Dominion University College signs MoU with University of Kigali

The Dominion University College (DUC) and University of Kigali of Rwanda have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at a short ceremony in Accra.

The MoU serves as a reference document that makes the University of Kigali of Rwanda a mentor institution to DUC.

Speaking at the short ceremony, the President of Dominion University, Prof. Nicolas Nsowah Nuamah, expressed excitement about possibilities to work together and collaborate in mutual areas that will benefit the two universities.

Prof. Nicolas Nsowah Nuamah added the MoU between the two institutions will encourage and support faculty and student exchanges; training of faculty and students through outreach.

“The purpose of this cooperation is to improve students and lecturers” he stated.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kigali, Prof Robert E. Hinson commended DUC for entering into affiliation with the University of Kigali.

He noted that affiliation is about partnership and therefore the two institutions should work towards achieving results.

The Vice-Chancellor gave the assurance that the University of Kigali will nurture DUC to grow and live up to expectation, adding “together we shall transform challenges into opportunities and stumbling blocks to stepping stones.”

He pledged that the University of Kigali would abide by the terms of the MoU to help build a strong relationship with Dominion University College.

Source: Ghana Web

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