Push for productivity of workers, not presence

Accra, Oct.26, GNA – Ms Hannah Ashiokai Akrong, the Director of Human Resources, Vodafone Ghana, has encouraged organisations to insist on productivity of employees and not their physical presence at the workplace.

“The future of work is flexibility. If you are the employer who insists. I need to see you otherwise you are not working, you will face problems.

“People want flexibility. People have grown accustomed to being able to control their time, work a schedule, and then undertake other tasks. So, coming back and saying, I’m going to take it all back from you will force your staff to look for other options,” she said.

Ms Akrong gave the advice at the 2022 edition of the HR Focus Conference, where she described how COVID-19 had altered the world of work and how workers had adapted to flexible working environments and flexible working hours, a statement from Vodafone Ghana copied to the Ghana News Agency said.

Speaking on the importance of trust in the workplace, she said for employees to develop an emotional connection to their organisations, senior management must be transparent in their communication and prove through their actions that they could be trusted, especially during times of crisis.

“Communication builds trust in leaders. What your company is doing must be communicated. When you ask your employees to make certain sacrifices during a crisis, they must understand the situation and realise from senior management’s actions that the firm is truly in crisis.

“They must not see senior leadership go out and buy the next new Range Rover while all other employees suffer,” she added.

Every year, HR Focus hosts the Vodafone HR Focus Conference for HR professionals of all levels and sectors, the statement said.

The 2022 edition of the Vodafone HR Focus Conference brought together more than 300 HR practitioners and business leaders to discuss the topic of “HR’s Role in Embracing the Future of Work During Economic Crises.”

Speakers at the event included Dr Mrs Ellen Hagan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the L’AINE Group; Nana Elegba, Chief HR Officer of The Multimedia Group; Dr Mrs Irene Stella Agyenim Boateng, Advisor to the CEO of Volta River Authority; Michael Otchere Duah, HR Director of Unilever Ghana; Clement Wiredu, CEO of Becksworth Consulting; and Gideon Ataraire, CEO of Allianz Life Insurance Ghana.


Source: Ghana News Agency

DTI collaborates with Mana Mobility on Made-in-Ghana Electric Vehicles

Accra, Sept. 9, GNA – The Design and Technology Institute (DTI) has partnered with Mana Mobility to build and deliver the first Made-in-Ghana Electric Vehicles by the end of January 2023.

The collaboration has come up with the 3D-drawings and prototypes for the first Made-in-Ghana Electric Vehicle.

Ms Constance Swaniker, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of DTI, announced this at the third National Precision Quality Conference in Accra.

The Conference was on the theme: “The Precision Quality Policy Framework: A Building Block for System Change and Industrial Transformation. ”

The Annual Conference, an initiative of DTI, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, aims to highlight the critical role Precision Quality plays in providing the skills and mindset needed for the production and delivery of high-quality goods and services.

The conference forms part of a three-year “Transforming youth TVET livelihoods for sustainable jobs” partnership between DTI and the Mastercard Foundation, as part of the Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy in Ghana. The programme aims to create 40,000 direct and indirect work opportunities for young people in the country.

She said Ghana now had policies and laws in place that would use Precision Quality to transform with the support from the Ministries of Employment and Labour Relations, Trade & Industry and Education.

The DTI Founder said the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) with support from DTI and working with the Commission for TVET, the Ghana Standards Authority and stakeholders in both the public and private sectors, have published Ghana’s first ever Framework Document for Precision Quality.

“In addition, in April 2022, the Cabinet approved Ghana’s first ever National Quality Policy with a specific section on Precision Quality, then in June 2022, the new Ghana Standards Authority Act, Act 1078 was approved by Parliament and given Presidential Assent,” she added.

Madam Swaniker said stakeholders now had very powerful tools to drive Precision Quality to create jobs and formalise all sectors of the economy.

She said in the past 24 months, DTI had trained three Technical Universities and engaged one traditional university in Precision Quality.

They have also trained 4,162 master crafts persons and 898 SMEs in Precision Quality.

Mr Ignatius Baffour Awuah, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, in a speech read on his behalf by Mr Bright Wireko Brobbey, the Deputy Minister, said the informal economy played a key role in supporting livelihood in Ghana and some African Countries at large.

