Zoomlion flies 18 sanitation workers on 21-day waste management exposure trip to Belarus.

Zoomlion Ghana Limited, Africa’s waste management expert, is embarking on a groundbreaking initiative. We are sending 18 Youth Employment Agency (YEA) Beneficiaries in the Waste and Sanitation Module on a 21-day journey of discovery.

This unique opportunity will allow them to explore and learn about effective sanitation and waste management practices in Belarus and Russia, paving the way for their personal and professional growth.

The first of its kind, the trip aims to expose street sweepers to innovative approaches to sanitation, such as Effective deployment of workers and sanitary tools and sweeping methods. This is a follow-up to a previous trip by company executives who observed waste management practices and identified potential areas for adaptation and implementation.

The trip’s objectives are not just about learning and implementing new practices. They also include a crucial element of collaboration. We aim to work together with our international counterparts to identify potential waste management
opportunities and areas for adaptation and implementation, including street-sweeping initiatives. This collaborative approach ensures that we are all part of the solution.

Announcing the trip, Zoomlion’s Managing Director, Mrs. Gloria Opoku Anti, explained that this exposure trip marks a significant milestone in the company’s efforts to empower street sweepers and enhance sanitation practices.

This initiative is a testament to Zoomlion’s unwavering commitment to investing in the next generation of sanitation leaders and promoting sustainable practices. We believe in the power of education and exposure to transform lives and communities, and this trip is a clear demonstration of that belief.

Madam Felicia Larbi Okai, a beneficiary from Koforidua, expressed gratitude to the Executive Chairman of Jospong Group and the management of Zoomlion for the opportunity to learn and improve her lot.

Madam Okai, who has been with Zoomlion for 16 years now, promised to share the knowledge and skills from the training wi
th her teammates upon her return.

Another beneficiary from Afram Plains, Mr. Solomon Dankwa, was hopeful that the training would help him gain the needed knowledge and skills to improve his work and the country’s cleanliness.

The 18 participants will spend 21 days, including travel time, learning and exploring new ideas to bring back and implement in their communities from Belarus and Russia, respectively.

The trip is expected to yield valuable insights and innovative solutions to tackle sanitation challenges, and we look forward to seeing its positive impact.

Source: Ghana Web

Government to complete remaining 1,006 rural telephony sites by September – Ursula Owusu-Ekuful

The Government will, by September this year, complete the construction of 1,006 remaining rural telephony sites to extend voice and data connectivity to people in underserved and unserved communities across the country.

Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Minister of Communications and Digitalisation, who announced this at the 2024 World Telecommunications and Information Society Day ((WTISD), in Accra, on Friday, said already, 1,010 of these cell sites had already been completed, nationwide.

Government, in 2020 commenced the construction of the rural telephony sites under the Ghana Rural Telephony and Digital Inclusion project, to construct over 2,000 cell sites across the country.

The goal was to extend voice and data connectivity to some four million people in underserved and unserved communities and to promote digital inclusion in the country.

In 2022, the Government announced that it had completed 1,008 of these sites across the country with an additional 560 sites expected to be completed by the end of the ye
ar, 2023.

Speaking at this year’s WTISD, Mrs Owusu-Ekuful assured that the remaining sites would be completed by September this year to extend connectivity to the remaining 20 per cent of the population who were currently not connected.

‘We’ve successfully done about half of it and we’re on course to complete the other half by September this year. We’re going to build 1,006 by September this year, having already done 1,010,’ she said.

She added: ‘This will ensure that about 20 per cent of our population that are currently unconnected would also get the opportunity to benefit from the digital innovations introduced in the public space and to ensure there’s sustainability, enhanced connectivity across networks.’

The WTISD is to help raise awareness of the benefits citizens and economies could derive from the use of the internet and communication technologies (ICT) to bridge the digital divide.

The theme for this year is: ‘Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development.’

Mrs Owusu-Ekuful said since assumin
g office in 2017, the Government had been steadfast in fostering a culture that embraced innovation, adaptability, and continuous evolution.

