In Rapid Rise of AI, Employers Turn to Business School Graduates for Human Skills

GMAC’s annual survey of corporate recruiters indicates high confidence, predicts strong hiring

RESTON, Va., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Despite concerns about inflation and recession risk, employer confidence in graduate management education (GME) and its ability to prepare business school graduates to be successful in their organizations has reached new heights since the pandemic, according to an annual survey of global corporate recruiters of business graduates released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This increase in confidence was seen across key industries business education caters to like consulting, finance and accounting, as well as technology. The best news for today’s business school graduates is that employers’ appreciation translates into optimistic hiring projections, with the majority of global recruiters planning steady or expanding hiring in 2024. A third expected to hire more MBA graduates than last year.

Notably, employers’ renewed confidence in GME is reflected in the growing number of them who say business school graduates tend to outperform their other employees, fast-track to upper-level positions, and earn more than other employees, and the share has grown in recent years despite – or perhaps due to – the rapid rise of technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI). With the attention AI has received, the responding employers do not necessarily believe the predicted changes have hit their workplaces just yet, with only 26 percent considering AI to be an important skill for current GME graduates to leverage in their organizations. However, when asked which skills will be most important in five years, AI ranked high across regions and industries. More importantly, employers consistently value problem-solving and strategic thinking as the top skills for GME graduates of both today and tomorrow, and these core competencies are seen as essential around the globe.

“As disruptive technologies like generative AI reshape the labor market and the skill economy expands, employers are putting a premium on strategic thinking, people leadership, and problem-solving while betting on the rising importance of tech prowess. To achieve success, future business leaders will need to harness technological advancements and possess the knowledge and experience to manage the change brought on by these evolutions,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “This year’s Corporate Recruiters Survey affirms that graduate business programs continue to be uniquely positioned—and trusted for their ability—to develop business talent with increasingly relevant and cutting-edge skills, who are equipped to tackle new and perennial challenges with a balance of tech and human understanding.”

Confidence growth in remote working management skills does not extend to remote learning.

Employers may have grown more confident in business schools related to the changing context in which businesses and business education operate. Notably, about two-thirds of employers say the skills gained through GME are more important in today’s world of remote and hybrid working. This is almost double the share who answered a similar question in 2021 at the peak of the pandemic. The increase in valuation of GME is most pronounced in leading Fortune 100 and 500 companies, the finance and accounting and manufacturing industries, and in East and Southeast Asia and Western Europe. Understandably, organizations in these companies, industries and regions have likely undergone the most changes in remote working situations in the years following the pandemic and are more likely to rely on the skills of GME graduates to manage this disruption.

However, employers’ new appreciation for business graduates’ ability to manage flexibility in the workplace has not entirely extended to an appreciation for the skills gained in online programs. Overall, two-thirds of employers still believe in-person programs impart stronger technical skills than online programs, and nearly three quarters of global employers agree in-person programs impart stronger leadership and communication skills. But this year U.S. employers, who in past surveys have been the most skeptical of online degrees compared to other regions, are warming up to the idea that in-person degrees do not necessarily have a leg up on online programs when it comes to development of the above-mentioned skills.

Hiring projections remain optimistic despite recession fears and policy impacts.

Given the lingering uncertainty of the global economic outlook, more than half of employers—regardless of industry or region—reported major or moderate influence of inflation and recession on hiring but remain optimistic about employment opportunities for business graduates. Consulting, along with finance and accounting sectors, are projected to hire more MBA graduates while data and business analytics hiring are expected to expand the most in 2024. Regionally, planned hiring expansion is most conservative in the United States and the technology sector, whereas employers in Asia report the highest intended hiring across GME degree types. Employers in major markets in Asia, as well as Western Europe, also demonstrated significant growth in international hiring—employment of those who require additional legal documentation—compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2018.

“We know that international education, and subsequent international employment opportunities, brings tremendous economic and social benefits to a campus and a country,” said Martin Boehm, rector & professor of marketing at EBS Universitӓt für Wirtschaft und Recht in Germany and a board member of GMAC. “It is encouraging to see the positive impact of international student recruitment by increasing diversity and enrollment from abroad. We remain committed to growing our graduates of cross-cultural competencies and their global employability.”

