Zongo youth urged to focus on education and avoid being used to perpetuate violence by politicians

The youth in the Zongo communities in the country have been admonished to eschew the penchant for money by refusing to be stooges of politicians to perpetuate violence particularly, during the election period, and move towards securing the highest form of education for the betterment of their lives.

They have also been challenged to concentrate on their strengths and maximize the opportunities education presents them.

The Asanteman Zongo Nkosuohene based in Kumasi, Alhaji Abdul Ali Barry who gave the advice, asked the Zongo youth to pursue personal development goals to make them economically independent and contribute meaningfully to the development of their communities.

He made the declaration when people from all social classes converged at his residence at Dichemso in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ashanti Region on Thursday, April 11, 2024, to mark the end of one month of the fast of Ramadan, the Eid ul-Fitr.

Alhaji Abdul Ali Barry encouraged the Zongo youth to lead the transformation of Zongo communities b
y developing their capacities to be able to influence change.

Giving to the needy

Asanteman Zongo Nkosuohene stated that Islam encouraged giving and that was why he found it necessary to bring Muslims together to break the fast of that day with them.

Being a source of blessings to others, he said must be among the priorities of every Muslim, adding that one must not wait until they become rich before lending a helping hand to others or showing love to people.

‘Some people believe that you have to be very rich before u start doing charity but this should not be the case, no matter how little you have, learn how to share, find someone who needs something and see how you can help out.

‘Whoever shares the little they have with you can share with you when there is abundance. Adopting a lifestyle of giving does not start within just a day, it is an attitude we learn and improve upon, as time passes,’ he added.

The philanthropist also urged the rich in society, who were not actively involved in philanthropic a
cts to do so to support the vulnerable in society.

Alhaji Abdul Ali Barry also stressed the fact that being compassionate towards one another contributes significantly towards the promotion of peaceful coexistence and alleviating poverty among the populace.

Peaceful atmosphere

Alhaji Barry, however, expressed satisfaction with the peaceful atmosphere prevalent in the country and cautioned politicians to desist from acts that could trigger violence or crisis during the election.

“We are one body and I urge the electorate to exercise their franchise by voting peacefully and whoever emerges as the winner should be accepted by Ghanaians,’ he said.

Source: Ghana Web