Presidente do Avia Solutions Group, Gediminas Ziemelis: O desafio entre os cargueiros de fábrica e as aeronaves de passageiros convertidas em cargueiros (P2F)

DUBLIN, Irlanda, July 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os anos de pandemia trouxeram receitas sem precedentes do transporte aéreo de cargas. Com a oferta limitada devido à paralisação dos aviões de passageiros e a demanda em alta graças ao crescimento do comércio eletrônico, os preços por quilograma de carga dispararam. De acordo com os números do TAC Yields do Trade and Transport Group, em 2019, o frete aéreo de Hong Kong para a América do Norte custou US$ 3,80/kg, enquanto o preço da Europa para a América do Norte foi de US$ 2,10/kg. Já em 2022, esses mesmos serviços custavam US$ 9,00/kg e US$ 4,50/kg, respectivamente.

Como era de se esperar, essa situação alterou a posição dos transportadores de carga aérea. A receita com cargas mais que dobrou, passando de US$ 100 bilhões em 2019 para US$ 210 em 2021 (esses são os números da IATA), enquanto a receita com passageiros despencou de US$ 607 bilhões anuais para US$ 239 bilhões. A receita anual da Cargolux cresceu de US$ 2,2 bilhões para US$ 5,1 bilhões durante a pandemia, e a Silkway mais do que dobrou sua receita e registrou um aumento em sua margem de -10% para +30%. Esses ganhos imensos, além do potencial de longo prazo do comércio eletrônico (que levou a Airbus e a Boeing a fazer previsões otimistas para o crescimento do transporte aéreo de cargas), levaram muitas companhias aéreas a se concentrarem mais no transporte de cargas.

No entanto, o aumento da capacidade de carga fez com que os preços do frete caíssem vertiginosamente uma vez mais. A IATA prevê que os rendimentos anuais de carga cairão 28,6% este ano. Isso significa que o transporte aéreo de cargas, um setor notoriamente cíclico, está mais uma vez entrando em um período de turbulência. Esse é o contexto em que as companhias aéreas estão decidindo se comprarão novos aviões de carga.

Novos cargueiros versus conversão das aeronaves de passageiros em cargueiros

As companhias aéreas e os transportadores de carga aérea estão adotando estratégias diferentes na hora de aumentar suas frotas de cargueiros. De acordo com o último relatório da KPMG, no ano passado, foram feitas 35 encomendas de novas aeronaves 777-200F, 33 encomendas de novos 777-8Fs e 20 fornecedores compraram novos A350Fs. Estas encomendas foram feitas tanto por operadoras de carga aérea dedicadas (Cargolux, Silkway West, DHL, FedEx) quanto por companhias aéreas (Lufthansa Cargo, Qatar, Air Canada, China Airlines, EVA, Air France, Etihad, SIA e Western Global). Enquanto isso, as conversões anuais de aeronaves de passageiros para cargueiros (P2F) atingiram recordes históricos, com um volume estimado em 180 aeronaves por ano até 2025, para, então, se estabilizar em cerca de 160 aeronaves por ano. Isso se compara com 70 unidades por ano antes da pandemia da COVID-19.

Vários fatores estão afetando a escolha de comprar cargueiros novos ou fazer conversões de aeronaves de passageiros em cargueiros. Naturalmente, o custo é um dos fatores mais importantes, levando em conta variáveis como número total de encomendas, consumo de combustível e manutenção, assim como os custos iniciais de produção. Os prazos de entrega de produção são outro fator importante, assim como o volume e a flexibilidade da carga.

Fator 1: Custos de leasing

Há uma enorme diferença nos custos iniciais para cargueiros novos em relação aos cargueiros convertidos. O preço inicial de um 777-200F ou A350F novinho em folha é de, aproximadamente, US$ 170 a US$ 185 milhões, ou uma taxa de leasing mensal entre US$ 1,2 e US$ 1,3 milhão. Analisando a carteira de encomendas das empresas que fizeram compras no ano passado, a maioria dessas companhias aéreas têm uma quantidade significativa destes tipos de aeronaves em sua frota, especialmente as de carga combinada. Nestes casos, é muito provável que o custo real da compra tenha sido muito menor do que a faixa de US$ 170 a US$ 185 milhões. Economias positivas de escala também serão um diferencial para manter os custos baixos para essas companhias aéreas. Mesmo assim, apesar dessa economia, elas ainda terão que arcar com taxas de leasing mensais da ordem de US$ 1 milhão.

Por outro lado, o leasing de uma conversão de 777-300 de passageiros para carga custará US$ 0,6 milhão por mês, ou cerca de US$ 65 milhões para a aquisição definitiva. É provável que essa aeronave se equipare bem a seus rivais originais de fábrica, porém, por uma fração do custo.

Fator 2: MRO e custos operacionais

As companhias aéreas economizarão nas conversões P2Fs com relação a MRO (manutenção, reparo e operações). Com acesso ao mercado de peças de segunda mão, a manutenção dessas aeronaves será consideravelmente mais barata do que manter aviões novos em operação.

Naturalmente, além da economia de custos, o acesso a peças de segunda mão também pode acelerar e simplificar o processo de manutenção para as companhias aéreas.

