NARNGO explains how to feed 10 million vulnerable Ghanaians


Accra,- Mr. Kofi Lucas, National President of NARNGO and Project Implementation Strategist has explained that Ghana will use wisdom and strategy to feed 10 Million Ghanaians on daily basis.


“The funding to feed 10 million Ghanaians is not coming from World Bank or IMF, it does not mean that any support from them will be rejected, it will be welcomed and appreciated. Ghana is sitting on MONEY, but you need to use wisdom and strategy to get the money for the project. “


This was in reaction to a story the Ghana News Agency published, where the Network of Association of Registered NGOs (NARNGO) appealed to the government to call for proposals from the private sector and other external partners to feed 10 million Ghanaians on daily basis.


The publication also suggested to partners to take advantage of government’s interventions, such as one-District-One Factory, Farming for food and Jobs among others to enhance the feeding programme.


After the publication, there were reactions as to how it could be done, which the President responded; “We will not disclose to the public how this project will be funded, for other NGOs to hear and take note. It is strategic. Yes, this project is not captured in the 2021 budget, but there is a way out. It is also strategic. The identification and selection of the beneficiaries is also strategic. “


Mr Lucas encouraged government to invite Proposals from Development NGOs to act as a lead facilitator and to develop a comprehensive concept to tackle the problems identified in order to feed at least on daily basis 10 million Needy Youth and Senior Citizens at the community levels nationwide for the next 4-years.


“Should government invite Proposals from Development NGOs, NARNGO shall apply. We already have a proper roadmap developed by both NARNGO and Critical Strategic Thinkers Network our strategic partners who are Deep thinkers, Strategies, Experts, Professionals and Problem-Solvers among others.”


He said the Lead facilitating NGO must take advantage of Government’s flagship programmes such as Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ), Rearing for Food and Jobs (RFJ), One-District-One Factory (1D1F), Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD) to champion this laudable cause.


He said they should be able to create and establish Cooperative Business and Artisanal Ventures to employ at least One million Jobless Youth and Adults Nationwide.


“The role that Government, stakeholders, Strategic Alliances and all on board will play must be properly defined for effective collaboration and realization of the aims and objectives of the project within four-years.


Mr Lucas said in order to complement Government’s efforts, Government needed combined forces with NGOs with good plans, good ideas, wonderful concepts, good intentions, passion, compassion, can do spirit, perseverance, vision, innovations, initiatives and commitment to solve numerous problems and challenges facing Ghana by disseminating to the Grassroots, Government’s Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies 2017- 2024. An Agenda for Jobs: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunities for All.


“It is in view of this that the leadership of the NARNGO is appealing to the President of the Republic of Ghana, through the office of the Chief of Staff, to consider this concept as the President’s Project to be Code-named: “THE PRESIDENT’S PROJECT- OPERATION FEED GHANA”, which is similar to the Presidential Pitch and then invite proposals from Developmental NGOs.


“This is to complement government’s efforts to tackle unemployment, abject poverty and hunger facing especially the down trodden at the community levels just to mention a few. “


Source: Ghana News Agency

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