‘Ghanaians might not want me now, but I will return to buy the country’ – Cheddar vows

Ghanaian entrepreneur and aspiring presidential candidate, Nana Kwame Bediako, widely known as Cheddar or Freedom Jacob Caesar, has sparked controversy with his bold declaration that despite current sentiments, he will eventually amass enough wealth to acquire the nation.

In an interview with TV3, Cheddar said, “If I create a million millionaires and take 10% from each person, I will definitely be richer than the country, so be careful. Ghanaians might not want me today, but when I return, I will be back to buy the country.”

This statement comes amidst his official announcement to run for the presidency under the banner of the New Force political movement.

The revelation and his emergence as the enigmatic ‘Man in the Mask’ have stirred both intrigue and scepticism among the Ghanaian populace.

Even though Cheddar admits his unfamiliarity with politics, he attributes his decision to contest as a presidential hopeful to a compelling inner voice, echoing the guiding force that has shaped many aspects of his l

Source: Ghana Web

Government sets up intergovernmental committee as 14 Global Fund Containers cleared

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has cleared 14 out of the 182 containers of medical shipments from the Global Fund stucked at the ports to mitigate HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis for the Health Ministry.

The 14 containers of health commodities, comprising 10 containers of malaria rapid diagnostic tests, one container of malaria injection and three containers of malaria medicine were delivered to the Ministry of Health for onwards transmission to the warehouse.

The supplies, including antiretroviral medications for HIV patients, were held at the Tema port due to non-payment of third-party fees, leading to agitation from the public.

Speaking at a short handover ceremony, the Director of the Revenue Policy Division at the Ministry of Finance, George Winful, said government had earlier paid GHS40 million for the medications, but third-party levy led to delay in the release of the containers.

Also, some stakeholders in the health sector were not aware of the new exemption arrangement, which contributed t
o the delay in clearing the goods.

Mr Winful said to address future delays, an intergovernmental committee was formed by the government after the lessons from the current delays.

The committee include the Ministry of Finance, the Ghana Revenue Authority, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, and the Ministry of Health.

To guarantee prompt resolutions, he said, the committee will collaborate to handle such issues as they come up.

It is anticipated that the rest of the medications will be delivered to the Ghana Health Service’s warehouses by April 19 at the latest.

The Deputy Commissioner of the Customs Division of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Emmanuel Ohene, said the first batch of medical supplies would help in healthcare delivery.

‘I am pleased to report that the first batch of the consignment has been cleared and it is being released to the Ministry of Health for distribution to various health centres across the country.

‘These drugs are vital for the survival of our fellow citizens and I am glad tha
t they are now in the hands of those who will put it to very good use,’ he stated.

He also encouraged stakeholders and ministries to work with the GRA to take advantage of the new exemption law to clear eligible goods since it would help in avoiding charges and penalties at the port.

He clarified that even though the pharmaceuticals qualified for exemption, their lockup at the port was caused by unpaid obligations, such as third-party clearance fees.

Mr. Ohene reaffirmed that the authority would always prioritise the needs of its clients and encouraged anyone in need of assistance to seek out information on specific tax methods.

‘I would want to express our sincere gratitude to the Minister of Finance and all the officials who have contributed to that resolution of this serious national problem,’ Alhaji Hafis Adams, Chief Director Ministry of Health, said, adding that about about GHS17 million would be needed to clear the containers.

Currently, some 185 containers at the Tema Port and Kotoka Internationa
l Airport (KIA) are still waiting to be cleared.

Alhaji Adams said the clearing process was likely to be completed with delivery to the warehouse expected shortly, not later than April 19, 2024.

He denied reports that the Global Fund had suspended delivery of vaccines and medicines to Ghana.

‘Global Fund has not suspended its support to the good people of Ghana and Global Fund has no intention of suspending support to the people of Ghana,’Alhaji Adams added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Avoid certain political cases – Dr. Kojo Asante urges Supreme Court

The Director of Programmes and Policy Engagement at the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Dr. Kojo Pumpuni Asante, has advocated for the Supreme Court to refrain from adjudicating certain political cases to preserve the principle of checks and balances.