O consumo de combustível é outra questão a considerar. Historicamente, temos visto melhorias significativas no consumo de combustível quando novas aeronaves entram em operação. Quando a 777F foi apresentada como substituta da 747-400F, seu consumo de combustível de 6.800 kg/h foi um grande avanço em relação aos 10.230 kg/h oferecidos pelo 747-400F. No entanto, com a nova 777X e a A350, é improvável que vejamos melhorias no consumo de combustível que correspondam à redução de 30% observada da 747-400F para a 777F. Uma diferença de 10% a 15% é o máximo que podemos esperar de forma realista.

Em resumo, embora a melhoria no consumo de combustível e (em alguns casos) as economias de escala possam amenizar o impacto financeiro da compra de um novo cargueiro, em termos de custos, as conversões P2F são uma opção muito mais atrativa.

Fator 3: Volume e flexibilidade de entrega

As novas aeronaves de carga têm o potencial de oferecer benefícios em termos de capacidade e flexibilidade de entrega. O carregamento pelo nariz, em particular, oferece uma enorme vantagem. Ele permite que as aeronaves entreguem cargas de grande porte, como grandes geradores, motores, caminhões e tecnologia especializada. O mais importante é que essa carga de grandes dimensões é lucrativa, oferecendo maior rentabilidade do que as entregas normais de paletes.

No entanto, as novas aeronaves de carga que estão sendo produzidas, como a 777X e a A350F, não oferecem carregamento pelo nariz. Isso nivela o campo de jogo em termos das vantagens que uma aeronave de carga exclusivamente tem sobre uma conversão, já que ambos agora estão restritos à carga que pode passar pelas portas laterais.

Como as conversões se comportam em termos de volume, densidade da embalagem e carga útil bruta? Vamos considerar a 777-300ERCF em comparação com a 777F (que atualmente compõe metade da frota de aeronaves de carga de grande porte do mundo) usando dados de uma comparação de 2022 feita pela Aircraft Commerce.

Embora a 777F ofereça uma carga útil total maior, de 106,6 toneladas métricas, em termos de volume, a 777-300ERCF supera com folga a 777F. A 777-300ERCF oferece quase 6.000 pés cúbicos a mais em volume total do que a 777F (28.739 pés cúbicos em comparação com 22.971). A receita por carga útil também é consideravelmente maior. Com 6,5 lbs, são 186.804 pés cúbicos, e, com 7,5 lbs, são 190.900 pés cúbicos, em comparação com os 149.312 pés cúbicos e 172.283 pés cúbicos da 777F, respectivamente. Um ponto importante a ser observado nessa comparação é que o volume, e não a carga útil bruta, é o que mais importa nas operações expressas de comércio eletrônico, que provavelmente serão um importante fator de crescimento no futuro. E, neste aspecto, a 777-300ERCF oferece uma clara vantagem.

Evitando a armadilha das compras de novas aeronaves de carga

A Airbus estima que será necessário adicionar mais 1.040 aeronaves de carga à frota global de transporte de cargas até 2041 – as previsões da Boeing são ainda mais confiantes. A compra de novas aeronaves de carga para atender a essa necessidade implica um risco significativo para as companhias aéreas. Com a queda significativa dos preços das cargas, o investimento CAPEX em uma nova A350 ou 777F representa um enorme desembolso financeiro em um momento em que os preços estão caindo rapidamente. Investir maciçamente em uma nova aeronave de carga de US$ 185 milhões pode ter feito sentido em 2021, quando os preços da carga aérea estavam em níveis recordes. No entanto, em 2023, essa não é mais uma política prudente.

Além disso, a aquisição de uma nova aeronave de carga tem pouco a acrescentar em termos de desempenho e capacidade. As conversões P2F podem se equiparar às novas aeronaves de carga fabricadas em termos de volume, e têm vantagens notáveis quando se trata de manutenção e produção.

Em última análise, as conversões representam um risco financeiro muito menor, permitindo que as companhias aéreas aumentem de forma sustentável sua capacidade de transporte de carga aérea. É por isso que estamos assistindo a um crescimento significativo nas conversões P2F, enquanto a entrega de novas aeronaves de carga estagnou. Com toda razão, muitas companhias aéreas não estão dispostas a assumir o risco financeiro de uma nova aeronave com a queda dos preços, e veem pouca vantagem em comparação com aviões de passageiros reformados.

Conheça Gediminas Ziemelis

Gediminas Ziemelis (nascido em 4 de abril de 1977) é um empresário lituano bem-sucedido, consultor de negócios, fundador e atual presidente do Conselho de Administração do Avia Solutions Group, um dos maiores fornecedores globais de ACMI (aeronaves, tripulação, manutenção e seguro), que opera uma frota de 180 aeronaves. Ele foi escolhido duas vezes entre os 40 jovens líderes mais talentosos do setor pela Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Gediminas é conhecido por sua mentalidade cosmopolita e habilidades excepcionais de gestão, que contribuíram para seu sucesso em várias áreas de negócios. Ao longo de seus 26 anos de carreira, Gediminas fundou mais de 100 start-ups, 50% delas ainda em operação, liderou empresas em 4 processos bem-sucedidos de IPO/SPO e levantou mais de 800 milhões de euros em mercados públicos globais de capital e títulos.

