Conformis, Inc. annonce un accord de distribution exclusive en Chine

Ce nouvel accord étend la portée mondiale de Conformis et introduit les prothèses de genou spécifiques à chaque patient sur le plus grand marché de la région Asie-Pacifique

BILLERICA, Massachusetts, 24 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conformis, Inc. (NASDAQ :CFMS) a annoncé aujourd’hui l’exécution d’un accord visant à entrer sur le marché Asie-Pacifique par le biais d’une relation de distribution exclusive avec XR Medical Group (Hong Kong) Limited (XR Medical).

En vertu de cet accord de distribution, XR Medical disposera de droits exclusifs pour la vente, la commercialisation et la distribution des systèmes de Conformis spécifiques à chaque patient suivants : prothèses totales de genou CR et PS iTotal®, dispositifs de rotule CR et PS iTotal® et enfin prothèses partielles iUni® et iDuo®. D’autres produits, tels que le système de genou Identity Imprint™ récemment approuvé de Conformis, ainsi que son portefeuille de produits pour la hanche, pourront être ajoutés à l’avenir.

L’équipe de vente de XR Medical se chargera des ventes et de l’assistance exclusivement auprès d’installations de premier plan de la Zone pilote du tourisme médical international (« Zone pilote ») Boao Lecheng, sur l’île de Hainan, en Chine, pour le compte de Conformis. La région est un centre majeur du tourisme médical pour des dizaines de pays.

« Cet accord de distribution est un autre exemple de notre progression dans notre stratégie de croissance globale. Nous sommes convaincus que notre portefeuille de produits unique servira à accélérer la croissance internationale de Conformis. Et nous sommes heureux de nous associer à XR Medical, qui possède un impressionnant historique de réussite en Chine », a déclaré Mark Augusti, président-directeur général de Conformis. « Les solides performances de XR Medical dans la Zone pilote constituent un atout particulièrement intéressant de cette société. L’accès aux patients se rendant dans cette région pour un traitement offre l’opportunité de présenter les avantages cliniques de la technologie Conformis à un large public. Nous estimons qu’un début dans la Zone pilote nous positionne avantageusement, et que cette relation servira de modèle pour de futures opportunités d’expansion en Chine continentale. »

La Zone pilote est située sur Hainan, une grande île au large de la côte sud de la Chine. Elle a été créée en 2019 pour attirer les citoyens chinois aisés qui, autrement, pourraient se rendre à l’étranger pour leurs soins médicaux. Cette région de la Chine a développé des installations de soins médicaux de très haut niveau dans une destination populaire. Actuellement, les touristes médicaux de dizaines de pays, y compris ceux d’Asie du Sud-Est, sont autorisés à se rendre à Hainan pour un séjour de 30 jours sans visa.

Le marché mondial de la reconstruction de l’articulation du genou devrait atteindre plus de 9 milliards de dollars. Sur ce total, le marché de la reconstruction articulaire du genou dans la région Asie-Pacifique est actuellement estimé à plus de 1,7 milliard de dollars. Fortune Business Insights prévoit un taux de croissance élevé pour les remplacements de genou dans la région en raison de la prévalence accrue des problèmes de genou, de l’essor du tourisme médical, de l’accroissement des revenus disponibles, et de l’amélioration de l’infrastructure des soins de santé.

À propos de Conformis, Inc.

Conformis est une société de technologie médicale qui utilise sa plateforme technologique exclusive iFit® Image-to-Implant® pour mettre au point, fabriquer et vendre des implants et instruments de remplacement articulaire de taille et de forme individuelles, dites personnalisées, individualisées ou parfois même customisées, en vue de les adapter et de les conformer à l’anatomie unique de chaque patient. Conformis propose une large gamme d’implants de genou et de hanche personnalisés stériles et d’implants standard stériles, ainsi que d’instruments à usage unique livrés aux établissements hospitaliers et centres chirurgicaux ambulatoires. Lors des études cliniques, le système de remplacement du genou CR Conformis iTotal® a démontré des résultats cliniques supérieurs, notamment en termes de fonctionnalité et de satisfaction des patients, comparativement aux implants traditionnels prêts à l’emploi. Conformis détient ou exploite exclusivement sous licence des brevets délivrés et des demandes de brevets en instance couvrant des implants personnalisés et des instruments spécifiques au patient pour toutes les articulations majeures.

