We have NPP supporters; not Ken or Bawumia supporters – Ken Agyapong

In a compelling statement made on his birthday, June 16, Member of Parliament for Assin Central constituency and former presidential aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kennedy Agyapong emphasized the importance of unity within the New Patriotic Party.

He declared that there are no “Ken Agyapong supporters” or “Bawumia supporters,” but rather, there are only “NPP supporters.”

Known for his outspoken nature, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong delivered this message during the celebration of his 64th birthday at his campaign office in Accra.

He began by apologizing to his core supporters for his inability to adequately inform them of his decision to join Dr. Bawumia’s campaign in Kumasi and encouraged them to recognize that their victory depends on the strength of party unity.

He, however, appealed to Dr. Bawumia’s campaign team and supporters to reciprocate the reconciliation gesture he has offered and refrain from any harassment of his supporters.

Ken emphasized the importance of putting party unity above ind
ividual loyalty in the presence of NPP Chairman, Mr. Stephen Ayensu Ntim, urging all party members to set aside their differences and work towards the party’s shared goal of ‘Breaking the 8’.

Ken Agyapong stressed the need for NPP supporters to unite and consolidate their efforts, disregarding any divisions that might have occurred during the presidential primaries.

The call for reconciliation within the NPP comes at a critical time when political parties across the globe are grappling with internal divisions.

Recognizing this, Ken Agyapong stressed that forging a united front is crucial to maintaining the party’s strength and securing continued electoral success.

Ken’s statement resonated deeply with many party members who recognize the need for a harmonious and united atmosphere within the NPP.

As the party gears up for the 2024 elections, Agyapong’s message serves as a rallying cry, reinforcing the importance of a united front to secure victory. His plea for reconciliation emphasizes that, regardless
of personal affiliations or competing aspirations, NPP members should always remain dedicated to the party’s collective success above all else.

The onus is now on party members to respond to this rallying call, welcome constructive criticism, and join forces to achieve electoral success in 2024.

Kennedy Agyapong has apologized to his supporters for not informing them before joining the Vice President and his campaign team on the Ashanti Regional campaign tour.

He made it clear that he has not resigned from the NPP and is not considering running as an independent… pic.twitter.com/2nIS5mn2gx

– EDHUB??? (@eddie_wrt) June 17, 2024

Source: Ghana Web