House of self-proclaimed spiritualist set ablaze after two missing children were found dead in it

Two children who went missing on June 22, 2024, in Banvim, a community within the Kakpagyili electoral area of the Northern Region, have been found deceased.

The victims, Arafat and Ayaa, were last seen on Saturday, June 22, 2024, when they told their parents they were going to visit a neighbor. Unfortunately, they never returned.

Community members searched the house of the alleged neighbour, but the children were nowhere to be found.

Police investigations revealed that the bodies were located in an abandoned car parked behind the suspect’s residence. The remains have been transferred to the Tamale Teaching Hospital’s mortuary.

The incident has led to palpable tension in the area. Prince Kwame Tamakloe, reporting from the scene, expressed that the community is in shock over the children’s deaths. Despite the children’s pictures being displayed throughout the community and broadcasted on radio and television, they were not found until their untimely demise.

The neighbour, a known spiritualist, is suspecte
d of having used the children for ritualistic purposes. Additional body parts were also found at the scene, bringing the total number of bodies to eight. The alleged spiritualist has been apprehended and is currently aiding the police with their inquiries.

In response to the tragedy, the area’s youth have set the suspect’s house on fire.

Source: Ghana Web

How the media helped me become minority leader – Alban Bagbin

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, had nothing but praise for Ghana’s media, which he said played a vital role in who he has become today.

He commented on an event in Kumasi on Sunday, June 29, 2024.

Speaker Bagbin stated that the media helped identify him as a potential leader who is trustworthy and can be relied on by the people of Ghana.

He added that when he became minority leader in 2020, the media gave him all the support he needed to succeed.

‘I have reached this far in politics because of my partnership with the media. Whether we describe that relationship in flowery terms or not, it is a truism that I managed to climb this high because I was identified by the media in the early part of my journey in parliament as one of the people who could be relied on, who could be trusted.

‘And that is what lifted me when my party lost the elections in 2000 to become the minority leader of parliament. And during that period, the media was solidly behind me. Some gave very positive accounts of me; others
gave very negative accounts of me, and that brought public focus on the character called Bagbin,’ he said.

He added, ‘Definitely, that is what politics is about, how you can combine positivity with negativity to achieve results. It’s part of the diversity of creation.’

The Speaker of Parliament also indicated that the house is committed to the protection and growth of the media in Ghana.

“Parliament is committed to moving with you to make a change in the political culture of our beloved country, Ghana. We cannot succeed as a country without the media.’

Source: Ghana Web

IGP leaked tape: Committe makes no adverse findings against Dampare

The Inspector-General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, had no adverse findings made against him by the committee that probed the leaked tape of some senior officers of the Police Service plotting to have him removed from office.

This is despite direct allegations made against him in the leaked tape by the police officers who were caught on the tape.

The officers, among other things, accused the IGP of being too strict, which they believed would not help the New Patriotic Party in future elections. They also claimed the IGP was arresting officers of sister security agencies indiscriminately.

However, the committee said it found no evidence to support their claims against the IGP. The committee, in its report, noted that the actions of the three officers are dangerous for Ghana’s democracy.

“The conspiracy by COP Mensah, Supt Asare, and Supt Gyebi to remove the IGP, based purely on partisan considerations, could undermine free, fair, and transparent elections and, ultimately, the sanctity of Ghana’s de
mocracy,” the report said.

It added, “COP Alex Mensah, Supt Asare, and Supt Gyebi indeed conspired to cause the removal of the IGP and have him replaced with a loyalist of the NPP, and acting on that, resolved to meet the President to accomplish their goal.”

Meanwhile, the committee also found two of the officers to have lied before the house and referred them to the Privileges Committee.

“The Committee is of the view that Supt Asare and Supt Gyebi appeared to have acted in contempt of Parliament pursuant to Order 30 of the Standing Orders of Parliament (2000), as revised by Order 13(1) of the Standing Orders of Parliament (2024). In this regard, the Committee is of the opinion that the matter be referred to the Privileges Committee for appropriate action.”

Source: Ghana Web

IMF lauds Ghana’s economic progress as reason for third tranche disbursement

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has commended Ghana for its stellar economic performance amidst global challenges.

During a joint press conference held on July 1, 2024, IMF Mission Chief for Ghana, Stephane Roudette, praised the country’s significant strides under the IMF-supported Post-COVID-19 Programme for Economic Growth (PC-PEG).