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Source : Conformis, Inc.

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(781) 374-5598


RapidPulse Lança, com Financiamento de US$15 milhões da série A, Terapia de AVC Isquêmico

Veteranos do setor se unem à equipe para apoiar o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de aspiração cíclica para acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico

MIAMI, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A RapidPulse, Inc., uma empresa privada de dispositivos médicos desenvolvendo um novo sistema de aspiração para tratamento de AVC isquêmico, anunciou hoje o encerramento de uma rodada de financiamento de US$15 milhões da Série A. O financiamento foi liderado pela Santé Ventures, juntamente com a Epidarex Capital, Hatteras Venture Partners, Broadview Ventures e Syntheon. A RapidPulse pretende usar os recursos para avançar seu Sistema de Aspiração Cíclica RapidPulse™ por meio de uma avaliação clínica expandida e criação da sua plataforma de cateteres proprietários.

O sistema RapidPulse™ foi desenvolvido pela Syntheon, uma incubadora de dispositivos médicos focada no desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos da próxima geração. Seus vários produtos comercializados pelas maiores e mais confiáveis empresas de dispositivos médicos do mundo, trataram mais de 50 milhões de pacientes globalmente em aplicações que vão desde a cirurgia laparoscópica, até a cardiovascular e endoscopia flexível. A Syntheon recebeu mais de 200 patentes desde a sua fundação há mais de 20 anos.

“Estamos contentes com essa parceria com um sindicato de investidores excepcional que tem por objetivo avançar a nossa tecnologia RapidPulse™ na área clínica”, disse Sean McBrayer, CEO da Syntheon, que também atuará como CEO inicial da RapidPulse. “O AVC é a segunda principal causa de morte e a terceira principal causa de incapacidade em todo o mundo, e os minutos são essenciais para a melhoria dos resultados. Este investimento nos ajudará a expandir nossos resultados clínicos e avançar rumo à aprovação regulatória nos Estados Unidos.”

A equipe conta também com a participação dos veteranos da indústria Heather Harries e Cynthia Yang. Recentemente, Heather foi Gerente Geral da divisão de aorta da Terumo e liderará o desenvolvimento de produtos e operações da RapidPulse. Cynthia liderará o desenvolvimento clínico da empresa, depois de trabalhar na divisão neurovascular da Medtronic.

Dennis McWilliams, sócio da Santé Ventures, acrescentou: “Heather e Cynthia trazem sua expertise excepcional com domínio para a equipe da RapidPulse e irão complementar a experiência substancial de desenvolvimento de engenharia na Syntheon. RapidPulse é uma oportunidade de plataforma disruptiva na área neurovascular com o potencial de aprimorar substancialmente os resultados dos pacientes de acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico.”


A RapidPulse, Inc. é uma empresa privada de dispositivos médicos que desenvolve produtos vasculares minimamente invasivos para acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. A empresa está avançando no desenvolvimento do Sistema de Aspiração Cíclica RapidPulse™, que inclui uma nova bomba de aspiração para permitir a remoção rápida e consistente de coágulos sanguíneos do cérebro. A RapidPulse é uma spinout da Syntheon LLC., uma incubadora de dispositivos médicos dedicada ao desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores na indústria de dispositivos médicos. Visite para mais informação.


A Santé Ventures é uma empresa de investimento em ciências da vida que investe em empresas em estágio inicial de dispositivos médicos, biotecnologia e serviços de saúde habilitados digitalmente. Fazemos parceria com empreendedores para desenvolver empresas impactantes tais como a Claret Medical (agora parte da Boston Scientific), TVA Medical (Becton Dickinson), Millipede Medical (Boston Scientific) e Molecular Templates (NASDAQ: MTEM). Fundada em 2006, a Santé tem quase US$1 bilhão em ativos sob gestão, e escritórios em Austin, TX e Boston, MA. Para mais informação, visite


A Epidarex Capital é uma empresa transatlântica de capital de risco que constrói empresas excepcionais de ciências da vida em centros emergentes nos EUA e no Reino Unido. A equipe experiente de investidores em estágio inicial da Epidarex faz parceria com empreendedores e instituições de pesquisa líderes para transformar a ciência de classe mundial em produtos altamente inovadores que atendem às principais necessidades não atendidas na área de saúde em todo o mundo. Para mais informação, visite