Em dezembro de 2022, Gediminas Ziemelis foi considerado o lituano mais rico pela TOP Magazine, com ativos estimados no valor de 1,68 bilhão de euros.

Gediminas é o maior doador do Rimantas Kaukenas Support Group, um fundo de caridade e apoio que oferece ajuda a crianças com doenças oncológicas e às suas famílias. Ele também é o maior acionista da principal equipe de basquete, a Wolves.

Contato com a imprensa: 
Silvija Jakiene 
Diretora de Comunicações 
Avia Solutions Group 
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000832339

St Kitts and Nevis announces further monumental changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme

Basseterre, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the Government of St Kitts and Nevis proudly announces further groundbreaking changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, a move that signals the country’s intention to remain as the reference point for the international investment migration industry. The monumental changes have been made to ensure that only high net worth investors and persons who value the citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis are attracted to the Programme.

For nearly 40 years, St Kitts and Nevis has been the pioneer of the global investor immigration industry, charting new territory with forward-looking solutions based on solid legislative principles and strict due diligence policies. The Programme has allowed the nation to thrive, giving Kittitians and Nevisians the opportunity to advance without overreliance on international financial aid.

The new changes, further to those made in December 2022, are aimed at safeguarding the nation’s integrity, making the Programme sustainable and preserving the privileged status of being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.

“Today, St Kitts and Nevis takes another bold step in reaffirming our intention to not only offer the best Citizenship by Investment Programme in the world, but also to offer a programme held together by a tight regulatory system designed to be a best-in-practice defence mechanism against illicit actors and those who try to bypass our high-end investment and contribution options. We are continuously committed to preserving the exclusivity and prestige associated with being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis,” said Prime Minister the Hon. Dr. Terrence Drew.

“This Government has always taken a considered approach when making decisions that impact not only the people of St Kitts and Nevis, but the international community as well. We have done some deep introspection, analysed the Programme, spoken to our international partners and have decided that now is the right time to show the world, as we did in December 2022, that our citizenship is not accessible to those who do not value our citizenship or understand what St Kitts and Nevis has to offer the world. We will continue to engage with the international community to provide clarity and assurance to investors that St Kitts and Nevis is a safe destination for long term investments,” continued Prime Minister Drew.

“Since coming into office less than a year ago, I have sought to work with well-intentioned partners who share my vision of where we can take our island nation on the global stage. We have done everything in our power to protect and advocate for the good name of St Kitts and Nevis. We have continuously instituted changes that will not only alleviate the concerns of our international stakeholders and position us as a compelling emerging market destination for authentic foreign direct investment, but these changes are also aimed at ensuring that our people continue to be proud to be called a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.”

The Government of St Kitts and Nevis has made further sweeping changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, which include the introduction of a new investment option called the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC). The SISC replaces the previous Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) and investors contributing towards this option will be advancing St Kitts and Nevis into a Sustainable Island State based on the following seven pillars:


  1. Increasing local food production;

2. Transitioning to Green Energy;

3. Diversifying the economy;

4. Attracting and supporting sustainable industries;

5. Evolving the Creative Economy;

6. Recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; and

7. Expanding social protection and safety nets to protect the most vulnerable.


Contributions start from US$250,000 for one applicant only and increase as a spouse or dependants are added. For a family of two, the contribution amount increases to US$300,000 and for a family of three or four, the minimum Sustainable Island State Contribution is US$350,000.

The minimum amount for investing in the Developer’s Real Estate Option is now US$400,000. The property must be held for a period of seven years and can be re-sold, once, to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment.

An Approved Private Home, which can be a condominium or single-family dwelling, qualifies to be sold as a Citizenship by Investment option if a minimum investment of US$400,000 is paid to the condominium owner or US$800,000 is paid to the single-family dwelling owner, by the main applicant.

Again, the private home must be held for a period of seven years and cannot be sold to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment unless the Federal Cabinet is satisfied that substantial further investment was injected into the real estate by way of further construction, renovation or otherwise.

A public benefit unit in an Approved Public Benefit Project will qualify for Citizenship by Investment, if a minimum contribution of US$250,000 is paid to the Approved Public Benefactor by the main applicant. This option is limited to Approved Public Benefactors who, by their projects, maximise local employment; embark upon programmes including transfer of technology and local capacity building; transfer all real estate to the State on substantial completion; and assume all financial risks.

Investors applying for Citizenship by Investment are now required to have a mandatory interview either virtually or in person at a location specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and approved by the Board of Governors. Interviews will be conducted by an independent professional firm commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit, who will also perform background due diligence checks, or the Unit itself.

All background due diligence checks will be commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and will be conducted by independent professional firms from the United Kingdom, USA and Europe, and in accordance with the requirements set by the Board of Governors.

Once the Citizenship by Investment application has been approved, all processes and due diligence checks are finalised and the investment is made, a Certificate of Registration will be issued to the main applicant. The Certificate of Registration must be collected in person in St Kitts and Nevis or at an Embassy or Consulate specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit as approved by the Board of Governors.

Further, the Board of Governors have been empowered to regulate all Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents, who must have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis. Major limitations have also been included with respect to the methods by which the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme is to be advertised internationally.