About the Corporate Recruiters Survey

For more than two decades, the Corporate Recruiters Survey has provided the world’s graduate business schools and employers with data and insights to understand current trends in skill demand, hiring, compensation, and perceptions of MBA and business master’s graduates. GMAC, together with survey partners European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and the MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), conducted the survey from January to March of 2024, in association with the career services offices at participating graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC Research also worked with a market research firm to recruit additional participants to make the overall sample more globally representative. In total, 931 corporate recruiters and hiring managers from staffing firms in 38 countries around the world participated in this year’s survey.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s platforms, including mba.comGMAC Tours, and BusinessBecause, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on how to successfully achieve their business education and career goals. GMAC is a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202-390-4180 

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171500

Face à l’essor rapide de l’IA, les employeurs se tournent vers les diplômés d’écoles de commerce pour leurs compétences humaines

L’enquête annuelle du GMAC auprès des recruteurs d’entreprise indique un niveau de confiance élevée et prédit de fortes embauches

RESTON, Virginie, 01 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malgré les inquiétudes autour du risque d’inflation et de récession, le niveau de confiance des employeurs dans les études supérieures en gestion et dans sa capacité à préparer les diplômés des écoles à une carrière couronnée de succès au sein de leurs organisations a atteint de nouveaux sommets depuis la pandémie, selon une enquête annuelle réalisée auprès de recruteurs en entreprise internationaux de diplômés d’écoles de commerce publiée aujourd’hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Cette augmentation du niveau de confiance a été constatée dans les secteurs clés des études de commerce, comme le conseil, la finance et la comptabilité, mais aussi la technologie. La meilleure nouvelle pour les diplômés d’écoles de commerce actuellement est que cette reconnaissance de la part des employeurs se traduit par des projections optimistes en matière d’embauches. La majorité des recruteurs internationaux prévoient d’ailleurs de stabiliser ou d’augmenter le taux d’embauche en 2024. Parmi eux, un tiers prévoit d’embaucher plus de diplômés de programmes de MBA que l’année dernière.

La confiance renouvelée des employeurs dans les études supérieures en gestion se reflète notamment dans le nombre croissant de ceux qui affirment que les diplômés des écoles de commerce ont tendance à être plus performants que les autres employés, à gravir les échelons plus rapidement et à gagner plus que les autres employés. Cette part a d’ailleurs augmenté au cours des dernières années malgré (ou peut-être devrions-nous dire grâce à) l’essor rapide de technologies comme l’intelligence artificielle générative (IA). Compte tenu de l’attention portée à l’IA, les employeurs interrogés ne pensent pas nécessairement que les changements prévus concernent déjà leur propre entreprise, car seulement 26 % d’entre eux considèrent l’IA comme une compétence importante que les titulaires de diplômes d’études supérieures en gestion peuvent exploiter au sein de l’entreprise. Néanmoins, lorsqu’on leur demande quelles compétences seront les plus importantes dans cinq ans, l’IA se trouve bien placée, quels que soient les régions et les secteurs. Plus important encore, les employeurs considèrent systématiquement la résolution de problèmes et la réflexion stratégique comme les principales compétences des titulaires de diplômes d’études supérieures en gestion actuels et futurs, et ces compétences essentielles sont considérées comme cruciales partout dans le monde.

« Alors même que les technologies disruptives telles que l’IA générative rebattent les cartes du marché du travail et que l’économie axée sur les compétences se développe, les employeurs accordent plus d’importance à la réflexion stratégique, au leadership humain et à la résolution de problèmes, tout en misant sur une importance croissante des avancées technologiques. Pour réussir, les futurs chefs d’entreprise devront tirer profit des progrès technologiques et posséder les connaissances et l’expérience nécessaires pour gérer les changements que ces évolutions vont entraîner », déclare Joy Jones, Directrice en chef du GMAC. « L’enquête menée cette année auprès des recruteurs d’entreprise indique avec certitude que les programmes d’études supérieures en commerce occupent toujours actuellement une place unique, et qu’ils inspirent confiance dans leur capacité à développer des talents commerciaux dotés de compétences de plus en plus pertinentes et avancées, préparés à relever les défis émergents comme ceux de toujours, avec un bon équilibre entre compréhension des technologies et des relations humaines. »

L’augmentation du niveau de confiance dans les compétences de gestion du travail à distance ne s’étend pas à l’apprentissage à distance.