Fundada em 2000 e com sede em Durham, NC, a Hatteras Venture Partners é uma empresa de capital de risco com foco no investimento inicial em saúde. Com seis fundos e mais de US $ 600 milhões sob gestão, a empresa tem investido em ciência inovadora e empreendedorismo nas áreas de biofármacos, dispositivos médicos, diagnósticos, TI de saúde e oportunidades relacionadas na medicina humana. Para mais informação, visite


Fundada em 2008, a Broadview Ventures é uma organização de investimento orientada por missões. O principal objetivo da Broadview é aprimorar a saúde humana nas áreas de doenças cardiovasculares e acidente vascular cerebral por meio de investimentos em empresas em estágio inicial que desenvolvem terapêuticas, dispositivos e diagnósticos inovadores. Para mais informação sobre a Broadview Ventures, visite


Sean McBrayer,, 305-266-3388

RapidPulse se lance avec un financement de série A de 15 millions de dollars pour le traitement des accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques

Des vétéranes de l’industrie rejoignent l’équipe pour soutenir le développement d’un nouveau système d’aspiration cyclique pour les accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques

MIAMI, 23 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RapidPulse, Inc., une société privée spécialisée dans les dispositifs médicaux qui développe un nouveau système d’aspiration pour traiter les accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture d’un financement de série A de 15 millions de dollars. Le financement a été mené par Santé Ventures qui a été rejointe par Epidarex Capital, Hatteras Venture Partners, Broadview Ventures et Syntheon. RapidPulse prévoit d’utiliser les recettes pour faire progresser son système d’aspiration cyclique RapidPulse™ grâce à une évaluation clinique élargie et pour construire sa plateforme de cathéters brevetés.

Le système RapidPulse™ a été développé par Syntheon, un incubateur de dispositifs médicaux axé sur le développement de dispositifs médicaux de nouvelle génération. Ses différents produits, commercialisés par les sociétés de dispositifs médicaux les plus importantes et les plus réputées au monde, ont traité plus de 50 millions de patients dans le monde entier dans des applications allant de la chirurgie laparoscopique au domaine cardiovasculaire, en passant par l’endoscopie flexible. Syntheon a émis plus de 200 brevets depuis sa création il y a plus de 20 ans.

« Nous sommes ravis d’avoir conclu un partenariat avec un syndicat d’investisseurs exceptionnel pour faire progresser notre technologie RapidPulse™ en clinique », a déclaré Sean McBrayer, PDG de Syntheon, qui occupera également le poste de PDG initial de RapidPulse. « Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux sont la deuxième cause de décès et la troisième cause de handicap dans le monde, et la moindre minute compte pour améliorer ces résultats. Cet investissement nous aidera à étendre nos résultats cliniques et à nous diriger vers l’approbation réglementaire aux États-Unis. »

Heather Harries et Cynthia Yang, vétéranes de l’industrie, rejoindront l’équipe. Mme Harries a le plus récemment occupé le poste de directrice générale de l’activité aortique de Terumo et dirigera le développement des produits et les opérations de RapidPulse. Mme Yang dirigera le développement clinique de la société, après avoir récemment travaillé au sein de la division neurovasculaire de Medtronic.

Dennis McWilliams, associé chez Santé Ventures, a ajouté : « Heather et Cynthia apportent une expertise sectorielle exceptionnelle à l’équipe de RapidPulse, et complèteront l’expérience significative de développement en ingénierie de Syntheon. RapidPulse est une opportunité de plateforme révolutionnaire dans le domaine neurovasculaire, et a le potentiel d’améliorer de manière significative les résultats pour les patients atteints d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques. »


RapidPulse, Inc. est une société privée spécialisée dans les dispositifs médicaux qui développe des produits vasculaires mini-invasifs pour les accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques. La société fait progresser le développement du système d’aspiration cyclique RapidPulse™, qui comprend une nouvelle pompe d’aspiration pour permettre un retrait rapide et constant des caillots sanguins du cerveau. RapidPulse est une spin-out de Syntheon LLC., un incubateur de dispositifs médicaux dédié au développement de produits innovants dans l’industrie des dispositifs médicaux. Pour de plus amples informations, consultez le site


