu, Chief of Mangoase, commended World Vision for the project they were over the years looking for.

Pupils of Mangoase D/A Primary School entertained participants with exciting poetry recitals.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Tamale Metro NCCE engages Inter-party Dialogue Committee on violent extremism

The Tamale Metropolitan Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has engaged members of the Inter-party Dialogue Committee to help build a harmonious society for all.

The event, funded by the European Union, brought together representatives of political parties, traditional rulers, religious leaders, security services, and NGOs, among others.

It formed part of the Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism project being implemented by the NCCE with funding support from the EU.

Mr Imoro Tahidu, Tamale Metropolitan Director, NCCE, speaking during the meeting, urged the citizenry to be alert and report any suspicious acts and or characters to the security agencies to act on.

He said Ghana was built on the principles of peace, tolerance and inclusivity, hence the need for citizens to work together to preserve those values.

He said, ‘We should see one another as one people with common destiny. We are all Ghanaians. We are all human beings. So, we should always concentrate so much on
our common interest and not focus so much on our differences.’

He reiterated that violent extremism had no place in the Ghanaian society, adding ‘The security services, political parties, Electoral Commission and even the voters must all do what is right so that at the end of the day, Ghanaians will celebrate.’

Mr Bismark Nteh, Tamale Metropolitan Director, Electoral Commission, advised the youth not to allow themselves to be used by politicians to destabilise the country because of political power.

He assured them of the Commission’s commitment to conduct free and fair elections, adding the Commission did not have interest in who became the President or a Member of Parliament for a Constituency.

Chief Superintendent of Police, Mr Cosmos Awe, Tamale District Police Commander, appealed to the citizenry to help maintain the peace and security being enjoyed in the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

National Service personnels advised not to see postings as punishment

Mr Raphael Amenyo, the Ketu North Municipal Director of Education, has advised the National Service Scheme (NSS) personnels not to see their postings to hard-to-reach places as a punishment, but a call to serve humanity.

He said they should rather, take advantage of the opportunities abound there and be prepared to learn new things.

Mr Amenyo disclosed that his outfit would train those posted to the education sector to enhance their capabilities.

The Municipal Director of Education said this during an ordinary meeting of the National Service Personnel Association at Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region.

The meeting was to take stock and elect new members into various Committees.

The Municipal National Service Scheme Manager, Ms Deborah Amedonou, commended all Personnel for their cooperation, dedication and assured them of seamless payments.

Mr Prosper Kofi Afealete, Ketu North Municipal Director, National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) urged the National Service Personnel to
rededicate themselves to their work and the practical exposure, love and be prepared to always defend the Nation as they offer themselves by providing essential services.

He stated that these ideals promoted national unity, and these were the reasons for the establishment of the Scheme.

He called for selflessness and dedication in all they did and refrained from engaging in acts which tended to destroy their future.

Mr Yanick Noah Agboado, a Deputy Director, who represented the Ketu North Assembly advised service personnel to take advantage of responsibilities that presented themselves to them and not shy away from leadership roles.

The NSS President, Mr Pius Adenyo asked the personnel to stay connected with the Secretariat to find lasting solutions to their difficulties and challenges.

Mr Afealete, NCCE Director administered the Official Oath to the newly elected Committee members.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana secures US$103m AfDB grant to grow SMEs

Ghana has secured a US$103 million need-based funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with a focus on agriculture and digitalisation.

The grant, provided by the Bank’s concessional funding body – African Development Fund, would support the implementation of projects as well as the skills development of beneficiary SMEs.

The government and the Bank, have since signed the Indicative Operations Programme, detailing projects to be implemented between 2024 and 2025.

Additionally, the two signed a five-year country strategy document for 2024 and 2029, specifying the sectors and projects that would be supported by the Bank.

Dr Mohammed Amin Adam, Finance Minister, signed for the government, while Ms Eyerusalem Fasika, Country Manager, AfDB, signed on behalf of the Bank.

This occurred at a short ceremony on the margins of the Bank’s 2024 Annual Meetings in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Minister pledged the government’s commitment to ensure a rigorous monitoring an
d supervision of projects under the pact for optimal utilisation of the funds through monthly reviews of all project disbursements.

That, Dr Amin Adam, said was to identify and resolve execution challenges promptly, as well as persistent delays in fund disbursement, which sometimes characterised project implementations.