On JoyNews’ Newsfile on April 13, 2024, Dr. Asante expressed concerns about the potential impact of the apex court’s involvement in political matters on its perceived bias and independence.

“I think sometimes, there are cases that the Supreme Court should not be dealing with. These are political matters that probably need to stay in Parliament or other places because the more you take on these cases, anytime you take a decision, one person loses,” he said.

Dr. Asante emphasized the need for the court to find legal grounds to decline sitting on certain cases, rather than merely abstaining based on discretion. He warned against turning the court into an extension of Parliament, which could undermine the efficacy of checks and balances.

Dr. Asant
e called for proactive measures to limit the court’s involvement in political matters, particularly in the aftermath of elections.

“We have to look at the legal arrangement that you are making to limit and mitigate that problem. Otherwise, if you look across West Africa now every election there is election adjudication and it is rampant. So it is not even the results that are being contested,” he concluded.

Source: Ghana Web

Ashaiman Chief calls for reflection among Muslims

The Chief of Ashaiman, Annang Adzor, has extended warm wishes to the Muslim community in Ghana.

During his address, the chief emphasized the importance of reflection and moderation, echoing the teachings of Prophet Mohammed.

Acknowledging the significance of Eid-al-Fitr as a time of celebration and gratitude, Nii Adzor urged Muslims to avoid excessive revelry and instead use the occasion for self-reflection and spiritual growth.

“I want to emphasize the need for Muslims to adhere to the teachings of Prophet Mohammed, who advocated for humility and modesty in all aspects of life. We can be celebrating Eid-al-Fitr and doing things that are against the Quran. Every Muslim must use the occasion for self-reflection and spiritual growth,” he stated.

Highlighting concerns over road safety, he issued a stern warning against wrongful overspeeding, particularly among motorcycle riders and drivers.

“We must embrace the importance of responsible behavior on the roads to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of all
road users during this Eid festivity and beyond. You must be alive and healthy to celebrate many more Eids to come,” he warned.

Drawing inspiration from the visionary leadership of the Sheikh of Dubai, Chief Nii Annang Adzor called upon Muslims in Ghana to explore innovative ways to contribute to the prosperity of the nation. He cited the transformative initiatives undertaken in Dubai, emphasizing the potential for similar progress in Ghana through proactive and entrepreneurial efforts.

In a firm stance against crime and lawlessness, Chief Nii Annang Adzor urged Muslims to uphold the principles of integrity and respect for the law. He emphasized the importance of fostering a culture of peace and cooperation within the community, stressing that adherence to these values is essential for receiving blessings from Allah.

“As the month of fasting has come to a close, I urge Muslims to carry forward the spirit of compassion and goodwill beyond Ramadan. I emphasize the importance of being peace-loving individuals
and contributing positively to society, thereby fostering harmony and unity among all citizens. That is what Prophet Mohammed requires of you if indeed you obey his teachings,” he appealed.

Source: Ghana Web

Asanteman Europe Association set to hold mammoth festival in Germany

Asanteman Europe Association, a non-profit organization comprising of Ashanti’s in Europe is set to hold a mammoth festival in Germany.

The much-anticipated festival according to the group is scheduled to come off on September 13 to September 15, 2024.

The association on Friday, April 12, 2024, officially launched the festival at the Center for National Culture in the Ashanti Region.

A leading member of the Association who is also the Queen Mother of Asante in Switzerland, Nana Akyiaa Oyiakwan during the launch said the association is ready to sell the Asante culture to the whole world.

‘Dubbed Asante Europe Afahye, Dusedorf 2024, the festival celebrates the vibrancy and uniqueness of our community”.

She added that the association will take advantage of the festival and portray the rich Asante Culture to other European communities.