Santé Ventures est une société d’investissement dans les sciences de la vie qui investit dans des sociétés en phase initiale dans les services de santé numériques, de biotechnologie et de dispositifs médicaux. Nous collaborons avec des entrepreneurs pour créer des entreprises ayant un impact, y compris Claret Medical (qui fait désormais partie de Boston Scientific), TVA Medical (Becton Dickinson), Millipede Medical (Boston Scientific) et Molecular Templates (NASDAQ : MTEM). Fondée en 2006, Santé dispose de juste un peu moins d’un milliard de dollars d’actifs sous gestion et possède des bureaux à Austin, au Texas, et Boston, dans le Massachusetts. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site


Epidarex Capital est une société transatlantique de capital-risque qui construit des sociétés exceptionnelles dans le domaine des sciences de la vie dans des pôles émergents aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni. L’équipe expérimentée d’investisseurs en phase initiale d’Epidarex s’associe aux entrepreneurs et aux institutions de recherche de premier plan pour transformer la science de classe mondiale en produits hautement innovants répondant aux principaux besoins non satisfaits dans le domaine des soins de santé mondiaux. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site


Fondée en 2000 et basée à Durham, en Caroline du Nord, Hatteras Venture Partners est une société de capital-risque axée sur l’investissement dans les soins de santé à un stade précoce et d’amorçage. Grâce à six fonds et à plus de 600 millions de dollars sous gestion, la société a investi dans la science de pointe et l’esprit entrepreneurial dans les domaines de la biopharmacie, des dispositifs médicaux, des diagnostics, des technologies informatiques de la santé et dans les opportunités connexes de la médecine humaine. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site


Fondée en 2008, Broadview Ventures est une organisation d’investissement axée sur sa mission. L’objectif principal de Broadview est d’améliorer la santé humaine dans les domaines des maladies cardiovasculaires et des accidents vasculaires cérébraux grâce à des investissements dans des entreprises en phase initiale qui développent des thérapies, des dispositifs et des diagnostics innovants. Pour plus d’informations sur Broadview Ventures, rendez-vous sur


Sean McBrayer,, 305-266-3388

Prix UNCA 2021 concours de la meilleure couverture mediatique de l’ONU et de ses agences

Remise des prix en décembre 2021 (date à définir) à New York au Gala de l’UNCA sous la présidence d’honneur du Secrétaire général António Guterres

NEW YORK, 24 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — L’association des Correspondants de presse des Nations Unies (UNCA) invite les médias du monde entier — presse écrite, télévisuelle et radio, presse en ligne — à participer au 25e concours annuel de la meilleure couverture de la pandémie de Covid-19, du changement climatique, et de l’ONU, de ses agences et de ses opérations de terrain.

United Nations Correspondents Association Logo

Alors que la cérémonie du 25e anniversaire n’a pu se tenir en 2020 à cause de la pandémie, l’association des Correspondants de presse des Nations Unies renouera en décembre avec son évènement annuel afin d’honorer l’excellence en journalisme dans le monde.

La date limite de réception des formulaires en ligne et des travaux soumis au jury est le 15 septembre 2021.

Le concours est ouvert aux journalistes du monde entier.

Voici les prix qui seront remis:

  1. Prix Elizabeth Neuffer, parrainé par la fondation Alexander Bodini. Le prix est pour la couverture de la pandémie de Covid-19 par la presse écrite (dont les médias en ligne) et audiovisuelle (TV et radio).
  2. Prix Mondial du Prince Albert II de Monaco et de l’Association des correspondants de presse de l’ONU pour les changements climatiques. Il récompense la couverture par la presse écrite (dont les médias en ligne) et audiovisuelle (TV et radio), du changement climatique, de la biodiversité et de la gestion des ressources en eau.
  3. Prix Ricardo Ortega, parrainé par l’Alliance des civilisations des Nations Unies, pour la couverture de l’ONU et de ses agences, par la presse écrite (dont les médias en ligne) et audiovisuelle (TV et radio).


La couverture souhaitée de l’ONU et de ses agences est précisée dans chaque catégorie. Le Comité accepte tous les sujets, en particulier ceux concernant les Objectifs du développement durable pour 2030, les opérations de maintien de la paix et la non-prolifération, y compris l’élimination des armes nucléaires, chimiques et bactériologiques.