“Ghana’s performance under the PC-PEG has been commendable,” Roudette stated. “The country has surpassed expectations with a strong GDP growth of 4.7% in the first quarter of 2024, demonstrating resilience and effective implementation of fiscal policies.”

He noted that Ghana’s performance under the programme has been generally strong, with all quantitative performance criteria for the second review and all indicative targets met, except one. He stated that significant progress is being made on key structural reforms, including enhancing revenue mobilization and streamlining non-priority expenditures, which, when realized, will further solidify the economy.

The IMF last
Friday approved the disbursement of the third tranche of $360 million. This new tranche will take the total IMF disbursements under the three-year bailout programme, designed to help Ghana out of its economic challenges, to about US$1.6 billion.

The decision comes after the country finalized a deal with its Official Creditor Committee, a step that had been a prerequisite to unlock the third tranche.

Finance Minister Mohammed Amin Adam, in his address, highlighted the robust measures that accounted for this progress. “These robust measures are behind the rejuvenated economy that we’ve witnessed in recent times,” he said.

“Growth is proving to be more resilient and robust than initially programmed, and the economy continues to show strong signs of recovery in Q1 of 2024. Overall, Real GDP growth for Q1 2024 was 4.7%, the highest since Q1 of 2022.

This growth performance is better than the 3.1% growth recorded in the same period in 2023. Industry grew the most at 6.8%, followed by Agriculture at 4.1% and Ser
vices at 3.3%. The 2024 Q1 GDP growth rate for industry is the highest since Q4 of 2020,” he added.

Minister Amin Adam also noted the progress in managing inflation and stabilizing the exchange rate. “Headline inflation declined to 23.1% in May 2024 from 25.0% in April 2024, after peaking at 54.1% in December 2022. The Cedi has also stabilized, with year-to-date depreciation against the US dollar at 18.4%, compared to 22.0% in the same period in 2023.”

Significant achievements in debt restructuring were also underscored. “The country reached an agreement with the Official Creditor Committee (OCC) to restructure $5.1 billion of Ghana’s official bilateral loans, resulting in debt service relief of $2.8 billion between 2023 and 2026. Additionally, the government has negotiated with Eurobond holders to restructure $13.1 billion, which will lead to the cancellation of $4.7 billion in debt and provide debt service relief of $4.4 billion from 2023 to 2026,” he said.

The Minister maintained that the government is
committed to maintaining fiscal discipline and continuing structural reforms to ensure sustained economic recovery and growth.

“We are committed to sustaining our macroeconomic policy adjustment and reforms to fully restore macroeconomic stability and debt sustainability while fostering a sustainable increase in economic growth and poverty reduction,” he concluded.

Source: Ghana Web

2024 Elections: Avoid violence and vigilantism – GBA President to Ghanaians

President of the Ghana Bar Association, Yaw Acheampong Boafo, has emphasized the importance of Ghanaians refraining from using violence, vigilantism, and lawlessness to address issues in the country.

Speaking at a gathering during the remembrance ceremony of the 3 High Court judges who were abducted and murdered 42 years ago, under the theme ‘Remembrance of Martyrs of the Rule of Law’, he highlighted the destructive impact of violence, lawlessness, and vigilantism on the country and its people.

Justice Yaw Acheampong Boafo, who also serves as a member of the Appointments Committee of the Judicial Council, stated that the perpetrators of the heinous crime in 1982 were motivated by hate, prejudice, intolerance, and violence, which are slowly becoming prevalent in our society.

He believes that it is essential for everyone to make a conscious effort to prevent such tragedies from reoccurring.

“Accounts and commentaries about the events of June 30, 1982, show individuals driven by hate, prejudice, intolerance,
and violence. We must ensure that our actions never again lead to the martyrdom of any individual,” he said.

Justice Yaw Acheampong Boafo reiterated the importance of avoiding violence, as it hinders the growth and progress of democracy, obstructs development, and destroys the aspirations of the people.

“Violence is never a viable solution to disagreements in any civilized democracy, and this should be the case in Ghana. Ultimately, violence, lawlessness, and vigilantism only harm the nation and its people, killing dreams and impeding progress and development,” he emphasized.

He advised Ghanaians to promote peace, tolerance, and mutual respect instead of resorting to violence to prevent any potential disasters.

Source: Ghana Web

Irish Court throws out refugee appeal by Ghanaian father of three claiming to be gay

A High Court in Ireland has ruled that it was neither unreasonable nor irrational for a tribunal to reject the claim of a Ghanaian man who asserted he was openly gay and had faced persecution back home.