“In this ever-changing and unpredictable world, it is imperative that the Government of St Kitts and Nevis and its Citizenship by Investment Programme continue to adapt to the needs of our people and to attract the right kind of international investment necessary to uplift our country. While we have always been the benchmark of the global investor immigration industry, we understand that in order to remain as one of the most sought-after economic citizenship programmes in the world, we need to continue to evolve and forge a path for ourselves that is sustainable in the long term,” added Mr. Michael Martin, Head of the country’s Citizenship by Investment Unit.

The changes aim to boost international investor confidence and bolster St Kitts and Nevis’ reputation globally.

St Kitts and Nevis continues to demonstrate the traits that underpin its resilience, growth ambitions and willingness to cooperate with international counterparts. These include a competent, responsive, skilled and credible Citizenship by Investment Unit with several layers to solidify the integrity of the Unit including a Board of Governors and a Technical Committee. The country also has a stable political system and macroeconomic framework, consistency in the enforcement of law by the independent judiciary, a vibrant and resourceful private sector and a free and independent media.

St Kitts and Nevis wish to attract distinguished applicants who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments, possess substantial investment capabilities, and are committed to making significant contributions to the country’s growth and development.

The primary objective of this approach is to ensure that St Kitts and Nevis maintains the highest standards of citizenship and fosters a vibrant community of nationals who share a common vision for the nation’s advancement. St Kitts and Nevis is on a path toward sustainable growth and the changes to the Citizenship by Investment Programme show a clear direction that the country is setting itself apart.

High net worth persons looking to invest in professionally regulated projects or contribute meaningfully towards societal advancement, should choose St Kitts and Nevis.

Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
001 (868) 467 1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8882238

Chairman of Avia Solutions Group Gediminas Ziemelis: The challenges of factory freighters compared to P2F

DUBLIN, Ireland, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The pandemic years brought record revenues from air cargo. With supply limited due to the grounding of passenger planes, and demand up thanks to booming ecommerce, prices per cargo kilogram soared. According to TAC Yields figures from the Trade and Transport Group, in 2019 air cargo from Hong Kong to North America cost $3.80/kg while the price from Europe to North America was $2.10/kg. By 2022, these same services cost $9.00/kg and $4.50/kg respectively.

Unsurprisingly, this situation transformed the position of air cargo providers. Cargo revenue more than doubled from $100 billion in 2019 up to $210 in 2021 (these are the IATA’s figures) while passenger revenue plummeted from $607 billion annually down to $239 billion. Cargolux’s annual revenue grew from $2.2 billion to $5.1 billion over the course of the pandemic, and Silkway more than doubled its revenue and saw its margin transform from -10% to +30%. These huge gains, plus the long-term potential of ecommerce (which has led Airbus and Boeing to make optimistic forecasts for growth in air cargo), led many airlines to focus more on cargo.

However, increased belly capacity has led cargo prices to drop steeply once more. The IATA forecasts that year-on-year cargo yield will fall by 28.6% this year. This means air cargo, a notoriously cyclical sector, is once again entering a period of turbulence. This is the context in which airlines are deciding whether to purchase new freight planes.

New freighters vs passenger-to-freighter conversions

Airlines and air cargo providers are pursuing different strategies when it comes to building up their freighter fleets. According to KPMG’s latest report, last year, 35 orders were made for new 777-200F aircraft, 33 were made for new 777-8Fs, and 20 providers bought new A350Fs. These orders were made by both dedicated air cargo providers (Cargolux, Silkway West, DHL, FedEx) and airlines (Lufthansa Cargo, Qatar, Air Canada, China Airlines, EVA, Air France, Etihad, SIA and Western Global). Meanwhile, annual passenger-to-freighter (P-to-F) conversions have reached historic highs with volume estimated to peak at 180 per year by 2025, and then settle at around 160 aircraft per year. This compares to 70 units per year before the COVID-19 pandemic.

A number of factors are affecting the choice of purchasing either new freighters or P-to-F conversions. Naturally, cost is a major one, taking into account variables like total order number, fuel burn and maintenance as well as the upfront production costs. Production lead times is another key factor, as is cargo volume and flexibility.

Factor 1: Leasing Costs

There is a massive difference in the baseline costs for new versus converter freighters. The upfront price for a brand new 777-200F or A350F is roughly $170 to $185 million, or a monthly lease rate of between $1.2 and $1.3 million. Looking at the order book of those who made purchases last year, the majority of these airlines have a significant amount of these types of aircraft in their fleet, particularly the combination carriers. In these cases, it is highly likely that the actual purchase cost was much lower than the $170 to $185 million range. Positive economies of scale will also be a factor in keeping costs down for these airlines. Nevertheless, despite these savings they will still be looking at monthly lease rates of $1 million.

By contrast, leasing a 777-300 P-to-F conversion will cost $0.6 million per month, or roughly $65 million to purchase outright. This aircraft is likely to compare well with its production rivals, but at a fraction of the cost.

Factor 2: MRO and operating costs

Airlines will make savings on P-to-Fs when it comes to MRO. With access to the second hand market for parts, maintaining these aircraft will be considerably less expensive than keeping new planes in operation.

Naturally, alongside cost savings, access to second hand parts can also accelerate and simplify the maintenance process for airlines.