She said, that over the past seven years, it had implemented numerous projects to promote digitalisation and bridge the digital inclusion gap, stressing that Ghana was on course to becoming an ICT hub in the West African sub-region.

For instance, to enhance connectivity across networks, the Minister said, the Government was implementing a national roaming policy to ensure that consumers benefited from strong and seamless internet connectivity.

‘We’re hopeful that that will also enable us to bridge some of the connectivity gaps that we have in the country,’ she added.

On citizens’ empowerment, the Minister said the Government had undertaken several initiatives to foster citizens’ competencies, capabilities, and skills to use digital technology.

‘We’ve done a lot to ensure that women use older persons, persons with and without disabilities and people living in both th
e urban and rural areas have the necessary skills to leverage and use digital innovations,’ she touted.

Additionally, she said, ‘We’re working hard to implement initiatives and programmes that address the Sustainable Development Goal 17, which calls for innovation through digitalisation.’

Dr Joe Anokye, Director-General of the National Communications Authority, disclosed that repair works on all subsea cables which got damaged recently had been completed.

Ghana on March 14 this year experienced disruption in data services because of undersea cable outages.

All four subsea cable landing service providers in Ghana (ACR, MainOne, SAT-3 and WACS) were completely cut off from international data services.

Giving an update on the situation at the WTISD, Dr Anokye said repair works on the damaged cables had been completed and internet services fully restored.

‘Repair works on SAT-3 cable was completed on 6th April 2024; the ACE cable was repaired on 17th April 2024; the WACS cable was repaired on 29th April 202
4 and the MainOne cable repairs were completed on May 8, 2024,’ he stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Domelevo scores Akufo-Addo 2 out of 10 in fight against corruption

Former Auditor General Daniel Yao Domelevo has stated that the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has failed in the fight against corruption.

He said he would rate him around 3 or 2 because of the funding he provided to various institutions in the fight against corruption.

Domelevo stated that the president did not commit to fighting corruption during his tenure.

“I will put him around 3 or 2, just giving him credit for the funding he provided to the institutions. But as for commitment, which is key, I think he has failed. I have seen the government’s drive toward digitalization, and we are being made to believe this is all aimed at fighting corruption, and I laugh. Who says there is no digital corruption?

“IT fraud is on a higher scale than even manual fraud, so if there are no consequences for misbehaviour, the fraud will be digitized beyond what you can even think about, and it will mean we are throwing our money after bad money. So the commitment from the presidency is the most importan
t part; hence, I will give them 3 or 2 out of 10,” he told GH One TV.

Source: Ghana Web

Israel King of Jews Church calls for peaceful election

N’Akoa Prophet Nazareth Ansah Jamson, Leader and Founder of the Israel King of Jews Church, has called on stakeholders to put their best foot forward to ensure peaceful elections in the upcoming presidential and parliamentary polls.

He said: ‘We are one people with one nation and for that matter, we don’t have to make elections bring division among us.’

N’Akoa Jamson made the call at the celebration of this year’s Passover of the church at Dome in Accra on Friday.

The celebration was on the theme: ‘Deliverance and Total Liberation of the Israelites from Bondage.’

The Passover commemorates the way the Jews were spared from the plagues and other painful experiences through the manifestation of God’s power through Moses as against Pharaoh and his sorcerers.

It also marks the passing over of the Egyptian homes when their first-born babies were being killed and marks the command by the son of God to celebrate it in memory of Him.

N’Akoa Jamson who is also the spiritual leader of Prophets and Spiritual Churc
hes Council, Ghana said in the spirit of peace politicians should understand that there was only one Ghana and that elections were meant to choose leaders.

‘It must not become an avenue for conflict and bloodshed rather comportment and civility must be the guiding principles in our campaigns,’ he said.