He said in Africa, about 95 per cent of youth work in the informal sector, whilst in Ghana, over 70 per cent of employees work in an informal sector.

He said Precision Quality enhances the integration of young people and equips them to meet industrial standards into the workplace in ensuring quality service delivery that met the client’s requirement.

The Minister said the informal sector act as a safety net for the formal economy, by allowing the unemployed and unemployable to find work or start their businesses, boosting income and alleviating poverty.

He said by dint of hard work, just a year ago and exactly two years after the first conference, a Precision Quality Framework has been developed led by NDPC with support from other relevant stakeholders. approval was given by the Cabinet on the National Quality Policy.

The President assented, and Parliament also approved the Ghana Standards Authority Act, Act 1078 to provide legislative backing for standardization and certification including certification of Precision Quality products, processes, and services.

“We are in the digital world, however, we ought to think holistically to change the trajectory and adopt ways to build blocks for systems which would transform our local industries. The informal sector produces and provides sources of livelihood and economic opportunities unavailable in the formal sector,” he added.

The Minister said there were several reasons why that call for the need to build blocs for systems changes to transform our industries.

He commended the leadership of DTI on their achievements over these few periods, assuring the government’s commitment to continue partnering with the informal sector to develop and help build a stronger and resourced nation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

V/R: Ho, Anloga Municipal Assemblies pay over GHS24,000 unearned salary to three separated staff

The Auditor General has cited the Ho Municipal Assembly and the Anloga Municipal Assembly for causing financial loss to the state.

In his audit report published on the website of the Ghana Audit Service, the Auditor General disclosed that the two aforementioned Assemblies paid over GHS24,000 to three separated staff for no work done.

“Regulation 92 of the PFM Regulation 2019, (L.I. 2378) requires that, the Principal Spending Officer of a covered entity shall ensure the immediate stoppage of payment of salary to public servants and notify the Controller and Accountant-General on separated staff.

“We noted however that two Assemblies paid unearned salaries totalling GH¢24,522.61 to three separated staff,” the Auditor General noted in his report for the year ending December 2021.

Due to these payments, the State lost an amount of GH¢24,522.61 through payments for work not done.

The Auditor General in its report has recommended that the unearned salary of GH¢24,522.61 should be recovered from the separated staff and paid to government chest.

He has warned that in the event that the money is not recovered, the amount should be recovered from the Coordinating Directors and Heads of Human Resource Units of the Assemblies.

Source: Modern Ghana

15 entrepreneurs honoured to climax Fetu Afahye celebrations

Accra, Sept 08, GNA – Fifteen entrepreneurs, and corporate executives from the Central Region have been honoured at the maiden edition of the Central Region Homecoming Business and Investment Gala Dinner and Awards 2022.

They were recognised for their exemplary contribution towards the socio-economic development of the region and the country at large

The event which was held to climax the 2022 Fetu Afahye celebration was organised on the theme, “Promoting Tourism, Business and Investment Development in Central Region”.

It sought to promote sustainable development by fostering peace and unity that would inure to the establishment of long-term business relations and investment partnerships between indigenes and the Diaspora.

The Central Region Homecoming Business and Investment Gala Dinner and Awards 2022 was organised by Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Oguaa Traditional Council, and the Central Regional Coordinating Council.

Some awardees on the night included, Mr Yofi Grant, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Dr. James Ato Orleans-Lindsay – Executive Chairman-JL Holdings and Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah—Chairman of the African Business Centre for Developing Education, who were respectively adjudged the Outstanding Business and Investment Personality of the Decade, Outstanding Personality of the Decade and Outstanding Public Service Personality of the Decade within the region.

The Central Regional Minister, Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan, was named Outstanding Central Region Woman Public Officer of the Year; Nana Pokoo Aikins 1, Ngumhene of Kakumdo Traditional Area and the Central Region Chairman of Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, received the Outstanding Central Region Building Materials Entrepreneur of the Decade Award.

Others were Nana Sam Brew Butler, Founder and Chairman of Cenpower Generation Company Limited, who was adjudged the Outstanding Central Region Entrepreneur of the Decade Award; Prof. Samuel Ato Duncan, Founder and CEO of COA Research and Manufacturing Company limited, named Outstanding Industrialist of the Year 2021 for the Region, while Mr. Thomas Ayensah-Chief Executive- Cape Coast Pharmacy, named Outstanding Central Region Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur of the Decade.