Fuel burn is another consideration. Historically, we have seen significant improvements in fuel burn when new aircraft come online. When the 777F was introduced as a replacement to the 747-400F, its 6,800 kg/h fuel burn was a huge improvement on the 10,230 kg/h offered by the 747-400F. However, with the new 777X and A350 we are unlikely to see improvements in fuel burn to match the 30% reduction seen from the 747-400F to the 777F. A 10% to 15% change is the most we can realistically expect.

On balance, while improved fuel burn and (in some cases) economies of scale may be able to soften the financial blow of purchasing a new freighter, in terms of costs P-to-F conversions are a far more attractive option.

Factor 3: Delivery volume and flexibility

New freighter aircraft have the potential to offer benefits in terms of delivery capacity and flexibility. Nose loading in particular offers a huge advantage. It enables aircraft to deliver outsized cargo such as large generators, engines, trucks and specialized technology. Crucially, this outsized cargo is lucrative, offering higher profitability than normal pallet deliveries.

However, new freighters being produced such as the 777X and the A350F do not offer nose loading. This levels the playing field in terms of the advantages a dedicated freighter has over a conversion, as both are now restricted to cargo that can fit through the side doors.

How do conversions fare in terms of volume, packing density and gross payload? Let’s consider the 777-300ERCF compared to the 777F (which currently makes up half of the world’s large freighter fleet) using data from a 2022 comparison by Aircraft Commerce.

While the 777F offers a larger overall payload of 106.6 metric tonnes, in terms of volume the 777-300ERCF comfortably outperforms the 777F. The 777-300ERCF offers almost 6,000 cu ft. more in total volume than the 777F (28,739 cu ft. compared to 22,971). Revenue per payload is also considerably higher. At 6.5lbs, it is 186,804 cu ft. and at 7.5lbs it is 190,900 cu ft, which compares to the 777F’s 149,312 cu ft. and 172,283 cu ft. respectively. One important point to note with this comparison is that it is volume, not gross payload, that matters most in ecommerce express operations, which are likely to be an important growth driver in the future. And in this area, the 777-300ERCF offers a clear advantage.

Avoiding the trap of new freighter purchases

Airbus estimates that an additional 1,040 freighters will need to be added to the global cargo fleet by 2041 – Boeing’s forecasts are even more confident. Buying new cargo freighters to meet this need carries significant risk for airlines. With cargo prices having fallen significantly, the CAPEX investment in a new A350 or 777F represents a massive financial outlay at a time when prices are falling fast. Investing heavily in a new $185-million freighter might have made sense in 2021 when air cargo prices were at record levels. However, in 2023 this is no longer a prudent policy.

Furthermore, there is little to be gained in performance and capacity from purchasing a new freighter. P-to-F conversions are capable of matching new production freighters in terms of volume, and they have notable advantages when it comes to maintenance and production.

Ultimately, conversions represent a much lower financial risk, enabling airlines to sustainably ramp up their air cargo capacity. That is why we are seeing significant growth in P-to-F conversions, while the delivery of new freight aircraft has stagnated. Quite rightly, many airlines are not willing to take on the financial risk of a new aircraft as prices tumble, and see little upside compared to refurbished passenger planes.

About Gediminas Ziemelis

Gediminas Ziemelis (born April 4, 1977) is an accomplished Lithuanian entrepreneur, business consultant, and the founder and current Chairman of the Board of Avia Solutions Group, one of the largest global ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance) provider, operating a fleet of 180 aircraft. He was selected twice among the top 40 most talented young industry leaders by Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Gediminas is known for his cosmopolitan mindset and exceptional management skills, which have contributed to his success in various business fields. Over his 26-year-long career, Gediminas has founded more than 100 start-ups, 50% of which are still in operation, led companies through 4 successful IPO/SPO processes, and raised over 800 million euros in global public capital and bond markets.

In December 2022, Gediminas Ziemelis was listed as the richest Lithuanian by TOP Magazine, with estimated assets worth 1.68 billion euros.

Gediminas is the largest donator of Rimantas Kaukenas Support Group, a charity and support fund, that provides help to children with oncological diseases and their families. He is also the biggest shareholder in the leading basketball club Wolves.

Media contact: 
Silvija Jakiene 
Chief Communications Officer 
Avia Solutions Group 
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000831891

Wistar-Led Team Awarded More Than $12 Million Grant from the NCI to Investigate Link Between Epstein-Barr Virus and Carcinomas

PHILADELPHIA, PA, July 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — It’s been known since the 1960s that Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) causes a variety of cancers, but research has overwhelmingly focused on its connection to lymphomas. Now, a multidisciplinary team of scientists led by The Wistar Institute has been awarded a more than $12 million National Cancer Institute (NCI) Program Project Grant (P01), a highly competitive five-year grant that includes a crosssection of researchers from various disciplines and institutions throughout the country. The multidisciplinary team led by Wistar scientists is exploring the role of Epstein-Barr Virus in epithelial cancers. Epithethelial cells form functional structures in organ tissue throughout the human body; they are often the site for solid organ cancers, including the most common cancers, which are known as carcinomas.

The new research will focus on basic questions about how EBV infection of normal epithelial cells transforms them into cancer-cells. Scientists also intend to build on this research to identify better and more selective therapeutic targets.

