Wokumagbe: Yohupeor Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, has organised a feast for about 200 widows and elderly individuals in the Ada community to promote love, unity, and care.
According to Ghana News Agency, the event gathered widows and elderly people from the area, providing them a hearty meal and an opportunity to interact and share experiences. Naana Madeekuor Angmler I, Queen of Wokumagbe and Chief Executive Officer of the Yohupeor Foundation, emphasized the importance of caring for widows and the aged, noting that such initiatives help to reduce loneliness and hardship among them.
“We believe that showing love and support to our elderly and widows is a collective responsibility. This feast is our way of appreciating and encouraging them,” she stated. The queen, who also serves as a Warrant Officer Class One with the military, was joined by her colleagues to attend the occasion. Some beneficiaries expressed gratitude for the gesture, noting that such initiatives bring them joy and a sense of belongingness.
The foundation has been executing various community support programmes, including health screenings, food donations, and educational assistance for underprivileged children. The NGO committed to sustaining its humanitarian interventions and expanding its outreach to benefit more vulnerable groups.