N’Akoa Jamson said as the country approached the general election in December, all must resolve to eschew tendencies that could compromise the peace of the country before, during and after the elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Drama outside court as family of ‘murdered’ soldier at Kasoa ‘attacks’ prime suspect

Tension escalated outside the Achimota District Court when the family of a soldier, who was shot and killed at Kasoa Millennium City over a land dispute, attempted to attack the prime suspect, Benlord Ababio, after court proceedings.

The incident occurred outside the court premises on May 16, 2024, where some members of the family gathered for the proceeding. Emotions ran high as some members hurled insults at Ababio and made a rushed attempt to physically confront him.

The chaotic scene unfolded quickly, drawing the attention of police officers stationed at the court.

In a footage shared on social media, the family, visibly distraught and angered by the loss of their loved one, struggled with officers in a bid to reach Ababio.

The intervention of the police was crucial in preventing what could have been a more violent confrontation. Officers managed to restrain the family, ensuring that the suspect was safely escorted away from the premises.

Watch the video below:

At the Achimota District Court today,
tensions escalated when the family of the soldier killed in a land dispute at Kasoa Millennium City attacked Chief and land guard Benlord Ababio, the prime suspect in the case. pic.twitter.com/QBxvonF19y

Source: Ghana Web

Tema Metro Education Directorate celebrates International Boys’ Day 

The Tema Metro Education Directorate has held a heroes’ conference for members of the Tema boys’ clubs in commemoration of this year’s International Boys’ Day.

The conference aimed at putting the spotlight on the health and well-being?of boys, particularly those in Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School (SHS).

The theme for the celebration is ‘Focus on Boys’ Health and Well-Being’ to acknowledge a need for the boys to identify their self-worth to live positive lifestyles to enhance their health and general well-being.

Mr. Samuel Atuahene Antwi, the Nutrition Officer at the Tema Metropolitan Health Directorate, speaking at the event, stressed the importance of nutritional education, saying it provided a lot of information about their health.

Mr. Antwi stated that healthy eating was not only about preventing illness but also about ensuring optimal cognitive function and emotional stability, which are essential for academic success.

He encouraged the young boys to prioritise their spending on nutr
itious food and healthy habits rather than on clothing and other non-essential items, emphasizing the importance of investing in their well-being.

The boys were strongly encouraged to report any sexual abuse they might encounter and were also advised to be goal-driven and to cultivate a clear sense of purpose in their lives.

Ms. Olivia Bosompemaa, the Tema Metro Girls’ Education Officer, said in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), that this year’s theme encourages boys to recognise their unique abilities and pursue their dreams without fear of expressing vulnerabilities.

Ms.?Bosompemaa said that societal expectations often discouraged boys from sharing their problems, which could negatively impact their academic performance and overall well-being.

‘We want boys to feel supported and to have the courage to share their issues so they can achieve their goals,’ she said.

She also called for support and funding for the unit to help reach out to more boys, saying that the initiative has brought a lo
t of improvement in the conduct of the boys who participated.

‘If we had more funding, we could reach more boys and bring resources to schools,’ she said.?

She added that parents must support and provide for their boys to be healthy and have a sound mind to concentrate in school.

‘Parents need to provide for their children’s basic needs, especially food and school supplies, to help them excel,’ she said.

Some students expressed their joy, saying?that such?events provided them with a lot of knowledge on how to groom themselves and plan their lives.

Other students said they have been able to build a little confidence, adding that the event also provided a platform for networking.

Source: Ghana News Agency

DumsorVigil organisers and police hit a snag on decision to use Revolution Square for exercise

Organisers of DumsorVigil – Accra version, and the Ghana Police Service have reached a deadlock over the decision by the group to use the Revolution Square for its planned activity.

This was after the organisers rejected the Ghana Police Service’s proposal to move the protest from the Revolution Square to the Independence Square.

The meeting, which involved the DumsorMustStop organisers: Henry Osei Akoto, Yvonne Nelson, and Dramani Selorm, ended without a resolution on the decision to use the venue.

According to the police, the Revolution Square is a security zone due to its proximity to the Jubilee House, and the protest could endanger public safety and order.

But speaking to Alfred Ocansey of TV3 after this gridlock, Henry Osei Akoto insisted that the group will not back down on its choice of venue.