Les employeurs font peut-être plus confiance aux écoles de commerce en raison du contexte changeant dans lequel les entreprises et l’enseignement commercial évoluent. Environ les deux tiers des employeurs déclarent notamment que les compétences acquises grâce aux études supérieures en gestion sont plus importantes dans le paysage actuel du travail à distance et hybride, soit presque le double du pourcentage de personnes ayant répondu à une question similaire en 2021, en plein cœur de la pandémie. L’augmentation de la valorisation des études supérieures en gestion est plus prononcée dans les sociétés en tête des listes Fortune 100 et 500, dans les secteurs de la finance, de la comptabilité et de la fabrication, ainsi qu’en Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est et en Europe de l’Ouest. Naturellement, les organisations de ces entreprises, secteurs et régions ont probablement dû faire un grand nombre de changements dans le contexte du travail à distance au cours des années qui ont suivi la pandémie et sont plus susceptibles de s’appuyer sur les compétences des titulaires de diplômes d’études supérieures en gestion pour gérer cette révolution.

Cependant, la reconnaissance récente des employeurs pour la capacité des diplômés d’écoles de commerce à gérer la flexibilité en matière de lieu de travail ne s’étend pas totalement aux compétences acquises dans les programmes en ligne. Dans l’ensemble, les deux tiers des employeurs pensent toujours que les programmes en présentiel confèrent de meilleures compétences techniques que les programmes en ligne, et près des trois quarts des employeurs dans le monde conviennent du fait que les programmes en présentiel confèrent de meilleures compétences en leadership et en communication. Cette année cependant, les employeurs américains, qui s’étaient montrés les plus sceptiques quant aux diplômes en ligne par rapport aux autres régions lors d’enquêtes précédentes, s’habituent à l’idée que les diplômes en présentiel ne sont pas nécessairement supérieurs aux programmes en ligne lorsqu’il s’agit de développer les compétences mentionnées plus haut.

Les projections d’embauche restent optimistes malgré les craintes de récession et les impacts politiques.

Compte tenu de l’incertitude persistante en matière de perspectives économiques à l’international, plus de la moitié des employeurs, quel que soit leur secteur ou la région, ont fait part de l’influence majeure ou modérée de l’inflation et de la récession sur les embauches. Ils restent néanmoins optimistes quant aux perspectives d’emploi pour les diplômés d’écoles de commerce. Les secteurs du conseil, de la finance et de la comptabilité devraient embaucher davantage de diplômés de programmes de MBA, tandis que les embauches dans les secteurs de la data et de l’analyse commerciale devraient connaître leur plus forte hausse en 2024. Au niveau local, la croissance prévue en matière d’embauches est plus prudente aux États-Unis et dans le secteur des technologies, tandis que les employeurs en Asie prévoient une augmentation des embauches pour tous les types de diplômes d’études supérieures en gestion. Les employeurs des principaux marchés en Asie et en Europe occidentale ont également affiché une croissance importante en matière d’embauches internationales (soit l’emploi de personnes nécessitant davantage de documents juridiques) par rapport à la période ayant précédé la pandémie en 2018.

« Nous savons que l’éducation internationale, et les perspectives d’emploi à l’international qui en découlent, apportent d’énormes avantages économiques et sociaux à un campus et à un pays », indique Martin Boehm, Recteur et professeur de marketing à l’EBS Universitör für Wirtschaft und Recht en Allemagne, et membre du conseil d’administration du GMAC. « Il est encourageant de constater l’impact positif que peut avoir le recrutement d’étudiants internationaux en offrant davantage de diversité et d’inscriptions depuis l’étranger. Nous sommes toujours aussi déterminés à développer les compétences interculturelles de nos diplômés et leur employabilité à l’international. »

À propos de l’enquête auprès des recruteurs en entreprise

Depuis plus de vingt ans, l’enquête auprès des recruteurs en entreprise fournit aux écoles de commerce et aux employeurs du monde entier des données et des informations leur permettant de comprendre les tendances actuelles en matière de demande de compétences, d’embauche, de rémunération et de perceptions des titulaires de diplômes de programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. GMAC, en collaboration avec les partenaires de l’enquête, l’European foundation for management development (EFMD) et la MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), a réalisé l’enquête entre janvier et mars 2024, en association avec les bureaux des services d’orientation professionnelle des écoles supérieures de commerce participantes à travers le monde. GMAC Research a également collaboré avec une agence d’études de marché pour recruter des participants supplémentaires afin de rendre l’échantillon global plus représentatif sur le plan international. Au total, 931 recruteurs en entreprise et gestionnaires-recruteurs d’agences de recrutement dans 38 pays ont participé à l’enquête de cette année.