Les travaux présentés (articles de presse écrite ou sur internet, programmes de radio ou de télévision) doivent avoir été publiés entre septembre 2019 et août 2021.

Le jury privilégiera les travaux démontrant perspicacité et originalité et prendra en considération le courage et les qualités d’investigation et d’écriture des journalistes. La participations de médias de pays en développement est particulièrement encouragée.

Les travaux peuvent être présentés dans n’importe laquelle des langues officielles de l’ONU (anglais, français, arabe, chinois, espagnol, russe). Une transcription écrite en anglais ou français est recommandée pour faciliter la sélection.

Chaque candidat peut soumettre des travaux pour DEUX prix AU MAXIMUM, avec un maximum de deux (2) travaux pour chaque prix.

  • Il faut envoyer vos travaux par voie électronique en incluant le lien ou en téléchargeant tous les documents directement sur le formulaire d’inscription.


Les travaux sont soumis en remplissant le formulaire en ligne.

Sur la première page, veuillez compléter vos informations personnelles et télécharger votre photo.

La page suivante est l’endroit où vous soumettrez votre travail par voie électronique en téléchargeant des liens Web et/ou des fichiers directement sur le formulaire d’inscription.


**Les envois électroniques sont obligatoires**

Votre candidature doit être reçue au plus tard le 15 septembre 2021

Pour toute question au sujet du concours, veuillez contacter:
le Bureau de l’UNCA au 1-212-963-7137
Ou envoyer un email à l’adresse suivante:

Comité du concours UNCA:

UNCA Awards Committee Valeria Robecco (UNCA President), Giampaolo Pioli (Awards Chairman), Tuyet Nguyen (Awards Selections Coordinator), Sherwin Bryce-Pease (UNCA Executive Member), Edith Lederer (UNCA Executive Member), Linda Fasulo (UNCA Executive Member)

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2021 UN Correspondents Association Awards for Best Journalistic Coverage of the United Nations and UN Agencies


NEW YORK, June 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) invites media worldwide to submit entries for its 25th anniversary of the UNCA Awards for best print, broadcast (TV & Radio) and online, web-based media coverage of COVID-19, climate change and the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations.

United Nations Correspondents Association Logo

While the UNCA Awards 25th anniversary was put on hold in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year the UN Correspondents Association will return to hosting the annual event in December, honoring excellence in journalism around the globe.

Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2021.

The awards are open to all journalists anywhere in the world.

The Awards are:

  1. The Elizabeth Neuffer Memorial Prize for coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, sponsored by the Alexander Bodini Foundation. The prize is for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio).
  2. The Prince Albert II of Monaco and UNCA Global Prize for Coverage of Climate Change. The prize is for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio).
  3. The Ricardo Ortega Memorial Prize for coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations, sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The prize is for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio)


Work in print, broadcast (TV & Radio) and online coverage must be published between September 2019 and August 2021.

The judges will look for entries with impact, insight, and originality, and will consider the courage and investigative and reporting skills of the journalists. Entries from the developing world media are particularly welcome.

Entries can be submitted in any of the official UN languages (English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, and Russian), however a written transcript in English or French is necessary to facilitate the judging process.

Each candidate can submit to no more than two (2) prize categories, with a maximum of two (2) stories in each. Joint entries are accepted.

Electronic files and web links uploaded to the online Entry Form are required.


Entries are submitted online by completing the UNCA Awards Entry Form.

On the first page, please complete your personal information and upload your photo.
The following page is where you will submit your work electronically by uploading web links and/or files directly to the Entry Form.

** Electronic entries are mandatory **

All entries must be received by September 15th, 2021

For Questions regarding UNCA Awards & entries please contact:
The UNCA Office, 1-212-963-7137.
Or send an email to


UNCA Awards Committee: Valeria Robecco (UNCA President), Giampaolo Pioli (Awards Chairman), Tuyet Nguyen (Awards Selections Coordinator), Sherwin Bryce-Pease (UNCA Executive Member), Edith Lederer (UNCA Executive Member), Linda Fasulo (UNCA Executive Member)

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Graduate Management Admission Council Welcomes New Members to the Board

New additions reflect the diverse, global perspective of the business school community

RESTON, Va., June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™), a global association of leading graduate business schools, today announced the addition of four new members to its board of directors. Katy Montgomery, Associate Dean, Degree Programmes, INSEAD; François Ortalo-Magné, Dean, London Business School; and Giuseppe Soda, Dean, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, will begin their terms on July 1. In addition, Yuan Ding, Vice President and Dean of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), was appointed as a board director in January this year to fill the seat vacated by Enase Okonedo of the Pan-Atlantic University.