The rest were Mr Frank Hutchful (Oguaa Akoto) –CEO Hutchland City, Mr Robert Kinsford Kutin Jnr CEO, Allship Logistics Ltd and Alhaji Habibu Ibrahim, CEO of Alhaji Habibu Ibrahim Enterprise, who were accordingly declared as Outstanding Central Region Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneur of the Decade, Outstanding Central Region Freight Forwarding Entrepreneur of the Decade and Outstanding Central Region Oil & Gas Entrepreneur of the Decade.

Mr John William Appiah, Chief Executive –Legna Construction Works Ltd, claimed the award for the Outstanding Central Region Building Construction Entrepreneur of the Decade Award while COA Mixture was adjudged as the Outstanding Central Region Product of the Year 2021.

In attendance were Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, Omanhene of Oguaa Traditional Council; Kweku Ricketts Hagan, Member of Parliament for Cape Coast South and Mr. Kingsley Agyei-Boahene, Chief Director of Central Regional Coordinating Council.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NPA, Togolese environmental directorate partner to combat fuel smuggling between Ghana, Togo

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has begun a partnership with the Togolese Directorate in charge of Environment to monitor the transboundary movement of waste oil between the two countries.

According to the two institutions, some unscrupulous persons tend to smuggle in finished petroleum products under the guise of transporting waste oil, hence, the need to collaborate in sharing information between the two countries to curb the illegalities.

This follows a courtesy call by the NPA led by its Deputy Chief Executive, Mrs Linda Asante on the Togolese Directorate in charge of Environment last week in Lome, Togo headed by Miss Mery Yaou.

Mrs Asante said while she was aware of the Basel Convention which provides the framework for such activities, waste oil activities have become an issue of grave concern in Ghana, adding that, “the reason for which the NPA seeks to have a working relation with the Directorate in Togo”.

Corroborating, Miss Mery Yaou, the Head of the Directorate said the visit was very timely especially because they also have in recent times had concerns with waste oil activities particularly on how waste oil delivered to Ghana is disposed of.

She assured the NPA of her institution’s support and close collaboration to ensure a robust system is put in place for effectively monitoring of waste oil activities.

The NPA team also visited its counterpart in Togo, the Comité de Suivi des Fluctuations des Prix des Produits Pétroliers (CSFPPP) and the Togolese Port Authority, which is responsible for the management and oversight of all port infrastructure including the Oil Jetty.

Mrs. Asante expressed the NPA’s interest in discussing more business opportunities which can be exploited by players in both countries.

The discussion also centred on how to map out strategies to enhance efficiency in export trade while instituting measures to combat illegal malpractices in the trade.

In a related development, the NPA team also made a visit to the project site of Sanol Gas (an LPG marketing company in Togo) where there is currently the construction of a 3000MT capacity LPG Tank Farm.

The visit was to explore business opportunities between the two countries in the LPG sub-sector.

Mrs. Asante informed Sanol Gas of the review of the existing guidelines which seeks to make the export process more business-friendly and with a view to facilitating trade.

She further appealed to Sanol Gas to reconsider Ghana as a country of choice for its LPG supply.

Source: Modern Ghana

eco.business Fund, Fidelity Bank partner to expand access to finance for agribusinesses

Accra, Sept. 06, GNA – The eco.business Fund, an impact investment fund advised by Finance in Motion, has made its first investment in Ghana, extending USD 15 million to Fidelity Bank.

The partnership aims at promoting sustainable practices across multiple food value chains, but particularly expand access to finance for agribusinesses.

The senior loan will be on-lent to a wide range of agribusinesses that cover the entire value chain – from food production to logistics and supply chains across domestic staples and export crops – while promoting production and consumption practices that contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity conservation.

The partnership will enable both parties to work together to build the capacity of agribusinesses directly in key value chains.

Also, the partners will strive to promote market linkages, climate-resilient and sustainable agricultural practices, as well as provide technical support and training to agribusinesses and bank staff.