À propos du GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des conférences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des évaluations pour le secteur des études supérieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des événements et des services qui aident à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Détenu et géré par le GMAC, l’examen Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation la plus couramment utilisée dans les écoles supérieures de commerce.

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de futurs étudiants consultent les plateformes du GMAC, dont mba.comGMAC Tours et BusinessBecause, pour se renseigner sur les programmes du MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur la manière d’atteindre avec succès leurs objectifs d’études et de carrière dans le domaine du commerce. Le GMAC est une organisation mondiale dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, veuillez consulter

Contact auprès des médias :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable en chef, relation média
Téléphone portable : 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171501

Zenas BioPharma Appoints Orlando Oliveira as Chief Commercial Officer

Mr. Oliveira is an accomplished biopharmaceutical industry executive with nearly 25 years of commercial experience, building high-performing teams, and launching multiple successful pharmaceutical products

WALTHAM, Mass., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immunology-based therapies, today announced the appointment of Orlando Oliveira as its Chief Commercial Officer. With a career spanning nearly 25 years, Mr. Oliveira brings a wealth of experience building high-performing global commercial teams, driving revenue growth, and fostering strategic partnerships in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

“As we continue to advance multiple mid- to late-stage clinical development programs, we are thrilled to welcome Orlando to the Zenas leadership team,” said Joe Farmer, President and Chief Operating Officer. “His expertise and track record of building and leading high performing commercial teams will be instrumental in the establishment of the obexelimab franchise and achievement of our goal to bring obexelimab to patients worldwide. We will benefit immensely from Orlando’s broad commercial knowledge and leadership as Zenas evolves to become an integrated development and commercial biopharmaceutical company.”

“I am eager to join the seasoned executive team Zenas has built, guided by their mission to deliver transformative immunology-based therapies to patients in need,” said Mr. Oliveira. “I look forward to working with this team to further develop and execute the strategies and plans for the eventual commercialization of obexelimab and to establish Zenas as a leading global immunology-based development and commercial company.”

Prior to joining Zenas, Mr. Oliveira served as Senior Vice President & Head of International at Mirati Therapeutics (acquired by Bristol Meyers Squibb), where he helped lead and set up the international foundations of the company and prepared multiple oncology launches, including leading the European Medicines Agency approval of KRAZATI®. Previously, he served as Senior Vice President & General Manager International at Agios Pharmaceuticals (oncology business acquired by Servier), and in the same capacity at TESARO (acquired by GlaxoSmithKline). Previously, he served as Vice President Europe & Intercontinental Operations at Cubist Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Merck). Mr. Oliveira also held, during more than a decade, numerous roles of increasing responsibility at Amgen. Mr. Oliveira currently serves as a Board member at OncoInvent AS, a privately held clinical-stage radiopharmaceutical company. He obtained a degree in Pharmacy and a post-graduate degree in Drug and Pharmacy Law from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a clinical-stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immunology-based therapies for patients in need. With clinical development capabilities and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a portfolio of potentially differentiated autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need. Zenas’ experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit and follow us on X at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

Investor and Media Contact:
Argot Partners

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171428

e2Companies To Install Patented R3Di® System at Pennsylvania Pipe Manufacturer Oil Creek Plastics

Integrated Energy Generation and Storage Solution Will Eliminate Costly Power Disruptions While Reducing Costs and Carbon Emissions

BONITA SPRINGS, Fla., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — e2Companies, a leading provider of integrated solutions for power generation and distribution, will install its patented R3Di® System to improve power quality and reliability for Oil Creek Plastics, a family owned and operated business in Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Located in the birthplace of the oil industry, the company has been an industry leader in the small diameter pipe and tubing market since 1972 and is known for its innovative products designed for multiple infrastructure applications. However, in recent years, disruptions in the power supply have become increasingly common at the facility, impacting production and leading to tens of thousands of dollars in downtime and material costs each month.

The facility uses sensitive electronic equipment used to manufacture large rolls of plastic pipe. When operations experienced a disruption in power, they had to restart production and recalibrate equipment.