“GMAC’s new board of directors represent leading business schools with campuses located in 10 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and the Middle East,” said Sangeet Chowfla, president and CEO of GMAC. “As student mobility returns and regains in the post-pandemic world, I look forward to working alongside this diverse group of leaders ― and the rest of the GMAC board ― to continue to advance GMAC’s vision to ensure that all talented individuals can benefit from the best business education for them.”

New GMAC Board Members

Yuan Ding, Vice President and Dean, Cathay Capital Chair in Accounting, CEIBS

Yuan Ding is Vice President and Dean and the Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting at CEIBS, where he has been honored three times with the CEIBS Teaching Excellence Award. Prior to joining CEIBS, he was a tenured faculty member of the HEC School of Management, Paris, France. He is a member of the European Accounting Association, French Accounting Association and American Accounting Association. He holds a PhD in Accounting from the Institute of Enterprises Administration at the University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France, as well as a Master’s in Enterprises Administration from the University of Poitiers, France. Ding is the author of multiple books on financial reporting and his research appears in leading academic journals.

Katy Montgomery, Associate Dean, Degree Programmes, INSEAD

As the INSEAD Associate Dean of Degree Programmes, Montgomery is responsible for the commercial leadership of the INSEAD Degree Programme portfolio across four campuses: Fontainebleau, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and San Francisco. Her functional responsibilities include strategy, marketing, sales, admissions, financial aid and scholarships, programme operations, student life, psychological services, and career services. Prior to joining INSEAD, she served as Associate Dean of Student Development at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Montgomery holds a degree in Political Science from Loyola University New Orleans and a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

François Ortalo-Magné, Dean, London Business School

François Ortalo-Magné is the ninth Dean of London Business School (LBS), a position he has held since August 2017. He is leading a strategy focused on (1) academic research and its impact, (2) learning innovations and alumni engagement and (3) inclusion, striving for gender parity and greater socio-economic and ethnic diversity. Since taking up the role, Ortalo-Magné has led the relaunch of the LBS brand, the growth of degree programmes and a significant increase in philanthropic support for scholarships. His research on the economics of land and housing markets has been published in leading academic journals. He has built on his research and leadership experiences to advise a broad range of private, governmental and multi-lateral organisations and share his insights in leading media outlets and at conferences around the world. Prior to his appointment, Ortalo-Magné was the Albert O. Nicholas Dean and Robert E. Wangard Professor of Real Estate at the Wisconsin School of Business. His first academic appointment was at the London School of Economics.

Giuseppe Soda, Dean, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University

Giuseppe “Beppe” Soda is the Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management and Full Professor of Organization Theory and Network Analysis at Bocconi University. Before becoming Dean in 2016, his roles have included serving as the Associate Dean for Research (2007-2013), Director of the Department of Management and Technology (2013-2016) and Head of Organization and HRM Department (2001-2006). He is also serving EFMD as member of the EQUIS Accreditation Board. Soda’s research investigates the performance consequences of the interplay between organizational architectures and organizational networks and his work has been published in top academic management journals.

Besides the aforementioned newly elected board members, Martin Boehm, Professor of Marketing and former Dean of IE Business School and soon the new Rector of EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, and Themin Suwardy, Dean of Postgraduate Professional Programmes, Singapore Management University, were re-elected for a second term.

GMAC also recognizes its outgoing board members, Leila Guerra, Vice Dean (Education) of Imperial College Business School, and Peter Tufano, Peter Moores Dean and Professor of Finance of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. GMAC thanks them for their service in the past nearly four years to our organization and contributions to the graduate management education community.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. Founded in 1953, GMAC creates solutions and experiences that enable business schools and candidates to better discover, evaluate, and connect with each other.

GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry, as well as tools, resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

GMAC also owns and administers the NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) exam and the Executive Assessment (EA). More than 7 million candidates on their business master’s or MBA journey visited GMAC’s last year to explore business school options, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on the admissions process. BusinessBecause and The MBA Tour are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
202-390-4180 (mobile)

Conformis, Inc. Announces Exclusive Distribution Agreement in China

New Agreement expands Conformis’ global reach and brings patient-specific knee replacement systems to the largest market in the Asia-Pacific region

BILLERICA, Mass., June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conformis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CFMS) today announced the execution of an agreement to enter the Asia-Pacific market through an exclusive distribution relationship with XR Medical Group (Hong Kong) Limited (XR Medical).

Under the distribution agreement, XR Medical will have exclusive rights for the sale, marketing, and distribution of Conformis’ patient-specific iTotal® CR & PS total knee replacement systems, iTotal® CR & PS patella devices, and iUni® and iDuo® partial knee replacement systems. Other products, such as Conformis’ recently approved Identity Imprint™ knee system and its hip portfolio of products, may be added in the future.

XR Medical’s sales team will provide sales and support exclusively to top-tier facilities in Hainan’s Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone (Pilot Zone) on behalf of Conformis. The region is a major center of medical tourism for dozens of countries.

“This distribution agreement is another example of progress as we execute our overall growth strategy. We are confident that our unique product portfolio will serve to accelerate Conformis’ international growth. And we are pleased to partner with XR Medical, which has an impressive track record of success in China,” said Mark Augusti, President and CEO of Conformis. “What is particularly attractive about XR Medical is its strong performance in the Pilot Zone. With access to patients visiting the region for treatment, this creates an opportunity to introduce a broad audience to the clinical benefits of Conformis technology. We believe that starting in the Pilot Zone positions us well and we anticipate that this relationship will serve as a model for future expansion opportunities in mainland China.”

The Pilot Zone is located on Hainan, a large island off China’s southern coast. It was established in 2019 to attract affluent Chinese citizens who might otherwise go abroad for their medical care. This region of China has developed top-level medical treatment facilities in a popular destination. Currently, medical tourists from dozens of countries, including those in Southeast Asia, are permitted to visit Hainan for a 30-day stay without visas.

The global market for knee joint reconstruction is projected at more than $9 billion. Of this total, the knee joint reconstruction market in the Asia-Pacific region is currently estimated to exceed $1.7 billion. Fortune Business Insights predicts a high growth rate for knee replacements in the region due to the combination of the increased prevalence of knee disorders, booming medical tourism, increased disposable incomes, and improved healthcare infrastructure.

About Conformis, Inc.

Conformis is a medical technology company that uses its proprietary iFit® Image-to-Implant® technology platform to develop, manufacture, and sell joint replacement implants and instruments that are individually sized and shaped, which we refer to as personalized, individualized, or sometimes as customized, to fit and conform to each patient’s unique anatomy. Conformis offers a broad line of sterile, personalized knee and hip implants and standard implants, along with single-use instruments delivered to hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. In clinical studies, the Conformis iTotal® CR knee replacement system demonstrated superior clinical outcomes, including better function and greater patient satisfaction, compared to traditional, off-the-shelf implants. Conformis owns or exclusively in-licenses issued patents and pending patent applications that cover personalized implants and patient-specific instrumentation for all major joints.

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Statements in this press release about our future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as other statements containing the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “target,” “will,” or “would” and similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from the projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements we make as a result of a variety of risks and uncertainties, including risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” sections of our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, the forward-looking statements included in this press release represent our views as of the date hereof. We anticipate that subsequent events and developments may cause our views to change. However, while we may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we specifically disclaim any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date hereof.

Source: Conformis, Inc.

Media Contact:
Investor Relations
(781) 374-5598

Liquid Instruments Introduces Moku:Pro – A High Performance, Software-Defined Instrumentation Platform for Engineers and Scientists

New architecture delivers nine instruments with real-time measurement capabilities to the research lab

Moku:Pro In Lab Setting

Moku:Pro brings test and measurement into the modern age, allowing engineers and researchers to dynamically switch between instruments rather than needing multiple stand-alone devices.

CANBERRA, Australia and SAN DIEGO, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Liquid Instruments, an innovator in precision software-defined instrumentation, today announced Moku:Pro, a high-performance platform for engineering and research labs.