The Minister added that such measure was to properly blend value for money and the government’s oversight responsibilities to avoid any inefficiencies in project implementation.

He expressed appreciation to the AfDB for their continued support to the growth of African countries, including Ghana.

Ms Fasika, AfDB Country Manager, said the pact reflected the people’s aspirations as well as insights of experts to make the interventions well-aligned with Ghana’s development priorities.

She noted that the strategy was developed through extensive consultations with a diverse range of stakeholders, saying, ‘we aimed for an inclusive and comprehensive strategy.’

They included Civil Society Organi
zations (CSOs), Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), and private sector representatives.

She also said the Bank would be mobilising resources from various sources, to support Ghana’s climate action, citing the construction of some 20 mini grids for the country as an example.

Ghana signed the financing agreement of the 20 mini grid projects two years ago, with the African Development Fund, and the government of Switzerland, which has seen a bidding process for US$28.49 million as of September 2023.

‘We’re also looking at cross-cutting areas systematically to mainstream all operations that will be undertaking,’ the AfDB Ghana Country Manager said.

‘This will be economic and financial governance, climate change and green growth, environmental and social safeguard issues, gender equality, and fragility and resilience consideration, and digitalisation,’ Ms Fasika, said.

She noted that those initiatives were aligned with the country’s 40-year nationa
l development plan, which aims at building an industrialised, inclusive, and resilient economy to create an equitable, healthy and disciplined society.

They were also aligned with AfBD’s high-five priorities and new 10-year strategy (2024-2033), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063.

Ms Fasika concluded by reiterating the Bank’s continued support to the country, particularly in addressing the country’s economic recovery and development issues.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Re-development of Dambai market progresses in Oti region

Works on phase three of the Dambai market project is progressing steadily after commencement.

The project is founded by the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Programme under the Urban Development Grant (UDG).

The primary objective of the project is to improve urban management and basic urban services in participating Municipalities in Ghana.

The construction of 32 lockable stores would serve the businessmen and women, who need space to run their businesses at the Dambai market.

The project is being undertaken by WAZKAD Ghana Limited and supervised by Bans Consult.

Mr Iddrisu Hafiz disclosed that the project was started in January, this year, and expected to complete in September.

Mr Charles Gyamfi Boateng, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Krachi East was happy with the progress of work and added, the completion of phase three of the project would give the Krachi East Municipal Assembly the opportunity to move the traders when completed.

The MCE was convinced that with the volume of work carried out
so far, the contractors would finish the project on schedule.

Mr Boateng acknowledged the hard work of the contractor and thanked the traders for their understanding and cooperation with the contractors.

Madam Amina Basshima, vegetables seller and a cross section of traders have described the progress of work on the re-development of the Dambai market as impressive.

Many of the residents and traders who spoke with the Ghana News Agency in separate interviews said they did not believe the Municipal Assembly could carry out a new project in the market

Source: Ghana News Agency

Rain-triggered flooding maroons half a million in Bangladesh

More than half a million people have been marooned after vast swathes of land were inundated in the north-eastern Bangladeshi district of Sylhet by sudden flooding triggered by heavy rain upstream, officials said on Friday.

The government opened nearly 550 temporary shelters as the flooding affected some 533,202 residents in remote villages and townships in the district, according to the local administration.

‘We are trying to move the flood-affected people to safety,’ said Sheikh Rasel Hasan, chief administrator of the district, adding that some 4,802 villagers were shifted to the shelters in the last couple of days.

The Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) said the major rivers – Surma and Kushiyara – were breaking their banks because of heavy rainfall in the hills across the border.

‘The major rivers in the north-eastern region of the country are in rising trend, which may remain steady in the next 24 hours,’ the BWDB said in its morning bulletin Friday.

If there is no further rain and onrush of
waters from across the border, the situation may improve in seven days, Dipok Ranjan Das, a hydrologist in the district, said.

He said there was no rain reported in Sylhet for Friday.

A 10-day forecast for the overall nationwide situation by the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre said that water in the major Brahmanputra-Jamuna and Ganges-Padma river systems would continue to decrease.

Natural calamities like flooding and cyclones are very common in Bangladesh. A month-long flooding affected an estimated 7.2 million people in nine north-eastern districts in the monsoon of 2022.

