Court remands three suspects following attack on gold buying shop in Akoon

The Tarkwa District Court B has remanded three suspects into police custody following an attack on the KK Gold buying shop at Akoon in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of the Western Region.

The suspects, a Ghanaian, and two foreigners were charged with conspiracy and robbery, but their pleas were not taken.

The presiding judge, Mr. Isaac Osei Asare adjourned the case to Wednesday, May 3, 2023, for continuation.

Fataw Awudu, 42, a Ghanaian, Samuel Amaechi Kingsley, 47, Togolese, and Ezekiel Stephen Oghenakaro, 45, Nigerian were alleged to be part of the gang that robbed the company on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at about 1800 hours.

When the police had information on the robbery and proceeded to the scene, the suspects had already bolted with gold weighing 408.5 grams worth GH?613,000.00 an undisclosed amount of money.

Intelligence gathered by the police indicated that the robbers used the Tarkwa-Banso, Esuoso to Bonsawire road, hence they alerted the communities within that neighborhood.

On the same day, at about 2100 hours the Police Intelligence Department and the police patrol within the area with the assistance of the youth in the vicinity arrested Samuel and Ezekiel at their hideout in Esuoso.

The police retrieved a sack containing a cash sum of GH?397,190.00 and gold that weighs 4.7 grams.

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, the Police Intelligence Department upon a tip-off apprehended Awudu.

Investigations are underway to arrest four others who escaped with the rest of the gold.

Source: Ghana Web

Access Bank fulfils the dreams of 50 women with seed grant and capacity building

Access Bank this week fulfilled the dreams of 50 Women Entrepreneurs by offering grants and an IFC-certified mini-MBA programme to help grow their businesses.

The 50 were finalists shortlisted from over two thousand applicants who submitted their business ideas to compete in the business pitching contest dubbed the Womenprenuer Pitch-a -thon Africa under the Bank’s award-winning Women’s initiative W.

This is the 4th edition of the Pitch-a -than that the Bank uses to offer financial and non-financial solutions to women business owners across Africa.

Speaking to the graduates at a ceremony in Accra, the Executive Director for Retail and Digital Banking at Access Bank Ghana, Pearl Nkrumah said this year’s programme is unique as it is the maiden edition hosted in Ghana and thus gives more Ghanaian women the opportunity to participate.

She was excited by the innovation and creativity shown in the business concepts of the finalists. “Out of over 2000 applications received and further screening of 300 competitors who pitched various exciting business ideas, the 50 stood out, proved, and justified their inclusion.“

She told the audience that supporting women remains a strategic pillar for Access Bank and the pitch-a-ton is one of the many ways the Bank empowers women to gain financial independence.

“I strongly believe the mini-MBA, world-class business training, access to finance, and coaching sessions you received have been worth your while and will remain valuable to you for the rest of your business lives.”

Group Head of Retail Banking at Access Bank Ghana PLC, Matilda Asante-Asiedu said the Bank would continue to support the finalist to growth from micro to big businesses. “Our final ten received a share of GHS300,000 in cash prizes, personal accident cover, and free marketing support including website design among others”.

She acknowledged, the German Development Agency GIZ, the International Finance Corporate -IFC, AFC, Sheeltech, InnoHub, Oze, and Scaleup Africa for partnering the Bank to make the program a success.

The First prize winner Naomi Kokuro operates an Agrictech Enterprise that provides grocery shopping services via a mobile Mobil App (Kaya App). She took home a cash prize of GHS50,000, business insurance cover worth GHS20,000, and a free website design among other accolades. She was overjoyed that her award will enable her to serve more customers and thanked Access Bank for the initiative.

“I am so excited not just for myself, but for the many head potters who will be supported through this award,” Naomi said. Amida Iddrisu, a woman with special needs whose business uses shea butter to produce personal care products and trains new entrants, also received an exceptional Managing Director’s award for making it to the top fifty.

Over the years, Access Bank has developed a deep understanding of its customers, delivered excellent services, and empowered them to achieve more through financial education and access to finance.

Source: Ghana Web

Who told you Ghana belongs to Akufo-Addo and Mahama?