Moku:Pro accelerates the transition from traditional fixed-function test and measurement hardware to a flexible field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based approach by making high-quality instruments accessible in an integrated, software-upgradeable platform.

“Researchers in engineering and physics face constantly evolving requirements – with changes occurring on timescales much shorter than the lifespan of test equipment,” said Daniel Shaddock, CEO of Liquid Instruments. “Moku:Pro’s software-enabled-hardware architecture allows it to evolve as your applications evolve, something that is simply not possible with conventional test equipment.”

Moku:Pro hosts nine powerful instruments, including an oscilloscope, lock-in amplifier, PID controller, phasemeter, arbitrary waveform generator, data logger, spectrum analyzer, frequency response analyzer, and waveform generator to ensure researchers have the instrumentation they need to quickly characterize their set up and scale their experiments. The platform was designed to meet the needs of researchers in a variety of fields, from aerospace to semiconductor. Moku:Pro’s instrument suite is particularly suited to photonics applications, including spectroscopy, microscopy, metrology, gravitational wave detection, active laser stabilization, and quantum computing.


Moku:Pro accelerates the transition from traditional fixed-function test and measurement hardware to a flexible field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based approach by making high-quality instruments accessible in an integrated, software-upgradeable platform.

“Quantum computing pushes the performance limits of electronics, optics, and flexible real-time signal processing. We see software-defined instrumentation as the future of test and measurement systems for quantum computing,” said Andrew Horsley, CEO and Co-founder of Quantum Brilliance, a full-stack quantum computing company working on room temperature diamond technology.  “Moku:Pro is a workhorse of the lab and one of the most versatile photonics tools we’ve seen.”

Bringing Instrumentation Into the Modern Era
Moku:Pro brings test and measurement into the modern age, allowing engineers and researchers to dynamically switch between instruments rather than needing multiple stand-alone devices.  Advanced ADC blending technology ensures that each instrument can function with optimal sensitivity from RF to acoustic frequencies without compromising performance for flexibility. Full connectivity via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and USB-C ensures industry-standard, hassle-free configuration.

A key benefit of software-defined instrumentation is that it gets better over time. Moku:Pro can receive over-the-air updates to deliver improved specifications, new instruments, or entirely new capabilities. Users can expect to see these benefits as soon as September when Liquid Instruments plans to release a feature that will give Moku:Pro the ability to run multiple instruments in conjunction with one another and hot-swap instruments in and out. In this multi-instrument mode, instruments can be combined and connected to form sophisticated signal-processing pipelines. Also slated for September release is a new cloud-based tool that will allow users to directly program Moku:Pro’s FPGA. With this capability, users can implement unique signal processing algorithms and create their own custom instruments, which will further widen the gap with conventional hardware.

Moku:Pro Specifications

  • 4 analog inputs and outputs
  • Blended ADC input (10-bit+18-bit) for low noise, high bandwidth applications
  • Sampling rate of 5 GSa/s (1 channel), 1.25 GSa/s (4 channels)
  • 9 integrated instruments, including a DC-600 MHz lock-in amplifier
  • 120 GB SSD for high-speed onboard storage
  • API support for Python and MATLAB
  • Starting at $12,000 for the base configuration, ranging up to $20,000 for the full suite.

A History of Success 
The Liquid Instruments technical leadership team brings deep expertise in complex measurements with experience from Australian National University, Max Planck Institute, Lockheed Martin, Caltech, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Moku:Pro expands the line of software-defined solutions from Moku:Lab, a twelve-instrument platform for research, and, more recently, Moku:Go, a complete and portable lab solution for undergraduate education.

For more information on Moku:Pro, visit:

About Liquid Instruments
Liquid Instruments is a leader in precision software-defined instrumentation and is revolutionizing the way that students, engineers, and scientists learn, work, and discover. Their product line of hardware and software solutions leverages the computational power of modern FPGAs to create highly customizable instrumentation for controlling experiments and acquiring and analyzing data. The team’s IP in software-defined hardware enables Moku products to be dynamically reconfigurable in the field, serving a wide range of ever-changing experimental and process control situations. For more information, visit

The Project received funding from The Australian Government. Liquid Instruments gratefully acknowledges funding and support of the Australian Commonwealth Government through the CRC-P program administered by the Department of Industry Innovation and Science.

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