Nana Akyiaa Oyoakwan underscored the importance of the Asanteman Europe Association adding that it serves as a beacon of hope for Asante who have spread across the world.

e revealed that Asanteman Europe is an association consisting of 16-member Asante Associations spread across 12 countries within Europe.

The 16 Asanteman member unions according to her are based in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain Germany, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, and The Netherlands

The Ashanti Regional Minister Hon Simon Osei Mensah who graced the occasion commended the association for upholding the Asante culture in Europe.

He tasked them to ensure the rich Asante foods, adding that its nutritious nature was good for those working in Europe.

Simon Osei Mensah pledged his unflinching support to the association adding that, his office will always be open to members of the group.

Source: Ghana Web

Akrofuom DCE urges residents to prioritize national peace ahead of 2024 elections

Ahead of the December polls, calls have been made for citizens of the country to uphold existing peace in the country. The latest to add his voice to the calls is Dr. Maurice Jonas Woode, the Chief Executive of the Akrofuom District Assembly.

In an address to the assembly at a general assembly meeting held at Akrofuom, the DCE encouraged residents to be tolerant of varied views and eschew all forms of disturbances and election malpractices before, during, and after the elections.

The December 2024 elections have been tipped as a crucial election for the two main political parties in the country. Recognizing the potential tensions that could arise before, during, and after such a critical time, the DCE emphasized the importance of unity and respect for diverse perspectives.

The general assembly meeting was used to elect conveners for the sub-committees. Dr. Woode seized the opportunity to highlight on key happenings in the district to the Assembly. Prominent among them included;

Electoral Area Mining Taskf

The proposed Electoral Area Mining Taskforce, comprising assembly members, unit committee members, nananom, and miners, encountered implementation challenges during the second assembly. This task force, consisting of members from the electoral area who are familiar with their environment, aims to oversee mining activities in the District and ensure responsible mining practices.

Collaboration Between Mastercard Foundation and the Ghana Enterprise Agency

Mastercard Foundation and the Ghana Enterprise Agency collaborate to train individuals aged 15 to 35 in various communities nationwide. The program includes apprenticeship in three areas: Apprenticeship to Entrepreneurship (A2E), Agriculture and Agribusiness to Entrepreneurship (AA2E), and MSME Business Acceleration. Trainees will work with skilled craft persons for six months and gain access to market opportunities through trade shows, concept shops, Ghana Mall, e-commerce platforms, and social media. Hon. Maurice Jonas Woode urges District youth to re
gister for these training opportunities through the GEA link provided.

Ghana Productive Safety Net Project

Under the Ministry of Local Government, the Ghana Productive Safety Net Project aims to increase access to income-generating activities in our district. It focuses on climate change mitigation, specifically coconut and oil palm plantations. Beneficiaries, including 60% women and 10% persons with disabilities aged 18-65, will work for four hours daily, receiving between 20 and 30 Ghana Cedis. The project also supports the establishment of sustainable businesses with funding of 3,000 Ghana Cedis for input markets.

Planting for Food and Jobs Phase 2

Phase 2 of the “Planting for Food and Jobs program” addresses Phase 1 challenges and focuses on value chain-driven, private sector-focused, market-driven, and inclusive principles.

Commodities include maize, soya beans, sorghum, tomatoes, pepper, onions, cassava, yam, plantain, and poultry. Requirements for farmers include Ghanaian citizenship, interest, Gh
ana and contact cards, a guarantor or next of kin, and a farm size of 2.0 acres and above.

In our district, 16 staff received PFJ registration training, farm registration began on March 18, 2024, and 217 farmers are registered as of April, with 7 farms mapped.

The program introduces an aggregator and provides logistics support. Due to unavailable funds, the Assembly proposes a Public-Private Partnership for construction, pending General Assembly approval as mandated by the Public-Private Act 2020 (ACT 1039).

