Une étude mondiale menée par ASICS démontre le lien entre la pratique régulière d’une activité physique à l’adolescence et le bien-être mental à l’âge adulte

ASICS State of Mind Study
Moving your body as a teenager will also move your mind as an adult
Moving your body as a teenager will also move your mind as an adult
  • Les réponses des quelque 26 000 personnes interrogées permettent d’établir le rapport entre l’activité physique et mentale, et soulignent le lien direct entre la pratique d’une activité physique à l’adolescence et la sensation de bien-être mental ressentie à l’âge adulte
  • Chaque année supplémentaire de pratique sportive à l’adolescence converge vers l’enregistrement de meilleurs scores à l’âge adulte à l’échelle de l’étude State of Mind (ou État d’esprit) conçue par ASICS, à savoir que la tranche des 15-17 ans est la plus critique en matière d’activité physique pour les jeunes
  • Or, les jeunes générations se détournent de plus en plus de l’exercice plus tôt, ce qui pourrait nuire à leur bien-être mental, aujourd’hui et demain

LONDRES, 09 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ASICS publie ce jour les résultats de sa deuxième étude State of Mind (ou État d’esprit) mondiale, qui confirme le lien positif entre l’exercice physique et le bien-être mental, tout en soulignant le rapport entre l’activité physique pratiquée au cours de l’adolescence et le bien-être mental ressenti à l’âge adulte.

Le périmètre de l’étude concerne plus de 26 000 répondants originaires de 22 pays différents, et les conclusions de l’étude dressent le parallèle entre la pratique physique et l’enregistrement de scores élevés1. Parmi les personnes interrogées à travers le monde, celles pratiquant une activité physique régulière2 affichent un score State of Mind moyen de 67/100, tandis que le score des personnes inactives3 est inférieur et se mesure à 54/100.

L’étude a par ailleurs révélé que le fait d’être physiquement actif à l’adolescence a un effet direct sur l’état d’esprit plus tard dans la vie. Les répondants ayant pratiqué l’exercice tout au long de leur adolescence affichent des niveaux d’activité et des scores State of Mind plus élevés à l’âge adulte. Les résultats démontrent qu’il est essentiel de rester actif à l’adolescence pour prendre de bonnes habitudes en matière d’exercice physique. Celles-ci perdureront à l’âge adulte et auront un effet positif sur le bien-être mental.

En effet, l’étude a permis de déterminer que la tranche des 15-17 ans a le plus de mal à rester active et que l’abandon de l’exercice affectait de manière significative leur future santé mentale. Il a été déterminé que les individus qui pratiquaient une activité physique régulière entre 15 et 17 ans étaient plus susceptibles de rester actifs plus tard dans leur vie et d’enregistrer des scores State of Mind plus élevés à l’âge adulte (64/100 contre 61/100) que les inactifs du même âge.

En données comparées, les répondants ayant cessé de faire de l’exercice avant l’âge de 15 ans ont affiché les niveaux d’activité les plus bas à l’âge adulte, ainsi que les plus médiocres scores. 30 % d’entre eux sont toujours inactifs à l’âge adulte et sont pour 11 % moins concentrés, pour 10 % moins confiants, pour 10 % moins calmes et pour 10 % moins sereins que ceux qui ont pu faire de l’exercice tout au long de l’adolescence.

En effet, chaque année de pratique physique régulière à l’adolescence correspond à un meilleur score à l’échelle de l’étude State of Mind à l’âge adulte. Ceux qui ont cessé de faire de l’exercice avant l’âge de 15 ans affichent un score State of Mind moyen inférieur de 15 % à la moyenne mondiale, tandis qu’une activité physique en recul constatée à 16-17 ans ou avant l’âge de 22 ans ramène leur score moyen de 13 % et de 6 %, respectivement.

Fait inquiétant, l’étude a également mis en évidence un fossé générationnel en matière d’exercice physique, les jeunes générations étant de moins en moins actives. 57 % des membres de la génération silencieuse (ou les plus de 78 ans) ont déclaré avoir pratiqué une activité physique quotidienne dans leur enfance, contre seulement 19 % des membres de la génération Z (âgés de 18 à 27 ans). Ce constat tend vers une tendance préoccupante à l’abandon de l’activité physique par les jeunes générations plus tôt et en plus grand nombre que les générations précédentes.

À l’échelle mondiale, les membres de la génération Z affichent les scores State of Mind les plus bas, avec une moyenne de 62/100, contre 68/100 pour les baby-boomers et 70/100 pour la génération silencieuse.