“We are investigating unexplored aspects of EBV and malignancies, potentially uncovering unique characteristics or pathways that can be targeted for therapeutic intervention,” said Italo Tempera, Ph.D., associate professor of the Gene Expression & Regulation Program of the Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center at The Wistar Institute. “This fresh perspective could lead to groundbreaking discoveries and innovative treatment strategies for EBV and epithelial malignancies.”

The project brings together scientists from The Wistar Institute and Harvard University, including experts in epigenetics, metabolomics and drug discovery. It’s the first time researchers from this variety of disciplines have combined their efforts to focus entirely on the EBV-epithelial cancer link.

“We’ve put together a new strategy, a new way of attacking the problem,” said Paul Lieberman, Ph.D., Hilary Koprowski, M.D., Endowed Professor and director of the Center for Chemical Biology and Translational Medicine at Wistar. “By working together across different modalities, there’s an opportunity for each of us to learn from the synergy and expertise of the other investigators.”

EBV is one of the most common human viruses, infecting an estimated 95% of people by the time they reach adulthood. Symptoms are usually mild, and most people recover within a few weeks. However, the virus can remain latent in the human body for years or even decades, and it causes some people to develop cancer later in life.

While research has historically focused on lymphomas, EBV-linked epithelial cancers are both more common and more deadly. Epithelial cancers represent 75% of the 200,000 EBV-related cancer cases diagnosed each year, and these cancers also have higher mortality rates and treatment failures.

“This grant put together a team that is now focused on this type of cancer that has been neglected, even though it’s the most common form of EBV cancers,” Lieberman said. The grant will fund three main research projects. The first will look at how EBV establishes a long-term infection within epithelial cells. The second will study how it causes genetic and metabolic changes to trigger cancer growth. Finally, researchers will use these findings to investigate new therapeutic strategies.

The research builds on past work by Lieberman’s lab, which has focused on developing small molecule inhibitors targeting EBV. He said the new project would focus on studying drugs that are already in development, and looking for ways to make them more targeted or use them in combination with other therapies.

Tempera said the group’s integrated approach sets it apart.“Our project will study both metabolic and epigenetic vulnerabilities simultaneously,” he said. “Combining these two aspects can provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of EBV infection in cancer and its underlying mechanisms, leading to unique insights and therapeutic opportunities.”

Co-authors: Ben Gewurz of Harvard; Joseph Salvino, Samantha Soldan, Andrew Kossenkov, Louise Showe, and Qin Liu of Wistar.

Darien Sutton
The Wistar Institute

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8881269

Hitachi Energy selected as preferred technology provider for the longest HVDC link in the UK

HVDC interconnection to secure power transmission and support new renewable electricity generation with the country’s largest electricity transmission project

Zurich, Switzerland, July 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all, today announced it has been selected as preferred technology provider of SSEN Transmission and National Grid, to supply two high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations to interconnect the Scottish and English power grids.

The energy transition requires a collaborative effort that can only be achieved with advanced technologies and new ways of working. In appointing Hitachi Energy as their preferred technology provider, SSEN Transmission and National Grid secure best-in-class technology and future production capacity in a rapidly growing market. For Hitachi Energy, this enables investment in new production capacity and to undertake large-scale recruitment drives. It also strengthens collaboration, standardization of solutions, and synergies between projects.

The integration of renewables requires solutions that make the grid resilient, stable, and flexible. Hitachi Energy’s innovation and long development of voltage sourced converter (VSC) power electronics and control and protection (MACH™) technologies meet the requirements alongside many other landmark grid integration projects.

Eastern Green Link 2 will consist of two 525-kilovolt (kV) bipole VSC converter stations connected by 440 kilometers of subsea cable and 70 kilometers of underground cable, making it the longest HVDC link in the UK. The link will efficiently supply a total of 2,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity, which is enough to power around two million UK homes.1

The link will help to secure power transmission in the northern UK and support the integration of new renewable electricity generation in Scotland, as part of the UK’s Net Zero Strategy.2 As much as 11,000 MW of offshore wind capacity is possible in Scottish waters by 20303, and HVDC transmission will play a large part in bringing this vast amount of renewable power to shore and south, to communities across the country.

“The UK’s Net Zero Strategy has ambitious targets which will require vast amounts of new renewable generation. Electricity will be the backbone of the entire energy system,” said Niklas Persson, Managing Director at Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business. “Our pioneering HVDC technology will ensure that this electricity will reliably and efficiently get where it’s needed most.”

“This is another important milestone for EGL2 which is part of the new network infrastructure required to help the UK meet its net zero and energy security ambitions,” said Sarah Sale, Deputy Project Director of National Grid. “Along with cabling bidder and formal joint venture announcements, this is another key part of the project which is now in place and ready for the delivery phase. We look forward to working in collaboration with Hitachi Energy and BAM as the project continues to progress.”

“The converter stations at either end of the cable will play a crucial role in making the power transported subsea suitable for transportation around the onshore transmission network – getting Hitachi Energy and BAM in place to deliver that technology is great for the project,” said Ricky Saez, the EGL2 Project Director from SSEN Transmission.