I find it quite bizarre whenever the brassbound supporters of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama pontificate somewhat impetuously that he is returning to the presidency to correct the perceived wrongs of the incumbent president, His Excellency Nana Addo-Danquah Akufo-Addo.

In any case, the crucial question every discerning Ghanaian should be asking the teeming supporters of Mahama is: did Mahama do any wrong at all during his tenure in office?

For argument sake, if indeed Akufo-Addo has failed to meet the expectations of Ghanaians, who says Mahama is a reliable alternative?

To be quite honest, the sceptics feeling of indignation with the current political and socio-economic dynamics is something shared by many Ghanaian electorates.

The current administration may have made some mistakes along the line, the critics disposition nonetheless appears somewhat sophisticated, because the prevailing economic meltdown is ecumenical due to the pernicious coronavirus and Ukraine/Russia impasse, as a matter of fact.

Unfortunately, the brassbound Mahama loyalists do not want to acknowledge the painful fact that a large portion of the country’s scarce resources went down the drain from the mismanagement and the wanton sleazes and corruption perpetrated by the officials of the erstwhile Mahama administration.

You may agree to disagree, the fact however remains that Mahama has never been Ghana’s economic Messiah, and some of us, as a matter of principle, do not see him as the best custodian of Ghana’s economy.

Of course, in a dynamic democracy such as ours, governments pop in and out. Suffice it to emphasise that such practice will continue unabated.

The all-important question we should be asking is: can we trust every sound adult Ghanaian to just perch on the presidential seat?

In truth, a president of a country is a lifetime privilege that comes with juicy trappings and enormous responsibilities.

Therefore, someone with vast life experience, a catalogue of suitable employable skills, a portfolio of relevant qualifications, tried and tested competency and requisite knowledge should be a suitable candidate for the position given the absolute importance attached to the presidency.

Nevertheless, the emergence of democracy has energised every sound adult Ghanaian to compete for such an important position.

Regrettably, we are, more often than not, been electing ‘a semicircle’ of negligent officials whose only preoccupation is to sink the nation deeper and deeper into the mire through incompetence and unbridled corruption.

It is, indeed, an undeniable fact that we choose to exercise our voting rights by electing a president in anticipation that the said leader will form a formidable government to run the affairs of the country to the benefit of all and sundry but that has not often been the case.

There is no gainsaying the fact that discerning Ghanaians cannot so soon forget the harsh economic conditions the Mahama government wilfully imposed on them. Indeed, those sad memories will long be stencilled on the mental sheets of discerning Ghanaians.

The all-important question one may ask the brassbound Mahama supporters is: where is the justification for former President Mahama’s ability to steer Ghana in the right direction when a GH9.5 billion debt former President Kufuor left in 2009 rocketed astronomically to incredible figures in just four years?

How can the diehard supporters convince some of us about former President Mahama’s capability to lead Ghana again when he woefully shrunk Ghana’s GDP from GH47 billion to GHC40 billion in five years?

How could Mahama supporters justify former President Mahama’s suitability to lead the nation again when he abysmally dragged an economic growth of around 14% in 2011 to a squeamish 3.4 % as of December 2016?

Didn’t the much-touted economic Messiah drag single-digit inflation in 2012 to double figures by 2016(15.8%)?

Where is the justification for Mahama to lead Ghana again when his terrible errors in judgement sent Ghanaians into darkness for well over five years amid business crippling dumsor?

How can the diehard supporters convince some of us about former President Mahama’s suitability to lead Ghana again when he woefully wasted Ghana’s scarce resources instead of purchasing fuel to generate power?

We do not have to look any further than the 2016 and 2020 general election results to acknowledge how Ghanaians were disgusted over Mahama’s dreadful errors in decision-making which culminated in the unspeakable dumsor.

By and large, the successive NDC governments have proven to be the worst economic managers who can never improve upon the socio-economic standards of living of Ghanaians.

Let’s face it, Akufo-Addo may have faced some challenges in the discharge of his mandate, his ‘brainchild’-the Free SHS is a monumental achievement that will benefit the generations yet unborn.

I bet it will rather be easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for NDC to return to power anytime soon with former President Mahama, judging from the unprecedented economic mess he left behind.

