Mutual Benefit Group Wins Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Award at Formation ‘24

Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) Takes Home the Standard of Excellence Customer Award for the Integration of SPLICE Software with Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

BOSTON, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, chose Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) as a 2024 Standard of Excellence Customer Award winner at Formation ’24 in Dallas.

The Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Awards recognize customers who have achieved the highest level of excellence through their implementation of Duck Creek solutions and who have a vision to advance their business, while reimagining the future of insurance.

MBG earned the Standard of Excellence Customer Award for integrating the SPLICE Software texting solution and SPLICE NPS Survey Solution with Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

MBG was looking to improve its claim process to be more personalized and proactive with its policyholders by keeping them informed at every point of the journey. MBG leveraged the Duck Creek and SPLICE partnership and integration to elevate the claims experience. This allowed MBG to utilize an innovative claims solution while ensuring their clients are kept well informed with the right data at the right time.

MBG was introduced to SPLICE at the Duck Creek Technologies 2022 Formation Conference in Orlando, Florida. SPLICE offers automated customer experience communication products – namely an innovative, automated texting solution. The goal of this project was to support MBG’s digital transformation by adopting this strategic communication program.

Today, MBG continually keeps their claims customers informed with text through thirteen different touchpoints of the claim. The Duck Creek platform was also configured to automatically document the claim file when the SPLICE notification is sent and logs any errors that may occur.

The versatility and support of both SPLICE and Duck Creek allowed MBG to fully integrate and automate messages while retaining the ability to manually trigger text messages as well. Having a compliant text message solution with personalization features and an out-of-the-box integration that could still be customized easily to work with MBG’s data and needs has saved time for MBG employees while keeping everything within Duck Creek without sacrificing MBG’s core values and protecting policyholders’ economic well-being, security, and existing relationships.

“Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) is a company that truly cares about the policyholder experience,” said Jenna Ha, VP Operations, MBG. “They have worked with SPLICE on ensuring policyholders are kept up-to-date with the right information and at the right time, and has implemented our Thrive™ survey application and program to constantly improve both internal and policyholder experiences. SPLICE is excited to continue working with MBG on further customer and employee experience initiatives.”

Duck Creek celebrates MBG’s incredible success in the P&C Insurance Industry.

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and X.

About MBG

MBG is dedicated to creating an insurance experience that benefits you. We have been providing insurance coverage for automobiles, homes, and businesses since 1908; we work diligently each day to help build and protect your economic well-being and provide for your security. We are known for our strong relationships with policyholders and agents; for our responsive, friendly, knowledgeable staff; and for claims service that consistently garners a high level of satisfaction, notably 97.5% based on 2022 policyholder surveys.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9144641

Federal Budget Gives Canada’s Health Minister The Power To Limit Contraception Access

OTTAWA, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The federal budget, which is set to be passed before the end of June, includes changes to the Food & Drugs Act that gives the Health Minister the power (Section 326) to override regulatory approval for over-the-counter drugs, natural health products, and medical devices. The Consumer Choice Center’s Toronto based David Clement explained why this new power sets Canada down a dangerous path.

“Giving the Health Minister the power to override Health Canada approvals on OTC drugs, NHPs, and medical devices creates a scenario that is ripe for ministerial abuse, with a health minister sidestepping Health Canada to regulate from a position of bias, or in response to bad headlines,” said Clement.

“This power is even more problematic given the products and drugs that are covered by the change. As written, a future Health Minister could use this power to restrict access to OTC drugs like Plan B, or contraception like IUDs, and do so entirely at their discretion,” said Clement.

“If the Liberals are truly committed to ensuring that women have access to certain forms of contraception, they wouldn’t be giving a future Health Minister the authority and ability to override Health Canada approvals. By giving future Health Ministers this power they are setting the table for restrictions,” said Clement.

***CCC North American Affairs Manager David Clement is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries to***

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at


David Clement

Consumer Choice Center


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145371

Global Leaders Gather to Exchange Best Practices in Liver Health Policy

Global Liver Institute Convenes Fruitful Meeting on the Sidelines of WHA77

Geneva, Switzerland, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Liver Institute (GLI) convened esteemed global leaders for an event on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, entitled “Together for Better Liver Health: Amplifying Best Practices Globally,” in partnership with the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). Now in its second year, this exclusive gathering has quickly attracted health leaders from around the world to become a driving force for liver health policy initiatives.