The following individuals emerged as winners with their respective roles elected:

Nana Baffour Awuah – Works sub-committee

Isaac Amponsah – Social Services sub-committee

Nana Asare Bediako – Finance and Administration sub-committee

Peter Amponsah – Development Planning sub-committee

Nicholas Essandoh – Mining and Anti-Galamsey sub-committee

Matthew Baah – Justice and Security sub-committee

Source: Ghana Web

Akufo-Addo, Bawumia government planning to rename Ameri Plant to ‘Kumasi 1 Thermal Plant’ – Edudzi Tameklo claims

Director of Legal Directorate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Godwin Edudzi Tameklo, has raised concerns over what he perceives as the Akufo Addo- Bawumia administration’s attempt to rename the Ameri Power Plant as ‘Kumasi 1 Power Plant’.

This move, according to Mr Tameklo, is seen as a tactic to mislead the people of the Ashanti Region.

According to him, the Ameri Power Plant, initially procured by former President John Dramani Mahama, was intended to address the country’s enduring power challenges, boasting of a capacity to generate 25 megawatts of electricity.

Mr Tameklo asserted that the renaming of the power plant is a deliberate ploy to deceive Ghanaians, particularly those residing in the Ashanti Region, where the plant is located.

He also emphasised Mr Mahama’s role in acquiring the power plant as part of efforts to alleviate the country’s power crisis during his tenure.

Taking to Facebook on Saturday, April 13, Mr Tameklo urged vigilance among Ghanaians, urging them not to fall for w
hat he views as a misleading tactic by the current administration.

‘BAWUMIA and Akufo Addo, out of shame, have decided to repackage and rename the AMERI plants as Kumasi 1 Thermal Power Plant.

This is what they are planning to go and commission.’

‘This corrupt, incompetent, useless and wasteful government are determined to hoodwink voters in the Ashanti region with the renaming and repackaging.’

‘This administration has failed to do anything meaningful in power generation,’ he posted.

Source: Ghana Web

‘Sasabonsam’: Watch as London-based Ghanaian in 1966 tore down Nkrumah’s images in anger

After being deposed in a coup on February 24, 1966, by a joint military and police operation led by the National Liberation Council, President Kwame Nkrumah never made a return to the country until his demise.

Prior to his overthrow, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had left Ghana two days earlier for Vietnam-Hanoi in what would be a mission of no return. He went away on a peace mission with the premise of getting Ghana’s colleague Commonwealth nations to end the Vietnam War.

The coup, which was code-named “Operation Cold Chop,” lasted about 24 hours and saw the statue of the president smashed to pieces right outside Ghana’s Parliament House.

The structure was defaced and battered to the ground while people went out to jubilate.

While the jubilation erupted on the streets of Accra and across the country, a Ghanaian resident in the United Kingdom staged what seemed to be a one-man protest to register his disdain for the ousted Ghanaian president.

A video posted by @GhanaianMuseum via X showed the visibly angry Ghanaian
in front of the Ghana Consular office tearing into pieces Nkrumah’s image.

Moments after completely smashing the portrait to pieces, he was asked by a nearby police officer to pick up the pieces thereafter.

Back home, citizens thronged the streets of Accra in a big procession from the Hall of the Trade Unions through the capital’s principal streets, dancing, singing and jubilating over Nkrumah’s overthrow.

Protesters were seen with placards on the streets with inscriptions such as, ‘No more hero worship”, Ghanaians are now free’, ‘Nkrumah is a wicked man’, ‘No more Nkrumaism,’ among others.

An eye-catching moment from a video of the day’s protest in possession of GhanaWeb showed a bizarre drawing of President Kwame Nkrumah with the inscription on it reading, ‘Sasabonsam’, a popular term used to refer to the devil.

It will be recalled that on February 12, 1951, Dr Nkrumah received a rousing hero’s welcome from the Ghanaian people after he was released from prison following his victory in the general elect
ions on the ticket of his political party, the Convention People’s Party (CPP).

This came after he was arrested in 1950, after being accused of leading a ‘disturbing positive action’ campaign against the British colonial rule in the then Gold Coast, which later led to Ghana’s independence on March 6, 1957.

Source: Ghana Web