Source: Ghana Web

1D1F: After seven years we still import toothpicks – Kwesi Pratt

Veteran journalist Kwesi Pratt Jnr. has berated the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government over its implementation of its flagship One District, One Factory programme (1D1F).

Speaking in an interview on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana on Friday, monitored by GhanaWeb, Kwesi Pratt said that even though he takes no delight in criticising the government, the 1D1F after seven years of implementation has had a meaningful impact on Ghana’s economy.

He explained that the programme was not targeted and has not fundamentally impacted Ghana’s economy, with the country still importing meagre things like toothpicks.

The veteran journalist, who is the managing editor of the Insight Newspaper, added that if proper steps are not taken to transfer Ghana’s economy, the country will continue running to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for help.

“Look, what we need to do is to industrialise in a way which changes the order of things now.

“All of these One District, One Factory factories, how have they been able to alter our import dependence? As we sit here, when you go to every supper market… you find drinking water being imported.

“Toothpicks are still being imported; this is after 7 years of One District, One Factory, seven years! Where are we going,” he asked.

He added that the factories under the programme should be able to have an impact on Ghana’s economy like the Atuabo Gas Plant, which significantly affected the country’s dependence on gas imports.

“The Atuabo project is one project, and yet it had a fundamental impact on the economy,” he said.

Source: Ghana Web

Women in palm oil business at Tafi Dekpor cry for help

Producers of palm oil at Tafi Dekpor, a farming community in the Afadzato South District of the Volta region, are calling on the government, individuals, and organisations to help them produce on a large scale.

The women said some help in the supply of machines, ready market and working on the deplorable nature of the road would increase and sustain their business and production.

Madam Vivian Akpene Aborvor, a palm oil producer and seller, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that lack of machines to pound the palm fruits as well as assist in the oil production affected large production of oil for the market.

She said the cost of palm fruits also affected the production adding that the palm oil had to be transported to the market before they were purchased because the deplorable nature of the road prevented buyers from coming to the community.

Madam Aborvor said the cost in transporting the oil to the market was also high because only motorbikes and tricycles could ply the deplorable roads and they charged exorbitant fares.

She said they currently sold a bottle of palm oil for GH?17.00 in the market but GH?15.00 when buyers came to the community.

Madam Aborvor also noted that they had to sell their produce at either Logba or Kpando markets, adding that an available market ready to purchase their products in large quantities would help them.

Mr Prosper Bedu, a farmer, noted that the sale of palm fruits in the community hinged on its availability, which in turn determined the prices at which they were sold to their client.

He said a paint rubber of palm fruits currently cost GH?12.00 but could sometimes cost either GH?10.00 or as low as GH?5.00.

Checks by the GNA revealed that a Centre that was established to help the women in oil palm processing known as the ‘Comdeks Hatof Womens Oil Processing Centre’ had become a white elephant.

Mr Agblewodea Lawson, Acting Headman of the Community, said the Centre was established in 2014 to help in oil palm processing by a non-governmental organisation led by one Samuel who hailed from Akatsi.

He said the said Samuel provided shelter, pots, and other materials to help in the processing with the hope of expanding future productions but unfortunately everything halted, and they also had not heard from him and the NGO.

Mr Agblewodea said they were currently in need of a palm fruit pounding machines, processors as well as other equipment to help the production of palm oil.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Boost for oil production as Aker Energy submits PoD

The country is expected to make some significant gains in oil production as Aker Energy, the operator of Deepwater Tano/Cape Three Points block offshore, has moved to develop the asset.

This comes as Aker Energy, on behalf of its partners, presented its plan of development (PoD) to the Ministry of Energy in Accra.

Aker Energy had initially promised first oil by 2020, but has now revised the timeline to 2025. The company had repeatedly postponed submission of the PoD since 2018, raising doubts about its reliability and commitment to development of the Pecan field.

The PoD is a legal requirement that details the plan to develop an oil and gas field in an integrated way to produce the hydrocarbon reserves optimally, by considering the technical, economic as well as Health, safety and environmental aspects of the project.

Ghana’s crude oil production in the first to third quarters of 2022 declined by 5.73 percent – lower than the production of 41.53 million barrels for the same period in 2021.

