Alan leads new MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE in Ghana


Mr Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, a former presidential hopeful of the New Patriotic Party, has formed the MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE to contest political power.

The brand logo for the MOVEMENT is the Monarch Butterfly, which politically symbolizes change and transformation, hope, and positivity.

Mr Kyerematen made this known at a press briefing to announce his resignation and intention to stand as an independent Candidate in the 2024 General Elections.

Mr Kyerematen said, ‘it also communicates strength, endurance, spirituality, and trust, which are key traits that I cherish as a Political Leader.’

He said the brand motto of the MOVEMENT was, ‘Ghana Will Rise Again,’ which symbolizes hope for the future of Ghana.

He said the new Movement would be led and powered by the youth of Ghana and out of the over 17 million registered voters in the 2020 general election, the youth aged 18-35, years constituted over 9.4 million voters representing 55 per cent of the total voters.’

He said it was acknowledged without doubt, that the youth represented the future of the country, and yet they constituted the most vulnerable section of our society.

From available statistics, 85 per cent of all prison inmates in Ghana are aged between 12 and 35 years and this was profoundly alarming.

Mr Kyerematen said he was using the platform to introduce himself to the people of Ghana and seek their support to become the next President of the Republic of Ghana.

‘I believe, with unwavering conviction, that I am the only leader who, with unmatched integrity, can guarantee the economic and industrial transformation of Ghana, the restoration of confidence in political leadership, and the unification of an increasingly divided nation,’ he added.

He said his unique selling proposition as a leader was VISION, COMPETENCE, INTEGRITY, and ACTION.

Source: Ghana News Agency