To complement the event, GLI released Best Practices in Liver Health Policy: A Liver Health is Public Health Report, which evaluates successes that certain countries have had in liver health policy to give insight and promote effective policies worldwide. The report highlights persistent challenges that patients face globally and thoughtful, thorough policies that address these challenges. Drawing examples from Egypt, India, Ireland, Scotland, and Türkiye, it showcases measures such as utilizing primary care data to screen high-risk populations and integrating fatty liver disease into national programs targeting non-communicable diseases.
The more than 100 types of liver disease- driven by a variety of causes from genetic, to viral, to over-exposure to toxic substances – pose substantial challenges for global communities and the health systems that serve them:

“We are so grateful to work with such an enduring partner, EASL, and the expert panelists featured, to showcase how addressing liver health aligns with achieving major global public health priorities,” shared Donna R. Cryer, JD, CEO of GLI. “We launched the Liver Health is Public Health Initiative in the UK in 2022 hoping to engage and inspire international leaders and health ministers to deploy the diverse and powerful array of public health tools available to them to the tasks of preventing, identifying, and treating the millions at-risk or living with liver diseases and today is a significant milestone.

In a remarkable display of multi-stakeholder partnership and progress built upon the success of the inaugural event, the event demonstrated the expansion and elevation of the collaboration. For a full list of speakers, including key government figures in health as well as the leaders of internationally renowned organizations, please view the program agenda.

“We are happy to co-host this event alongside GLI and look forward to seeing its reverberating global impact,” shared Aleksander Krag, MD, PhD, MBA; Secretary General, EASL. “It is critical that this event happens in Geneva, Switzerland, on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly, while leaders from each member state work together to prepare next year’s health agenda.”


Christine Maalouf
Global Liver Institute

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145053

Duck Creek Technologies récompense IAT Insurance Group et Coforge en leur décernant le prix Standard of Excellence

IAT Insurance Group, en partenariat stratégique avec Coforge, remporte le prix Standard of Excellence Customer Award pour la transition de plusieurs systèmes d’administration de polices hérités et cloisonnés vers le système Duck Creek basé sur le cloud, faisant ainsi un pas de plus vers la transformation numérique

BOSTON, 29 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui traces les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers)et de l’assurance générale, a décerné à IAT Insurance Group et à son partenaire de transformation stratégique, Coforge, le prix du client de la norme d’excellence 2024 à l’occasion de l’événement Formation ’24 à Dallas.

Les Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Awards mettent à l’honneur les clients qui ont atteint le plus haut niveau d’excellence grâce à la mise en œuvre des solutions Duck Creek et qui réimaginent l’avenir de l’assurance.

IAT Insurance Group, une compagnie d’assurance spécialisée de premier plan qui propose des produits d’assurance dommages et de cautionnement pour des marchés de niche, a reçu le prix « Standard of Excellence Customer Award » pour la transformation de sept segments d’activité diversifiés qui comprennent la responsabilité générale, les biens, la gestion du passif, l’assurance excédentaire, le transport maritime intérieur et les lignes d’activité de l’automobile commerciale. Le transfert des principales lignes de produits sur le système Duck Creek a permis de rationaliser les opérations internes de l’assureur dommages, d’améliorer l’expérience des utilisateurs et de faciliter l’accès aux données et aux analyses.

Manish Chawla, CIO, IAT Insurance Group, a accueilli la nouvelle en ces termes : « Nous sommes honorés de recevoir le prix Standard of Excellence. Notre vision de la transformation est profondément alignée sur nos priorités commerciales et sur notre engagement à mieux servir nos clients. Nous croyons qu’il faut tirer parti de la technologie pour créer des solutions qui non seulement répondent aux attentes de nos clients, mais les dépassent. Ce voyage de transformation a été rendu possible grâce à notre partenariat stratégique avec Coforge. Notre vision commune nous a aidés à la concrétiser, ce qui nous a permis d’offrir une valeur supérieure à nos clients. »

Dans le cadre d’une vaste initiative de transformation de l’entreprise sur plusieurs années et plusieurs millions de dollars, IAT Insurance Group a transféré plusieurs branches d’activité vers la suite complète de Duck Creek, couvrant 50 États. Cet effort, soutenu par Coforge, a été pensé pour moderniser les systèmes existants, améliorer l’évolutivité et assurer la conformité réglementaire à travers le portefeuille diversifié de produits d’assurance d’IAT.