A tropical cyclone lashed the Bangladeshi coastline earlier this week, killing at least 13 people and damaging thousands of thatched housed alongside other infrastructure.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Fisherfolks at Keta express readiness for a close season

Some Fisherfolks in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region have expressed readiness for the upcoming close fishing season slated for July 1.

The close season, also called the biological rest period, was to halt fishing activities during the period to replenish the aquatic stock.

Mr Van Kwaku Adedze, the Volta Regional Public Relations Officer (PRO), of the National Canoes Fishermen Council, in an interaction with the Ghana News Agency, said the closed season was observed over the years and has achieved the aim of reducing fishing pressure during productive period for aquatic animals.

He said the closed season would give fish the chance to lay more eggs to replenish the lost populace due to excessive and continuous fishing and other natural phenomena.

‘We have plans to intensify educational publicity to make sure all fishers get adequate information on the upcoming closed season for another effective season,’ he stated.

Mr Adedze stated that the annual closure of the sea for the past years for both in
dustrial fleets as well as artisanal and inshore fleets had indicated a significant impact on the fish productivity level and stock recovery.

He said the fishing associations were working hard to avert any challenges faced in the implementation of the closed season for the year 2024 period.

Mr Promise Gavor, Executive Member of the Fisheries Commission, commended the Fisheries Ministry for the innovation to redeem the fishing sector from decline, whilst urging other fisherfolks to prepare themselves for the period.

‘Proper consultation is expected to be done for all to understand the importance of Closed Season to avoid any other challenge.’

He cautioned fishers who used inappropriate methods of fishing to stop ‘since it endangered the fishing industry and culprits would be punished severely when apprehended.’

Meanwhile, the Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Madam Mavis Hawa Koomsoon, has disclosed that closed season would be observed from Monday, July 1 to Wednesday, July 31 for canoe
and inshore fishers.

Industrial trawlers would also observe the season from July 1 to August 31 this year.

The implementation of Closed Fishing Season was scientifically recommended for fish stock recovery to mitigate fishing pressure, overfishing, and others.

Some fishers, the GNA interacted with, were hopeful for a successful closed season.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana should establish community digital hubs – Dr Ocloo advocates

Dr Patience Emefa Adzo Dzandza Ocloo, a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Information Studies, University of Ghana, has advocated the establishment of community-based digital hubs.

She said the availability of those centres would lead to the extension of digital literacy among thousands of out of school people, head potters, and artisans alike, thereby, increase the adoption and use of digital technology.

She was speaking with the Ghana News Agency on the margins of the 2024 World Bank Youth Summit, held in Accra on Thursday, May 30, on the theme, ‘Powering progress: youth leading the digital transformation.’

The information professional explained that for Ghanaian citizens to become beneficiaries of the booming digital economy, the most essential thing to do was to enhance the digital and media information literacy skills of the youth.

The education, she said, should be done from the basic to the highest level, while targeting out of school youth in underserved communities to be trained ‘to be grea
t users of digital platforms.’

She stated that doing so would engender inclusiveness, spark the technological innovations among the youth, increase their participation in the digital ecosystem, and contribute to development in the sector.

‘The Ghana Library Authority is currently doing a project that trains head potters in acquiring digital skills. Through the community-based digital hubs, we can work with transport operators, and artisans,’ Dr Ocloo said.

She also called for increased funding for youth-led Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the digital ecosystem, including developers, and service providers, in addition to continuous enhancement of their skills.

The 2024 summit, the 11th edition, was characterised with activities in different regions across the world, affording the youth to engage in pressing issues facing their generation.

Like other countries, in Ghana, the focus of the summit was on digital inclusion, Artificial Intelligence, and sustainable technology, and saw the exchanges
of knowledge and ideas to empower the youth to engage impactful projects.

The government has launched the Ghana Digital Acceleration Project (GDAP) to strengthen the digital innovation ecosystem and position the country as a leading ICT innovator in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to the Bank of Ghana March 2024 summary of Economic and Financial Data, Mobile Money (MoMo), a major digital transaction platform, recorded GHS779.1 billion in the first four months of 2024.

There is also the Digital Addressing System (GhanaPostGPS), as well as biometric national identity card (Ghana card), all of which are aimed at making the digital ecosystem thrive and enhance social conditions of Ghanaians.

Source: Ghana News Agency