As a major player in the banking and finance space in Ghana, Fidelity Bank demonstrates its leadership by supporting the growth of the agricultural sector, not just because of the business and commercial opportunities it presents, but most importantly the direct impact it has on job creation, food security, improved livelihood, and gender inclusion.

The Bank provides tailor-made solutions to agribusinesses across most value chains with a focus on tree crops, nuts, cereals, livestock production, roots and tubers as well as across agrochemical and input supplies.

Its strong commitment to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), financial inclusion, and sustainability makes it an ideal partner for the fund.

A country with rich biodiversity and a large share of agriculture in its Gross Domestic Product and employment, Ghana is striving to be food self-sufficient in the coming years.

The country has taken active steps towards sustainability and food security through the adoption of sustainability standards within the agribusiness sector, a focus on domestic production, and key export commodities.

Therefore, the partnership between Fidelity Bank and the eco.business Fund ascertains the mutual commitment of both parties in delivering on this agenda in supporting agribusinesses towards sustainability and food security.

Dr Jens Mackensen, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, eco.business Fund, at the signing of the partnership said: “We are proud to join forces with Fidelity Bank to support the entire agrifood value chain in export and domestic crops.

“The fund’s investment not only provides much needed patient capital to agribusinesses but will also have a positive impact on sustaining employment, improving sustainable agriculture practices and domestic food security.”

Mr Julian Opuni, Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Ghana, Commenting on the partnership, noted that: “We are happy to be forging this strong partnership with the eco.business Fund which will boost the growth of the agricultural sector. This reinforces Fidelity Bank’s continuous support to the growth of agribusinesses in the country.

He said in addition to the funding, “we will provide capacity building to customers in the agribusiness value chain. As an indigenous Bank that embodies Ghanaian excellence, we see this partnership as a catalyst for growing the SME sector as it will boost our capacity to support more SMEs in the agribusiness space.”

Source: Ghana News Agency

aiScarecrow Technologies wins 2022 Israeli Green Innovation Competition

Accra, Sept. 5, GNA – aiScarecrow Technologies, an AgricTech startup has emerged the winner of the 2022 Israeli Green Innovation Competition (IGIC) in Accra to close the 10th Edition of the Ghana Garden and Flower Show.

The winner received a fully paid trip to Israel to participate in industry related meetings, excursions, and conferences to learn best practices, network and seek potential investors to expand their existing business.

Other awardees are Waste Advantage, Ponaa Briquettes, Kaleidoscope and FarmMech.

This year’s competition focused on promoting sustainable green innovation initiatives by young Ghanaian startups.

The Embassy of the State of Israel in collaboration with the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement, an initiative of Strategic Communications Africa Limited (Stratcomm Africa), opened applications for the fourth edition of the Israeli Green Innovation Competition.

Madam Shlomit Sufa, Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone

Instituted in 2019, the Competition seeks to honour individuals and organisations that come up with innovative solutions to promote environmental conservation and agriculture in Ghana.

Madam Shlomit Sufa, Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, commended the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement as well as the Management and Staff of Stratcomm Africa for 10 years of successfully promoting and deepening the gardening and flower culture in Ghana.

“I am impressed by your zeal to create awareness about the need for a greener, cleaner, healthier, wealthier and more beautiful Ghana that sits within the United Nations Sustainable Goals,” she said.

She said the Embassy also shared in that drive, hence, their decision to support the Movement with the organisation of the Israeli Green Innovation Competition.

The Ambassador said it had indeed been four years of amazing partnership and they were happy to continue the initiative to stimulate creativity and innovative solutions from the youth to solve some of the agricultural and environmental challenges in Ghana. 

She said the Competition focused on innovative startups in the agricultural, horticultural, environment and climate change sectors in line with Israel’s commitment to stimulate both agriculture and innovation in Ghana. 

The Ambassador said after weeks of search and deliberations, the final six were selected out of 80 entries on various solutions and innovative ideas.

The winner and other participants of the competition will also have the opportunity to be enlisted on the Embassy’s Startup Database and participate in training opportunities that will enhance their prototype or ideas. 

She said they had been able to secure a three-month business mentorship programme for the second and third participants, provided by an Israeli Business Partner in Ghana.

Madam Esther A. N. Cobbah, Chief Executive Office of Stratcomm Africa, said the Movement looked forward to more profitable and impactful collaborations with the Embassy that supported the overall development agenda of Ghana in the agriculture, environment, and horticultural sectors. 

