Assembly Members urged to study GIFMIS payment system


Akosombo (E/R),- Assembly Members of the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly (KKMA) have been asked to study the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) and to understand the financial operations of the Assembly.

Mr Coleman Gyandor, Facilitator Boundless Consulting Group, said Assembly Members needed to understand GIFMIS, which was rolled out to cure financial lapses in the various government institutions.

Mr Gyandor was addressing Assembly Members at a workshop organized by the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly (KKMA) at Atimpoku in the Eastern Region.

He said Assembly Members could review and certify payment applications for the supply of goods and services under the GIFMIS system if they understood the operations of the system.

He said the Assembly Members must help the public to understand the various government policies and programmes, including procurement and expenditure.

GIFMIS is an electronic platform used by the government to manage commitments made against appropriation and payment. It enables the central government to deal with some lapses, which normally occur during transaction processes.

Mr Gyandor said the GIFMIS system was to help improve government budgetary estimates, financial management and the reporting processes.

Justifying the training, Mr Samuel Okoe Amanquah, the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Chief Executive, said Assembly Members as representatives of various communities needed the skills to perform their duties.

Mr Amnaquah said the Assembly members must also be familiar with the code of ethics, rules and regulations that govern Assembly operations.

He said the Assembly Members would help the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly to bring development to the people.

Mr Joseph Kwesi Gbeze, Presiding Member Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly, expressed gratitude to the Assembly Members for attending the workshop.

He urged the Assembly Members to ask the relevant questions to aid them in the performance of their duties.

Mr Gbeze said it was important the Assembly Members build good relationships with the electorate, saying the three-day workshop would enhance their capacity to create a good rapport with the people they serve.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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