Rajeev Batra, Vice-président exécutif, Insurance, Coforge, a déclaré : « En tant que ‘Premier Delivery Partner’ de Duck Creek Technologies, avec plus de 1 000 PME sous Duck Creek dans le monde, Coforge est fier de faire partie du voyage de transformation d’IAT Insurance Group. La synergie entre Coforge, IAT Insurance Group et Duck Creek Technologies illustre un travail d’équipe et une collaboration sans faille. », et de poursuivre

« C’est un grand honneur d’être récompensé par le prix Standard of Excellence. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’exploitation de solutions innovantes pour doper la transformation numérique d’IAT Insurance Group. Nos efforts de collaboration ont conduit à la transition réussie de plusieurs unités commerciales vers une plateforme moderne, améliorant ainsi l’évolutivité et la conformité réglementaire. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Consultez le site pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

Contacts auprès des médias :
Carley Bunch

À propos d’IAT Insurance Group

IAT Insurance Group (« IAT ») est une compagnie d’assurance privée spécialisée qui propose des produits d’assurance dommages et de cautionnement pour des marchés de niche. IAT est présent sur le marché par le biais de huit unités commerciales : Transport commercial, Excédents et surplus, Propriétaires d’habitation, Programmes, Marine intérieure, Réassurance, Caution et Gestion du passif. Les sociétés d’IAT sont notées A- Excellent par A.M. Best. Connectez-vous avec IAT sur LinkedIn et apprenez-en plus sur l’entreprise en visitant le site

À propos de Coforge

Coforge est un fournisseur mondial de services et de solutions numériques, qui s’appuie sur des technologies émergentes et une expertise approfondie pour offrir à ses clients un impact commercial concret. L’accent mis sur des secteurs tout particulièrement triés sur le volet, une compréhension détaillée des processus sous-jacents de ces secteurs et des partenariats avec des plateformes de premier plan nous confèrent une perspective distincte. Coforge est à la pointe de l’innovation grâce à son approche d’ingénierie produit et s’appuie sur les technologies du cloud, des données, de l’intégration et de l’automatisation pour transformer les entreprises clientes en entreprises intelligentes et à forte croissance. Les plateformes propriétaires de Coforge alimentent les processus d’affaires critiques dans ses principaux secteurs d’activité. L’entreprise est présente dans 21 pays et dispose de 25 centres de distribution dans neuf pays.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145255

Duck Creek Technologies Reconhece IAT Insurance Group e Coforge com seu prêmio Standard of Excellence Award

O IAT Insurance Group, em parceria estratégica com a Coforge, leva para casa o Prêmio de Cliente Padrão de Excelência pela transição de vários sistemas de administração de apólices legados em silos para o sistema Duck Creek baseado em nuvem, impulsionando a transformação digital

BOSTON, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, homenageou o IAT Insurance Group e seu parceiro de transformação estratégica, a Coforge, com o prêmio Standard of Excellence Customer Award no Formation ’24 em Dallas.

O Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Awards reconhece os clientes que alcançaram o mais alto nível de excelência através da implementação de soluções da Duck Creek e que estão reimaginando o futuro dos seguros.

O IAT Insurance Group, uma empresa líder de seguros especializados que fornece produtos de propriedade, acidentes e garantia para nichos de mercado, ganhou o prêmio Standard of Excellence Customer Award pela transformação de 7 segmentos de negócios diversos que incluem Responsabilidade Civil Geral, Propriedade, Responsabilidade de Gestão, Excesso, Marinha Interior e Linhas de negócios de Automóveis Comerciais. A mudança das principais linhas de produtos para o sistema Duck Creek ajudou a simplificar as operações internas da seguradora de propriedade e acidentes, aprimorar a experiência do usuário e melhorar o acesso a dados e análises.