He argued that the Revolution Square is a symbol of Ghana’s history and struggle for independence, making it an appropriate venue for the protest.

“They asked us to consider the time and do something abou
t it. We went out and came back and said we are no longer doing it from 8 AM to 12 midnight. We moved it from 2 PM to 10 PM.

“But on the location that we are going to converge for the vigil, we can’t compromise on that; that is the Revolution Square. It was a back and forth thing but at the end of the day, we told them that in every situation, there should be a balance… when we are in front of the Revolution Square and we are doing the vigil, he (Akufo-Addo) will know that Ghanaians need power,” he explained.

The vigil, scheduled for May 25, aims to protest the resurgence of erratic power cuts in the country.

Source: Ghana Web

WACSI calls for strengthening democracy in West Africa

Nana Asantewa Afadzinu, the Executive Director of the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) has called for an inclusive approach that incorporates new voices and actors in addressing the challenges of democracy and governance in West Africa.

A statement issued by WACSI, copied to the Ghana News Agency said Madam Afadzinu made the remarks at a roundtable, aimed at fostering collaboration among civil society organisations (CSOs) in West Africa to strengthen democracy and good governance in the region.

Madam Afadzinu emphasised a need for a nuanced understanding of the current challenges, acknowledging both the shortcomings of existing democratic models and the importance of safeguarding democratic principles.

‘In today’s democracy, marked by shifting geopolitical dynamics and a weaker ECOWAS, we must address challenges such as the resurgence of coup d’état threats in the region,’ she said.

This roundtable provides a vital platform for CSOs to share insights and collaborate on collective solutions, dr
awing from experiences in affected countries like Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Furthermore, the evolving landscape sees new voices within CSOs, including individuals acting as institutions, necessitating adaptive strategies to confront issues worsened by technology and insecurity.’

Madam Chiechi Aniagolu-Okoye, the Regional Director for Ford Foundation West Africa, echoed Nana Afadzinu’s concerns and commended the role of CSOs in promoting democratic ideals.

She stated a need for self-reflection within the CSO community and urged a renewed commitment to advocating citizen-centred democracy that delivers tangible benefits to the people.

‘ To safeguard against future military interventions, it’s important for CSOs to engage in shaping democratic governance that serves the people. By identifying systemic failures and working towards civilian-led solutions, we can ensure a future where democracy benefits everyone. This necessitates open dialogue and honest conversations to address existing challenges and res
tore ECOWAS’s commitment to democratic principles,’ she said.

Martin Abregu, Vice President of International Programmes at the Ford Foundation, making remarks at the event said, ‘Participants should embrace humility and adaptability in navigating the complexities of the current political landscape. We must look at the importance of rethinking transnational solidarity and international cooperation in the face of evolving global dynamics’.

The statement said the civil society organisations who spoke at the event argued that democracy was declining in West Africa because people want good governance regardless of what form it comes in, including military rule and civilian governments are not providing good governance.

They blamed worsening economic conditions, authoritarian civilian governments, imperialism, manipulation of election results, corruption and weak judiciaries for citizens tilting towards a preference for military rule.

However, the participants also highlighted key priorities for advancing democ
racy in West Africa.

Learning from success stories like Senegal’s recent transition, they emphasized the importance of boosting public engagement through innovative channels such as social media.

Strengthening democratic institutions, including the media and judiciary, alongside the need to reform electoral processes for greater inclusivity and credibility.

Additionally, fostering collaboration among civil society organisations, involving new stakeholders like the private sector and diaspora, was emphasised.

Participants also underscored the imperative of countering external influence on democratic processes, advocating for African-driven solutions.

The Civil Society Roundtable Discussion, co-convened by the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WASCI) and Ford Foundation is expected to stimulate continued dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders committed to advancing democracy and governance in West Africa, amid ongoing political transitions and emerging threats as well as inform future efforts to
promote inclusive and resilient democracies across the continent.

Source: Ghana News Agency