To solve these challenges, the R3Di® System will provide two megawatts (2MW) of uninterruptible, conditioned power for the building. In addition to connecting to the electric grid and a natural gas generator, the R3Di® System will store energy from the facility’s 1000kW solar photovoltaic panels.

e2Companies combines the system with grid optimization software and services to strategically dispatch power based on weather, market pricing, and grid conditions to make it a full-service Virtual Utility®, the first utility-grade network of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) operating as a turnkey, integrated solution.

The project is expected to be completed and commissioned by the end of 2025.

“The new R3Di® System will eliminate brown outs and black outs, improving the efficiency of our machines and employees while also allowing us to reduce costs and carbon emissions using the system’s Battery Energy Storage System and natural gas generators,” Oil Creek Plastics Owner CJ Kirvan said.

The system is “designed to run flexibly, with the ability to power critical loads for building operations while benefiting from onsite solar generation to lower total kWh usage and increase the potential to receive credits from the public utility for producing excess power on hot sunny days,” according to e2Companies Business Development Lead Matt Graham.

The facility will also benefit from tax incentives as a result of the federal Inflation Reduction Act, which provides an investment tax credit of 30% for qualifying projects that include microgrids with energy storage technologies.

The project was referred by Voltus, a leading platform for distributed energy resources and demand response programs that helps customers earn money by curtailing energy consumption during peak times.

About e2Companies
e2Companies is accelerating the energy transition with Virtual Utility®, the first utility-grade network of distributed energy resources that delivers Grid 3.0, autonomous grid stability. e2Companies’ patented technology, the R3Di® Systemprovides a synthetic utility BUS with inertia for continuous on-site power and seamless resiliency. The R3Di® System is continuously monitored by the Grove365 to optimize resources, track ESG targets, and unlock new revenue opportunities for customers.

To learn more about e2Companies, visit

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171104

Aleph Group Acquires Entravision’s Digital Advertising Business

Miami, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Miami, FL – July 1st , 2024. Aleph Group, the global leader in connecting leading global digital media platforms with advertisers and consumers in primarily emerging markets, today announced the completion of its acquisition of Entravision Global Partners (“EGP”), the digital commercial partnership business unit of Entravision Communications Corporation.

This  strategic move significantly expands Aleph’s global footprint, solidifying its position as the single point of access for global digital media platforms seeking to reach audiences across Latin America, Asia-Pacific (APAC), the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Aleph now reaches over 140 countries, empowering over 60 digital media platforms and 26,000+ advertisers with unparalleled access to a combined audience of 3 billion consumers.

Key benefits of the acquisition:

  • Unmatched global reach: Through this acquisition Aleph strengthens its presence in 29 markets, through Southeast Asia (formerly MediaDonuts), Latin America, and Central America (formerly Cisneros Interactive), extending its relationships with partners such as TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Spotify, Pinterest, Criteo, Snapchat, and others.
  • Markets strengthened by this acquisition:
    • Latam: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Panama, Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador.
    • APAC: India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia.


Gaston Taratuta, CEO and Founder of Aleph Group, stated:

The acquisition of Entravision’s digital business marks an important milestone for Aleph. We have great respect for what they built as a worthy competitor. With their deep roots in key Central America  and APAC markets, this acquisition perfectly complements our existing global network.  Aleph is now  the only and undisputed global leader in enabling digital marketing in emerging economies.  As Aleph approaches its 20 year anniversary in 2025, we are building a generational business, and we look forward to continued growth and success.  The shift from offline to online GDP is accelerating, and we are committed to driving digital communication, payments and education in these markets.

Aleph Group’s unwavering commitment:

Aleph Group’s core mission is to make the world of digital more accessible, fostering economic growth and empowering communities through digital transformation. “We believe access changes the world,” states the company’s manifesto. This acquisition further reinforces Aleph’s commitment to providing a digital media education platform to equip professionals with essential skills and fostering borderless collaboration through a global team of experts speaking over 60 languages. Aleph’s unique business model empowers partners to monetize their digital advertising inventory exclusively in emerging markets. Local and global advertisers benefit from a single point of access, where Aleph provides education, generates revenue, and handles all cross-border payment activities, simplifying the process of advertising on global platforms.