She commended the Ambassador for the commitment of the Embassy to support innovative startups to grow and develop.

Madam Esther A. N. Cobbah, Chief Executive Office of Stratcomm Africa

Madam Cobbah said as part of the package for all the participants, Stratcomm Africa would provide them with tutorials on how to brand their companies and create awareness for their brand.

Ms Mary Aboagye, the Co-Founder of the Company that won the competition, said they leveraged technology to control biological pests off cereal farms and by extension agrochemical drone spraying.

Source: Ghana News Agency

‘What hypocrisy! Your 17-month-unpaid EIB workers need ‘Ahotor’ more’ – Blakk Rasta blasts Duffuor

It is hypocritical for former finance minister Dr. Kwabena Duffuor to be running around distributing freebies to the grassroots members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) when he has not paid his own workers at EIB for more than 17 months, Taxi Driver show host Blakk Rasta has said.

Dr Duffuor’s Ahotor project is meant to give relief to the suffering grassroots members of the biggest opposition party.

He recently donated public address systems and other equipment worth GHS90,000 to some constituencies in the Ashanti Region following similar donations to some constituencies in Accra.

A livid Blakk Rasta, however, says he cannot understand why the former Governor of the Bank of Ghana, who also served as Finance Minister in the Mills administration, would neglect his hungry staff and be sharing freebies to members of a political party due to his own presidential ambition.

“I hear Duffuor is going round doing some Ahotor whatever. What hypocrisy!” Blakk Rasta fumed on the Blakk Pot segment of the Taxi Driver show on Class91.3FM on Friday, 2 September 2022.

“Your people at EIB have not been paid for 17 months and you are running around doing Ahotor what?”

“And, this guy used to be finance minister … The people who need Ahotor are the people at EIB”, he noted

In his view, Dr Duffuor is not being sensitive to the plight of his own hungry staff.

“… Yes, you have a genuine problem: your businesses were shut down by this dirty government in power but today, you have enough money to go round doing Ahotor when [for] 17 months or so, EIB workers have not been paid?”

“… They are inflaming their own political ambitions … I don’t like people like that”, he declared.

Recounting his own experience with his former radio station Zylofon, Blakk Rasta said: “I worked with NAM1; he didn’t pay me for 17 solid months but we still worked. [Do] you know why? Because, me, my eyes are not on salary; I’m a fasting human being. I can fast for five days; no food, no water”.

“But not everybody can fast”, he said.

“NAM1’s business was crippled and he had genuine problems but we were still going through supporting a man to bring back his business”.

“If EIB workers would also do the same and be pushing you so that your business can rise again, all of a sudden you have the muscles to do Ahotor”.

“Ahotor should start with EIB. [Do] you think if all of a sudden NAM1 made money and he decided to go around doing Ahotor without coming to us, we would stay there? We would look for his head and give it to Otumfuo to drink pito with”, Blakk Rasta noted.

In July this year, the flagbearer hopeful denied claims that staff of his media empire, comprising Starr FM, Kasapa FM, Ultimate Radio, Agoo FM, Abusua FM, Empire FM, GHOne TV, Agoo TV, Starrfm.com.gh, Kasapafmonline.com and the Heritage newspaper, across the country, are not being paid salaries.

Some staff of the media group went on a one-day sit-down strike that month.

They were angry that their founder is sponsoring grassroots members of the NDC with money, business schemes and donations while they rot away.

Some of the staff claim they are owed salary arrears for 15 months.

However, Dr Duffuor told Accra-based Asaase Radio in an interview that it was all “propaganda” and “politics”.

“I have so many companies”, he said, adding: “I have not had any information that they are not paying themselves”.

“EIB has been there for how many years? For seven to eight years; why will the workers be there and not be treated well?” he wondered.

“I don’t believe that. It is propaganda. And if I want to support the grassroots of my party, what is wrong with that? Do you know what they go through? Go and see what they are going through in the rural areas”, he asserted.

According to him, “Since January they [EIB] have been paying them, there is no problem. It’s previous arrears they are talking about. So, the management is handling that problem. Arrears and not payment of salaries…”

Source: Modern Ghana