Manish Chawla, CIO do IAT Insurance Group disse: “Estamos honrados em receber o prêmio Standard of Excellence Award. Nossa visão de transformação está profundamente alinhada com as prioridades dos nossos negócios e o nosso compromisso de atender melhor nossos clientes. Acreditamos em utilizar a tecnologia para criar soluções que além de atender, excedam as expectativas dos nossos clientes. Esta jornada de transformação foi possível graças à nossa parceria estratégica com a Coforge. Nossa visão conjunta tem sido fundamental para nos ajudar a transformar nossa visão em realidade, permitindo a oferta de um valor superior aos nossos clientes.”

Como parte de uma grande iniciativa de transformação de negócios de vários anos e milhões de dólares, a IAT Insurance fez a transição de várias linhas de negócios para a Duck Creek Full Suite, cobrindo 50 estados. Esse esforço, apoiado pela Coforge, foi projetado para modernizar sistemas legados, melhorar a escalabilidade e garantir a conformidade regulatória em todo o portfólio diversificado de produtos de seguros do IAT.

Rajeev Batra, Vice-Presidente Executivo de Seguros da Coforge, disse: “Como Parceiro de Entrega Premier da Duck Creek Technologies, com mais de 1000 PMEs da Duck Creek em todo o mundo, a Coforge tem orgulho de fazer parte da jornada de transformação do IAT Insurance Group. A sinergia da Coforge com o IAT Insurance Group e a Duck Creek Technologies é um exemplo do nosso trabalho em equipe e colaboração impecáveis.”

Duck Creek Technologies Reconhece o IAT Insurance Group e Coforge com seu prêmio Standard of Excellence Award Nosso foco tem sido utilizar soluções inovadoras para impulsionar a transformação digital para o IAT Insurance Group. Nossos esforços colaborativos levaram à transição bem-sucedida de várias unidades de negócios para uma plataforma moderna, aprimorando a escalabilidade e a conformidade regulatória.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

Sobre o IAT Insurance Group

O IAT Insurance Group (IAT) é uma empresa privada de seguros especializados que fornece produtos de propriedade, acidentes e garantia para nichos de mercado. O IAT chega ao mercado através de oito unidades de negócios – Transporte Comercial, Excesso e Excedente, Proprietários, Programas, Marinha Interior, Resseguro, Fiança e Responsabilidade de Gestão. As empresas do IAT Insurance Group são classificadas como “A” (Excelente) pela A.M. Best. Conecte-se com o IAT Insurance Group no LinkedIn e saiba mais sobre a empresa em

Sobre a Coforge

A Coforge é uma provedora global de serviços e soluções digitais, que utiliza tecnologias emergentes e profundo conhecimento de domínio para oferecer impacto comercial no mundo real para seus clientes. Um foco em setores muito seletos, uma compreensão detalhada dos processos subjacentes a esses setores e as parcerias com plataformas líderes nos fornecem uma perspectiva distinta. A Coforge lidera com sua abordagem de engenharia de produtos e utiliza as tecnologias de nuvem, dados, integração e automação para transformar as empresas clientes em empresas inteligentes e de alto crescimento. As plataformas proprietárias da Coforge potencializam processos de negócios críticos nas suas principais verticais. A empresa está presente em 21 países, com 25 centros de entrega em nove países.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145255

12 GCB board members received $33,000 allowance each for ‘questionable overseas training’ – Report

The 12 members of the GCB Bank PLC board reportedly received $33,000 (GHS479,000) as a travel allowance for a training program abroad, sparking concern within the state-owned financial institution.

An investigative report by The Herald revealed that the travel allowance paid to the 12 board members totalled a staggering US$396,000 (GHS5,757,840), not including the cost of first-class plane tickets and the actual training, which many within the bank have criticised as “questionable.”

Those who benefited from the training included Kofi Adomakoh, the Managing Director; Dr. Stephen Amoah, Deputy Minister for Finance and New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament (MP) for Nhyiaeso Constituency; Emmanuel Odartey Lamptey, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Operations; Socrates Afram, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Finance; Nana Ama Ayensua Saara III, Omanhemaa of the Denkyira Traditional Area; Alhaji Alhassan Yakubu, Non-Executive Director; Francis Arthur-Collins, Non-Executive Director; Ray Ankrah,
Deputy Chief Executive of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD); Osmani Aludiba Ayuba; Lydia Essah; Daniel Kwaku Tweneboah Asirifi of the law firm Akuffo-Addo, Prempeh and Co.; and Samuel Kwame Yedu Aidoo, Executive Director of Wholesale and Investment Banking at GCB Bank PLC.