“BAM is delighted to work in collaboration with Hitachi Energy on this vital renewable energy project for National Grid and SSEN Transmission,” said Huw Jones, Executive Director of BAM Nuttall. “The converter stations will enable the transmission of green energy from areas of offshore wind generation to centers of population, supporting the UK’s net zero ambitions and providing better energy security. We look forward to engaging with local communities and suppliers in Aberdeenshire and North Yorkshire, supporting BAM’s vision to deliver sustainable infrastructure for our clients, stakeholders, and the communities in which we work.”

Hitachi Energy is collaborating with BAM, a construction company that designs, builds, and maintains sustainable buildings and infrastructure, to provide the civil and installation scope for the project. The collaboration with BAM will leverage the core competencies of the two companies to deliver a best-in-class solution for the project.

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology almost 70 years ago and has delivered more than half of the world’s HVDC projects.

4 Modular Advanced Control for HVDC (MACH™)

HVDC website:

Photo captions:

North Sea Link Blyth Converter Station UK

Eastern Green Link 2

About Hitachi Energy
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of over $10 billion USD.

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers’ and society’s challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the business structure of “Digital Systems & Services” – supporting our customers’ digital transformation; “Green Energy & Mobility” – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and “Connective Industries” – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co-creation with our customers. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2022 (ended March 31, 2023) totaled 10,881.1 billion yen, with 696 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 320,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at


Jocelyn Chang
Hitachi Energy

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8881044

Curia expands biologics capabilities with access to Touchlight’s doggybone DNA

Curia collaborates with Touchlight to expand its mRNA manufacturing offering to enable access to enzymatic doggybone DNA (dbDNA™)

ALBANY, N.Y. and HAMPTON, United Kingdom, July 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, and Touchlight, a company pioneering enzymatic DNA production, today announced an agreement which will provide Curia and its clients a streamlined means of access to Touchlight’s doggybone DNA (dbDNA). The arrangement expands Curia’s mRNA manufacturing offerings with an additional differentiated source of DNA raw material that is immediately available to be accessed by Curia customers. Under the arrangement, Touchlight will directly manufacture dbDNA on behalf of Curia’s customers.

“Curia remains committed to strengthening our biologics offerings and end-to-end mRNA manufacturing capabilities,” said Christopher Conway, President of R&D, Curia. “With the addition of enzymatic DNA through our partnership with Touchlight, our customers will have a critical advantage in terms of scalability and speed to market.”

Touchlight’s dbDNA is a linear, double-stranded, covalently-closed DNA vector. DNA serves as the template for making mRNA therapies. Through a simple enzymatic process called in vitro transcription, genetic information is copied from DNA to mRNA. This mRNA is then able to teach the cells to make precise proteins that are used to treat or prevent diseases. Touchlight’s enzymatic DNA is produced with a cell-free enzymatic process that offers unmatched benefits in speed, quality and capacity when compared to traditional plasmid DNA production.

Karen Fallen, CEO, Touchlight commented: “We are delighted to work with Curia in order to further expand access to dbDNA as a critical starting material. Working in parallel with fellow CDMOs is a key component of our focus upon enabling broad market access to dbDNA. Curia is building a comprehensive mRNA solution, and this arrangement enables both companies to extend their offering to a wider audience.”

Touchlight’s dbDNA is a novel solution that is widely applicable and versatile, advancing Curia’s mRNA manufacturing capabilities as a complement to its bioprocessing-grade plasmid offering.

About Curia

Curia is a leading contract research, development, and manufacturing organization providing products and services from R&D through commercial manufacturing to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. Curia’s nearly 4,000 employees at 29 locations across the U.S., Europe, and Asia help its customers advance from curiosity to cure. Learn more at

About Touchlight

Touchlight is a privately-owned CDMO based in London, U.K., focused on providing DNA services and manufacturing enzymatically produced doggybone DNA (dbDNA™) to enable the development of genetic medicines. Touchlight provides rapid, enzymatic DNA development and manufacturing for all advanced therapy production, including mRNA, viral and non-viral gene therapy, and DNA API. dbDNA is a minimal, linear, covalently closed structure, which eliminates bacterial sequences. Touchlight’s revolutionary enzymatic production platform enables unprecedented speed, scale, and the ability to target genes with a size and complexity that is impossible with current technologies. Clients can be supported from pre-clinical through development and supply to licensing and tech transfer for use in-house.

Curia Contact Information:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Touchlight contact information:

Karen Fallen, Chief Executive Officer
Robin Bodicoat, Head of Marketing
T: +44 20 8481 9200

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8879177

OPEN Health announces a new team of experts will lead its HEOR & Market Access Scientific Office

London, UK, July 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OPEN Health, a global provider of consultancyHEOR and market access, and scientific communications services, today announced a new team of experts will lead its HEOR & Market Access Scientific Office. This expert team will be led by Dr. Elisabeth Fenwick as Chief Scientific Officer with support from Professor Ben van Hout as Scientific Founder.

Both Elisabeth and Ben joined OPEN Health through its acquisition of Pharmerit International. Elisabeth Fenwick is most widely known for working on the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve (CEAC), creating the cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier, and for her work in value of information analyses for research decisions. She has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has published more than 50 publications globally. Ben van Hout is most commonly known for being one of the co-founders of the EQ-5D (a standardized measure of health-related quality of life) and as the developer of the CEAC. He was also one of the first researchers to perform a discrete event simulation and is published in the New England Journal of Medicine. He has over 35 years of experience in the industry and was honored with the ISPOR Avedis Donabedian Outcomes Research Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020.