Mr. Justice Barry O’Donnell dismissed the appeal of the divorced father-of-three, who was challenging the International Protection Appeal Tribunal’s decision to deny him refugee status and subsidiary protection.

The judge pointed out that the international protection process had raised doubts about the credibility of the applicant’s accounts of persecution and his claim of being gay.

Mr. Justice O’Donnell acknowledged the sensitivity involved in assessing assertions about sexual orientation but affirmed that such assessments are necessary. The tribunal, he noted, had made a conscientious effort to evaluate the claim against appropriate standards.

The tribunal recognized the severe discrimination and homophobia that gay men may encounter in Ghana, where violent homophobic attacks are prevalent.

However, th
e applicant’s narrative, which included a marriage and three children followed by a divorce in 2017 and a subsequent relationship with a man in 2018, raised questions. The tribunal found his account of living openly as a gay man in a context of widespread intolerance to be “unexpected and unusual.”

The applicant had arrived in Ireland in February 2020, seeking international protection. After an interview with the International Protection Office 26 months later, he was denied refugee status, subsidiary protection, and leave to remain in June 2022.

This decision was upheld by the tribunal in November 2022, leading to the judicial review proceedings at the High Court.

The man contended that the tribunal had erred legally by deeming his account not credible and had relied on assumptions about the experiences of gay men. He also argued that the tribunal had violated fair procedure principles by making credibility findings without giving him a chance to respond.

Despite these claims, the tribunal defended its d
ecision as lawful, fair, and reasonable. Mr. Justice O’Donnell concluded that the tribunal’s findings were not based on conjecture or stereotype but on a thorough examination of the facts, with the applicant provided ample opportunity to clarify his situation. The tribunal’s decision was upheld as lawful.

Source: Ghana Web

42nd Martyrs Day: Name and shame unethical colleagues at the Bar – Rev. Deegbe to GBA

Rev. Fred Deegbe, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, has urged lawyers and judges to uphold high standards of integrity and ethics within their profession.

This call was made during his sermon at the Ghana Bar Association’s (GBA) Martyrs Day anniversary celebrations on Sunday, June 30th, 2024.

Rev. Deegbe highlighted the importance of integrity and ethical standards in fostering public trust in the Judiciary, emphasizing that the Judiciary serves as the last hope for the common man and must be perceived as fair, just, and impartial.

He also called on lawyers to name and shame colleagues whose unethical practices tarnish the profession’s image.

The Martyrs Day commemoration by the GBA was attended by dignitaries from the Judiciary, political leaders, and members of the Ghana Bar Association.

The event took place at the Calvary Baptist Church in Shiashie, Accra, marking the 42nd anniversary of the murder of three High Court judges and a retired army officer on June 30th, 1982.

This tragic incident w
as viewed as an attempt to undermine the country’s democratic institutions and destabilize the government.

Source: Ghana Web

It is regrettable Akufo-Addo scrapped commemorating Republic Day – Mahama

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama says it is regrettable that President Akufo-Addo has scrapped commemorating 1st July Republic Day as a public holiday.

He however called on Ghanaians to use the day as a dedication and commitment that the nation’s forebears demonstrated.

‘It is most regrettable that the current government has scrapped commemorating this important day as a public holiday. However, as we reflect on the significance of Republic Day, let us use this as a rallying call to rekindle the spirit of dedication and commitment that our forebears demonstrated.

‘We must continue building a better, renewed Ghana, where opportunities are created for everyone to thrive’, the former President stated in a Facebook post.

Below is the full post

2024 Republic Day Message

As we commemorate this year’s Republic Day, I invite you to remember the dedication, sacrifices and commitment of our country’s forebears, led by Dr Kwame Nkrumah, in their efforts to build a Ghana that be
nefits and creates opportunities for all its citizens.

It is most regrettable that the current government has scrapped commemorating this important day as a public holiday. However, as we reflect on the significance of Republic Day, let us use this as a rallying call to rekindle the spirit of dedication and commitment that our forebears demonstrated.

We must continue building a better, renewed Ghana, where opportunities are created for everyone to thrive.

On this Republic Day, let us reaffirm our allegiance to the principles of unity, peace, and progress for Ghana. Let us unite our efforts to ensure that the sacrifices of our predecessors were not in vain and that we continue to build a nation in which we can all take pride.

Happy Republic Day to all of us. Let’s celebrate this day with pride and use it as a reminder of the collective work that still lies ahead to build the Ghana we all want and achieve our shared dreams.

Source: Ghana Web