The report stated that some board members traveled to the United States and others to South Africa for the training known as “The Complete Board Directors Programme.”

The investigation by The Herald was prompted by a leaked internal memo regarding the payment of the US$33,000 travel allowance to Alhaji Alhassan Yakubu, who travelled to South Africa, revealing significant financial mismanagement within the state-owned financial institution.

The memo, signed by Nana Kwabena Yeboah, the head of HR, and Alexander Yeboah, Manager of Compensation and Rewards, outlined the payment details to Yakubu.

“We advise your participation in the above-referenced programme being organised by Inter Africa Consulting Group in Johannesburg, South Africa, from
May 27 to June 7, 2024. The DMD, Finance is, by a copy of this memorandum, expected to pay you the following emoluments in respect of your travel,” part of the memo which was dated May 23, 2024, was quoted by

A breakdown of the US$33,000 allowance to Yakubu included US$12,000 for accommodation at US$1,000 per day for 12 nights; US$18,000 as per diem at US$1,500 per day for his 12-day stay in South Africa; plus an additional US$3,000 at US$1,500 for two days described vaguely as “travelling days.”

Source: Ghana Web

We will scrap fuel, DSTV, and other allowances for government officials – Mahama

Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has stated that he will eliminate the payment of fuel, DSTV, utility bills, and other allowances currently provided to government officials, directors, and the political class if he is re-elected in the December 7 polls.

He declared that these conditions of service for the aforementioned individuals would be discontinued to save the country money.

John Dramani Mahama further explained that these high-profile individuals should pay their utility bills just like every other citizen.

The NDC flagbearer asserted that, “We will discontinue the payment of utility bills, fuel, DSTV, etc., as conditions of service for top government officials, directors, and the political class. We believe that people should be responsible for paying their own electricity and water bills, just as every other Ghanaian does.”

“Unless you are using a government vehicle or are on a government assignment, you should purchase your own fuel if you are using your
personal car. We are going to put an end to that,” he emphasized.

John Dramani Mahama disclosed this in a meeting with the EU Ambassador to Ghana, Irchad Razaaly.

Source: Ghana Web

Ghana signs carbon credit agreement with Singapore

Ghana and Singapore have signed an agreement that will enable companies looking to offset part of their carbon tax liability to purchase carbon credits from projects based in Ghana.

Companies in Singapore can purchase carbon credits to offset up to 5% of their taxable emissions, provided that the carbon projects they invest in meet Singapore’s eligibility criteria.

The carbon tax in 2024 has increased to $25 per tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, up from $5 per tonne previously. By 2030, the tax will eventually reach $50 to $80 per tonne of CO2 emissions.

Singapore’s National Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment said the collaboration between Singapore and Ghana will advance climate ambitions for both countries and channel financing towards climate mitigation efforts.

The carbon credit projects authorised under the agreement will seek to promote sustainable development and generate benefits for Ghana’s local communities, such
as the creation of jobs, access to clean water, improved energy security, and reduction of environmental pollution.

Under the agreement, carbon credit project developers will be required to make a contribution equivalent to 5% of the share of proceeds from authorised carbon credits towards climate adaptation in Ghana, which helps Ghana to prepare and adjust to the impact of climate change.

The project developers will also be required to cancel 2% of authorised carbon credits at first issuance, to contribute to the mitigation of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The bilateral agreement comes as Temasek-backed investment platform GenZero has already been investing in a forest restoration project in the Kwahu region of Ghana.

The project, which is a collaboration with Singapore-based AJA Climate Solutions, will involve replanting degraded forest reserves, including growing cocoa trees sustainably in shaded farms to shield these plantations from potentially damaging climate impact such as floods, heat stress a
nd pests.

The verification of carbon credits from the Ghana project will then begin in 2028.

Source: Ghana Web