“The purpose of the Scientific Office is to ensure that science is at the center of everything we do. Our scientific experts are here to support the HEOR and market access team with their amazing research developing innovative solutions.” Elisabeth commented.

The Scientific Office is made up of experts who bring unique skillsets from across OPEN Health’s HEOR & market access service areas. The appointed team consists of Maarten Treur, MSc, Vice President and Global Head of Modeling & Meta-Analysis; Dr. Viktor Chirikov, Director of Real‑World Evidence & Data Analytics; Dr. Marco Boeri, Director of Preference Research in Patient-Centered Outcomes; and Emanuele Arcà, MSc, Senior Research Consultant in Strategic Market Access. Craig Bennison, MSc, Executive Director and Global Innovation Lead for OPEN Health HEOR & Market Access, will also join the team and will focus specifically on innovation.

“Over the last few years, the scientific contributions and leadership of these experts have played instrumental roles in shaping our reputation and research efforts, working in partnership with our clients to improve health outcomes and patient wellbeing,” said Richard Jones, President of OPEN Health Evidence & Access. “This team will ensure our scientific expertise, thought leadership, and innovation stay front and center of our HEOR and market access offering.”

To learn more about the team of experts in the Scientific Office, please explore this interactive publication.

About OPEN Health

OPEN Health unites deep scientific knowledge with wide-ranging specialist expertise to unlock possibilities that improve health outcomes and patient wellbeing. Working in partnership with our clients, we embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver fresh thinking and solutions that make a difference. OPEN Health is a flexible global organization that solves complex healthcare challenges across HEOR and market access, medical communications and creative omnichannel campaigns. For more information on OPEN Health, visit

Candice Subero
OPEN Health

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8878752

Ai-Media Introduces LEXI Viewer: Revolutionizing Live Events with Cutting-Edge Captioning Solution

LEXI Viewer

Ai-Media Introduces LEXI Viewer: Revolutionizing Live Events with Cutting-Edge Captioning Solution

BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai-Media, the industry leader in technology-driven live captioning, transcription, and translation solutions, is delighted to unveil the ground-breaking LEXI Viewer. This innovative solution revolutionizes how event organizers captivate audiences. Say farewell to the constraints of traditional approaches and prepare to embrace a new era of unrivalled event engagement.

In today’s dynamic event landscape, creating an exceptional experience for all attendees is paramount. LEXI Viewer offers a user-friendly and cost-effective solution to enhance inclusivity, catering to diverse audience types. By seamlessly integrating with our flagship LEXI automatic captioning solution, we can deliver unparalleled captioning quality. Users can effortlessly click their way to captioning, taking full control of LEXI through the front panel LCD screen or a wireless remote. This ingenious functionality ensures a captivating and dynamic experience for both event organizers and attendees alike.

LEXI Viewer Display Modes

LEXI Viewer boasts an array of display modes designed to cater to diverse presentation styles and brand requirements, ensuring optimal visibility of presentation content while delivering crystal-clear captions.

“Enhancing the live event experience for all individuals is our unwavering commitment, and as pioneers in the industry, we proudly present LEXI Viewer as a groundbreaking solution,” says James Ward, Chief Sales Officer of Ai-Media. “With the exciting addition of click-to-caption functionality, coupled with cutting-edge technology and our powerful AI-driven captioning solution, we are revolutionizing inclusivity and uplifting the engagement of diverse audiences.”

LEXI Viewer boasts an array of display modes designed to cater to diverse presentation styles and brand requirements, ensuring optimal visibility of presentation content while delivering crystal-clear captions:

  • Full Screen Mode: Captions are displayed on the entire screen, offering maximum accessibility to a large audience. Various line spacing and text size options are available, accommodating individual preferences.
  • Background Image Mode: Users can overlay four rows of captions on a custom background image, providing complete configurability of caption appearance, including font, text size, positioning, and color. This allows event organizers to maintain their branding while prioritizing inclusivity.
  • Caption Decoder Mode: Captions can be displayed over the input video to mimic the behaviour of a consumer caption decoder while offering customization options for font and text color.
  • Scaler Mode: Users can maintain full visibility of presentation content by scaling down the input video by 20% and displaying two rows of captions above or below the video.

Furthermore, event organizers can enhance captioning security and retain greater control of their data by pairing LEXI Viewer with LEXI Local. This powerful solution provides LEXI automatic captions on-premises, eliminating cloud-related concerns and ensuring complete data privacy.

“We understand the importance of data security and privacy, and our LEXI Local solution addresses these concerns, providing event organizers with enhanced control over their valuable data,” adds James Ward. “With LEXI Viewer and LEXI Local, we are offering a comprehensive accessibility solution that goes beyond expectations.”

To explore the future of live events, contact for inquiries or to request a personalized demonstration.

About Ai-Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company Ai-Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world’s leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost-effective captioning via its AI-powered LEXI automatic captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via Ai-Media’s range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network – the world’s largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, Ai-Media delivers over 8 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. Ai-Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Media Contact:
Fiona Habben
Senior Marketing Manager – Global
+61 411 727 592

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8877328