Press contacts

Adam Bezeczky, Global Communications Manager

Via Hudson Sandler

Andrew Leach, Adam Joste-Smith, Hudson Sandler –

About Aleph

Aleph is a global digital advertising company operating in 140+ countries, connecting over 26,000 advertisers with over 3 billion consumers. Through partnerships with 60+ leading digital media platforms including TikTok, X, Microsoft, Google, and others. Aleph empowers businesses and communities in underserved markets by building and supplying proprietary technologies with localized solutions, offering local teams of industry and platform experts.

Digital Ad Expert, Aleph’s premier education platform, is dedicated to delivering top-tier learning programs. Offering certifications for individuals and custom-tailored solutions for businesses and governments, Digital Ad Expert ensures comprehensive and effective education initiatives for all.

Beyond connecting and educating, Aleph also facilitates cross-border payments and credit underwriting through Aleph Payments. Our purpose is to make the world of digital more fostering economic growth and opportunity for all.

Founded in 2005 and led by CEO Gaston Taratuta, Aleph has grown to over 1,400 employees in 75+ offices and has received investment from major partners like CVC Partners, Mercado Libre, Sony, Twitter, and Snap.


Adam Bezeczky 
Aleph Group Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171657

Aleph Group Acquires Entravision’s Digital Advertising Business

Miami, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Miami, FL – July 1st , 2024. Aleph Group, the global leader in connecting leading global digital media platforms with advertisers and consumers in primarily emerging markets, today announced the completion of its acquisition of Entravision Global Partners (“EGP”), the digital commercial partnership business unit of Entravision Communications Corporation.

This  strategic move significantly expands Aleph’s global footprint, solidifying its position as the single point of access for global digital media platforms seeking to reach audiences across Latin America, Asia-Pacific (APAC), the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Aleph now reaches over 140 countries, empowering over 60 digital media platforms and 26,000+ advertisers with unparalleled access to a combined audience of 3 billion consumers.

Key benefits of the acquisition:

  • Unmatched global reach: Through this acquisition Aleph strengthens its presence in 29 markets, through Southeast Asia (formerly MediaDonuts), Latin America, and Central America (formerly Cisneros Interactive), extending its relationships with partners such as TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Spotify, Pinterest, Criteo, Snapchat, and others.
  • Markets strengthened by this acquisition:
    • Latam: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Panama, Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador.
    • APAC: India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia.


Gaston Taratuta, CEO and Founder of Aleph Group, stated:

The acquisition of Entravision’s digital business marks an important milestone for Aleph. We have great respect for what they built as a worthy competitor. With their deep roots in key Central America  and APAC markets, this acquisition perfectly complements our existing global network.  Aleph is now  the only and undisputed global leader in enabling digital marketing in emerging economies.  As Aleph approaches its 20 year anniversary in 2025, we are building a generational business, and we look forward to continued growth and success.  The shift from offline to online GDP is accelerating, and we are committed to driving digital communication, payments and education in these markets.

Aleph Group’s unwavering commitment:

Aleph Group’s core mission is to make the world of digital more accessible, fostering economic growth and empowering communities through digital transformation. “We believe access changes the world,” states the company’s manifesto. This acquisition further reinforces Aleph’s commitment to providing a digital media education platform to equip professionals with essential skills and fostering borderless collaboration through a global team of experts speaking over 60 languages. Aleph’s unique business model empowers partners to monetize their digital advertising inventory exclusively in emerging markets. Local and global advertisers benefit from a single point of access, where Aleph provides education, generates revenue, and handles all cross-border payment activities, simplifying the process of advertising on global platforms.

Press contacts

Adam Bezeczky, Global Communications Manager

Via Hudson Sandler

Andrew Leach, Adam Joste-Smith, Hudson Sandler –

About Aleph

Aleph is a global digital advertising company operating in 140+ countries, connecting over 26,000 advertisers with over 3 billion consumers. Through partnerships with 60+ leading digital media platforms including TikTok, X, Microsoft, Google, and others. Aleph empowers businesses and communities in underserved markets by building and supplying proprietary technologies with localized solutions, offering local teams of industry and platform experts.

Digital Ad Expert, Aleph’s premier education platform, is dedicated to delivering top-tier learning programs. Offering certifications for individuals and custom-tailored solutions for businesses and governments, Digital Ad Expert ensures comprehensive and effective education initiatives for all.

Beyond connecting and educating, Aleph also facilitates cross-border payments and credit underwriting through Aleph Payments. Our purpose is to make the world of digital more fostering economic growth and opportunity for all.