Pour le professeur Brendon Stubbs, éminent chercheur en matière d’exercice physique et de santé mentale au King’s College de Londres : « Il est inquiétant de constater cette baisse des niveaux d’activité chez les plus jeunes répondants à un âge aussi critique, d’autant plus que l’étude dresse le parallèle avec une santé mentale moindre à l’âge adulte. »

Les membres de la génération Z affichent déjà les scores State of Mind les plus bas (à savoir 62/100) par rapport à la génération silencieuse (à savoir 70/100), ce qui pourrait avoir un effet néfaste considérable sur la santé mentale des adultes de demain dans le monde entier. »

« ASICS a été fondée sur la conviction que le sport et l’activité physique apportent autant de bienfaits corporels que spirituels » remarque Tomoko Koda, Directrice exécutive de ASICS, avant d’ajouter : « ASICS est née de la locution ‘Anima Sana in Corpore Sano’, qui signifie ‘Un esprit sain dans un corps sain’. Les conclusions de notre deuxième étude State of Mind mondiale révèlent à quel point il est primordial que les jeunes restent actifs, et démontrent l’impact potentiel sur leur esprit pour les années à venir. Chez ASICS, nous nous engageons à accompagner les individus et nous les incitons à bouger pour qu’ils puissent maintenir leur santé mentale au beau fixe tout au long de leur vie. »

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site :


À propos de l’étude State of Mind 2024 menée par ASICS
L’étude State of Mind 2024 s’est réalisée entre le 17 novembre et le 21 décembre 2023, et s’est intéressée au lien existant entre l’exercice et la santé mentale à travers le monde.

Les quelque 26 000 participants provenaient de 22 pays différents, parmi lesquels l’Afrique du Sud, l’Allemagne, l’Arabie saoudite, l’Australie, le Brésil, le Canada, le Chili, la Chine, la Colombie, l’Espagne, les Émirats arabes unis, les États-Unis, la France, l’Inde, l’Italie, le Japon, la Malaisie, les Pays-Bas, Singapour, le Royaume-Uni, la Suède et la Thaïlande. Chaque échantillon national était représentatif en termes d’âge et de genre.

1Le score State of Mind ASICS s’établit sur une échelle de 100 points, et se calcule sur la base des scores moyens cumulés de dix critères cognitifs et émotionnels, à savoir positivité, satisfaction, détente, concentration, sérénité, résilience, confiance, vigilance, calme, et énergie.

2150 minutes ou plus d’activité physique par semaine (selon la définition de Sport England).

3Moins de 30 minutes d’activité physique par semaine (selon la définition de Sport England).

« Anima Sana In Corpore Sano », qui signifie « Un esprit sain dans un corps sain », est une ancienne locution latine qu’ASICS s’est appropriée, et qui constitue la valeur de référence de la marque. Fondée il y a plus de 60 ans par Kihachiro Onitsuka, la société est aujourd’hui l’un des principaux concepteurs et fabricants de chaussures de course ainsi que d’autres modèles de chaussures, vêtements et accessoires de sport. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site www.asics.com.

Les rayures latérales des chaussures ASICS® sont une marque déposée d’ASICS Corporation.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/25d28040-7b04-44cb-a421-97418e91c297

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations ou pour organiser un entretien, veuillez contacter asics.somi@golin.com

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000933726

AI-Media Unveils Enhanced Lexi Tool Kit at NAB 2024

World Leader in AI-Powered Captioning Solutions Introduces the new LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded

AI-Media Launches LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) Captioning Solution

World Leader in AI-Powered Captioning Solutions Introduces the new LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded at NAB Show 2024

NEW YORK, April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  AI-Media, the global leader in AI-powered captioning, is set to unveil two new products at the prestigious NAB Show 2024, scheduled from 14-17 April in Las Vegas USA. Renowned for its cutting-edge innovations serving the broadcast industry, AI-Media’s latest offerings; LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded are poised to revolutionize the captioning market.

In addition to showcasing numerous updates on products such as LEXI and our IP and SDI range of encoders, AI-Media is most excited to showcase the new LEXI DR product, a groundbreaking solution that ensures uninterrupted captioning delivery even in the face of cloud and connectivity disruptions. With LEXI DR, broadcasters can rest assured that their captions will always remain on air with minimal interruption, thanks to seamless caption workflow integration, on-premises redundant servers and flexible setup options via virtual machines or hardware. This solution offers 99.99% caption uptime, scalability with up to 10 instances available per LEXI DR unit plus the confidence that data is secure with robust encryption and security measures. LEXI DR exemplifies AI-Media’s commitment to providing reliable, resilient, and secure captioning solutions for the broadcast industry.

AI-Media will also introduce LEXI Recorded, designed to streamline the captioning process for recorded content. The solution offers unprecedented turnaround speed and cost efficiencies making it perfect for time-sensitive news clips, highlights, and promos. LEXI Recorded boasts features such as bulk processing, accuracy above 98%, flexible file output types, multilingual options, plus can be integrated into the caption workflow so files can be captioned without leaving the media management system. With LEXI Recorded, broadcasters can ensure fast, cost-effective captioning of their recorded content with unmatched precision and ease.