The reduction in crude oil production was attributed to the natural field decline from the TEN and SGN Fields.

However, the latest development could revitalise the country’s crude production has been on a downward trajectory since 2019.

The Chief Executive of Aker Energy, Kadijah Amoah, said in a press statement it is a comprehensive plan of development that will form the basis for sustainable and efficient development of the Pecan field.

The PoD presents an overall plan for the development and production of resources in the DWT/CTP contract area. The phased development plan will start with the development of the Pecan field as a firm phase-one, being the largest of several discoveries in the contract area.

The main Pecan field, located in ultra-deep waters ranging from 2,400 to 2,700 metres deep, about 115 kilometres offshore Ghana, will be developed with a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel and a subsea production system (SPS).

Given the development, the operator and partners expect the Pecan field development and subsequent phases to provide significant proceeds for Ghana.

“This has been a team effort, and despite the significant challenges we faced we have shown once again our resilience and unflinching commitment to the project. We now look forward to approval of the PoD so we can get to work, developing and producing the resources for the ultimate benefit of Ghanaian people,” said Ms. Amoah.

Source: Ghana Web

52 customers nabbed by Accra West ECG over power theft

As part of the campaign embarked on by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to go after monies owed them, 52 customers in the Accra West Region of ECG were found to have engaged in illegal connections.

This, according to the ECG, are customers who are illegally connect to the grid and have refused to pay for the power they used. The result is the retrieval of GH¢750,000.00 worth of 550,000kWh of electricity illegally used by the customers.

ECG’s Revenue Protection Manager for Accra West, Dr Mark Owusu Ansah noted that through the illegal connection, customers are able to use power without contributing to the revenue basket of the company denying them of raising the needed revenue to run the company.

Some of the illegalities included meter bypass, meter tampering and direct connections.

According to Dr Mark Ansah, the arrests were made within the first ten days of the campaign. The aim is to recoup monies owed them as well as check the health of meters it has installed in the area.

As per the records, he added that the customers have illegally used about 550,000kWh of electricity translating to about GHc750,000 (plus taxes and administrative charges) and some actions have already been taken against the people responsible.

“Power to these customers has been disconnected, they have been surcharged for the electricity they used without paying and charged a penalty fee for engaging in the illegalities. Also, depending on the gravity of the offense, we will hand some cases over to the police for prosecution.” he said.

Dr Mark added that the sophistication of the illegal connections shows that the culprits have resolved to not paying for the power they use. He, thus, appreciated the field team who are helping to identify and arrest persons who are engaging in the illegal acts.

The General Manager for the region, Mr Emmanuel Akinie, added that the ECG is investing heavily in technology such as the introduction of smart meters to help in the early identification of customers who engaged in any illegalities.

“We have introduced some smart meter solutions on pilot basis, which give us real-time updates of what is happening on a customer premises. It signals our office once the meter-case is opened, bypassed or tampered with,” he said.

The smart meters, he added, will be rolled out in no time to help the company fight the menace.

The areas under the Accra West region include; Ablekuma, Achimota, Amasaman, Bortianor, Dansoman, Kaneshie, Korle Bu and Nsawam.

Source: Ghana Web

Adjust prices of goods to reflect exchange rate, inflation decline – GUTA to members

The Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) has called on its members in the business community to respond positively to the changing trend in inflation and adjust prices to also reflect the exchange rate.

This comes after the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) on April 12 announced a sharp drop in the national inflation from 52.8 percent in February to 45.0 percent in March 2023.

On the back on this and some relative stability in the exchange rate, GUTA has encouraged traders to react by adjusting the prices of goods towards a downward trend.

“In light of this, GUTA entreats all members of the business community to respond positively to the changing trend and adjust prices to reflect the exchange rate”

“Indeed, we are very appreciative of the government’s efforts, and hope that it will bring relief to businesses and lead to the economic transformation we all cherish and desire as a nation,” President of GUTA, Dr Joseph Obeng said this in a statement issued on April 12, 2023.

GUTA further acknowledged the efforts of government and the Bank of Ghana which has resulted in the recent developments.

The Association however urged government to work towards further strengthening the local currency against other major trading currencies.

Source: Ghana Web