Founded in 2005 and led by CEO Gaston Taratuta, Aleph has grown to over 1,400 employees in 75+ offices and has received investment from major partners like CVC Partners, Mercado Libre, Sony, Twitter, and Snap.


Adam Bezeczky 
Aleph Group Inc.

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You are worth more than a few Ghana Cedis and a pack of cooked rice – GBA president cautions youth

The President of the Ghana Bar Association, Mr. Yaw Acheampong Boafo, has advised the youth to channel their energies and exuberance into meaningful ventures and not to be misled by unscrupulous politicians to engage in acts that could destabilize the nation.

Speaking at a remembrance service for the Martyrs of the Rule of Law in Accra, he said the young people should not devalue themselves by engaging in criminal acts.

‘You are worth more than a few Ghana cedis and a pack of cooked rice. The sad and horrible events of June 1982, for example, should serve as a constant reminder that intolerance, violence, political vigilantism, and military adventurism should not be tolerated and have no place in any

civilized democracy such as ours,’ he said.

Touching on the recent violence during the just-ended voter registration exercise, he urged the public not to think all is well because such associated acts of political vigilantism are a threat to the peace, stability, and development of the country.

Mr. Achemapon
g Boafo said such acts should serve as a source of worry for all well-meaning Ghanaians.

‘What should be a familiar exercise of civil duty and what is supposed to be a regulated process for the registration of voters and procedure for the challenge of prospective registrants and transfer of votes were and have been marred by threats, intimidation, assaults, and violence at the registration centers across the country. It should not be lost on us that such acts invariably scare away and restrict eligible Ghanaians from registering to vote and voting in national elections and referenda, a clear violation of their constitutional rights.’

He noted that the Ghana Bar Association is deeply worried about acts of intimidation, violence, and vigilantism that characterized the recent voter registration and transfer exercises.

He added that Ghana has been touted as an oasis of peace surrounded by turbulence within the subregion, hence violence and lawlessness should not be tolerated.

He stressed the need for all stak
eholders to work towards our collective aspirations and development and ensure that the consciousness of our past travails, struggles, and failures to get to where we are now and rededicate ourselves to ensure that we do whether in word or deed should not create fertile conditions for military adventurers to take advantage to truncate our Democratic Journey.

He further urged members of all the leading political parties, the Electoral Commission, and the government to work toward peaceful elections.

Source: Ghana Web

Ghana Bar Association honours 3 murdered High Court judges

The Ghana Bar Association laid wreaths in honor of three late High Court judges and a retired army officer who were abducted and gruesomely murdered 42 years ago in the line of duty.

The remembrance ceremony, held at the forecourt of the Supreme Court building on June 30, 2024, commemorated Justice Fred Poku Sarkodie, Justice Cecilia Koranteng Addow, and Justice Kojo Agyei Agyapong, who were killed under the then PNDC government.

Speaking to GhanaWeb about the significance of the ceremony, the Public Relations Officer of the Ghana Bar Association, Mr. Saviour Kudze, emphasized that the abduction and murder of the high court judges is a blot on the conscience of the country.

He stressed the importance of ensuring that such atrocities do not recur in Ghana’s history.

‘The reason for celebrating this is that we do not ever want to see such happening in our society again because we consider it a blot on the conscience of this country. It is not just a usual remembrance service to honor the dead but to emphasi
ze that such an event was a grievous wrong and must never be repeated in the history of Ghana,’ Mr. Kudze stated.

Addressing the potential causes of such incidents, Mr. Kudze suggested that a lack of understanding of the judiciary system might be a contributing factor.

He appealed for education and sensitization on how the system works, especially the adjudication process involving cases.

He also stressed the need to foster trust between Ghanaians and the country’s institutions to ensure people utilize established procedures to address issues instead of taking the law into their own hands.

‘We should learn to trust our institutions because they are run by humans who may make mistakes. If mistakes are made, or we think mistakes are made, we should use laid-down procedures to address such issues, not take the law into our own hands,’ Mr. Kudze appealed.

‘In recent times, people have attacked court staff, magistrates, and judges in courtrooms. Such actions could lead to situations similar to what happened i
n 1982, which we do not want to happen again,’ he added.

The remembrance ceremony was attended by high-profile personalities, including Attorney General Godfred Dame, Chief Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, political figures, and members of the GBA.

Source: Ghana Web