Be cautious when driving in wet weather to help reduce road crashes and fatalities – NRSA

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) has issued an advisory for all motorists to exercise additional caution when driving on the country’s roads during the rainy season.

Pearl Adusu Sateckla, the NRSA’s PRO, mentioned that the Authority is actively promoting its ‘Drive Alive’ campaign.

She highlighted that rain can significantly reduce or impair a driver’s visibility, underscoring the importance of exercising caution.

In an interview on ‘Nyankonton Mu Nsem’ on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, she cautioned that the rains could adversely affect driving conditions and increase the risk of road traffic crashes.

The PRO emphasized the necessity for drivers to ensure their vehicles are in good condition, paying particular attention to wipers, tyres, reflectors, and lighting systems.

She noted that the rainy season often brings hazy weather conditions that affect visibility, deteriorated road networks, and overflowing gutters and drainage systems. These factors can render some roads impassable due to debris and floo
ding, thus necessitating cautious driving.

“The rainy season is not a typical period; it is accompanied by hazy weather conditions that impact visibility. Therefore, it is imperative for drivers and road users to remain vigilant while navigating all roads at the onset of rain,” she stated.

She further advised drivers to avoid flooded roads and to reduce their speed when necessary to minimize the risks associated with driving in such conditions.

“The NRSA urges drivers to reduce speed, maintain a safe following distance, turn on lights, and refrain from crossing flooded areas. It is also essential to ensure that vehicles are roadworthy.

“Before setting out, check the lights, wipers, windscreens, brakes, and tyres. If it starts to rain, it is advisable to delay your journey until the rain subsides. Should you find yourself already en route when the rain begins, seek a safe location to park your vehicle.

“This can help reduce the incidence of traffic accidents and fatalities,” she advised.

Source: Ghana W