“At AI-Media, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation to meet the evolving needs of our customers,” said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI-Media. “We are thrilled to unveil LEXI Recorded and LEXI DR at NAB Show 2024, showcasing our relentless pursuit of excellence in captioning technology. LEXI DR represents the ultimate component in achieving full captioning automation. LEXI DR completes the automation of the captioning process. Previously, human intervention served as a backup, but LEXI DR revolutionizes this by eliminating the need for manual oversight.”

In addition to the product launches, AI-Media will feature an “Innovation Station” at their NAB booth, where attendees can explore exciting new technologies that are part of the company’s product roadmaps. Previews will showcase advancements in generative AI and its application in crafting topic models, also referred to as custom dictionaries. These topic models enhance accuracy by offering contextually relevant word suggestions and pronunciations based on themes, topics, and subject matter. Additionally, previews will feature innovations such as speaking subtitles or dubbing, as well as automated audio description. AI-Media is able to leverage decades of broadcast experience to ensure their captioning solutions are interoperable across different workflows, video standards and regions. As a leading innovator in the captioning industry, AI-Media remains committed to driving progress and shaping the future of accessible media worldwide.

For more information about AI-Media and its groundbreaking captioning solutions, visit:

AI-Media: AI-Media.tv

LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery): https://hubs.ly/Q02rWtMD0

LEXI Recorded: https://hubs.ly/Q02rWtLS0

About AI-Media:

Founded in Australia in 2003, AI-Media is a pioneering technology company specializing in innovative captioning workflow solutions. As a global leader, AI-Media provides high-quality AI-powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide. For the first time in February 2024, AI-Media was able to unveil groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional human workflows. This milestone further solidifies AI-Media’s position as the foremost AI technology leader in live and recorded captioning workflow solutions. With a commitment to utilising our deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI-Media empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity in their content. Ai-Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0fde5af3-8765-4882-abaa-03746dcde8af

Media Contact: Fiona Habben – Fiona.habben@ai-media.tv

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9086266

U.S. Polo Assn. Achieves $2.4 Billion in Global Retail Sales in 2023, Targets $3 Billion Milestone and 1,500 Total Stores

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA / ACCESSWIRE / April 9, 2024 / USPA Global has announced that U.S. Polo Assn., the official brand of the United States Polo Association (USPA), has delivered a record $2.4 billion in global retail sales in 2023.

The global sports brand’s record growth is the result of expanding its existing sizeable footprint across all regions around the world. U.S. Polo Assn. has seen a balanced growth strategy with significantly increased market share in more mature markets, such as North America and Western Europe, while delivering exponential growth in emerging markets such as Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and India. In fact, the brand is targeting to become a billion-dollar business in India alone, as U.S. Polo Assn. is an international power brand and the top-selling casual menswear brand in the country.

The brand’s footprint is a fast-growing presence across 190 countries, with over 1,100 U.S. Polo Assn. retail stores and thousands of wholesale locations spanning department stores, sporting goods channels, and independent retailers, as well as e-commerce. U.S. Polo Assn. continues to climb the retail ranks as one of the largest global licensed sports brands in the world, ranking in the top five alongside the NFL, MLB, and NBA, according to License Global.

U.S. Polo Assn.’s strong execution has relied on a global focus regarding the brand’s worldwide store expansion. The brand has grown its global fleet to more than 1,100 U.S. Polo Assn. stores, targeting over 1,500 in the next several years. For 2023, new stores and existing strategic stores around the world have been enhanced with a more elevated brand and sports concept, providing consumers with an authentic experience when engaging with the brand.

U.S. Polo Assn. also built on its successful digital strategies to generate record growth in e-commerce with some 50 brand sites in 20 languages in 2023. U.S. Polo Assn. continues to grow its digital presence and global momentum on social media, with some 8 million followers worldwide.

"Our global team and strategic partners around the world delivered another record financial performance in 2023 while also achieving many major milestones across our product lines and global expansion efforts," noted J. Michael Prince, President & CEO of USPA Global. "We continue to execute our aggressive product, store, digital, and international growth strategies to further expand our global footprint in key cities and markets worldwide, while also increasing the overall interest in the sport of polo."

Prince added, "Despite the many challenges over the past several years facing global retail, U.S. Polo Assn. was able to exceed our goal of $2 billion three years early and has set a target to hit $3 billion and 1,500 U.S. Polo Assn. stores in the near future."

True to the heritage of the brand, U.S. Polo Assn. maintains a strong connection to the sport of polo. By signing a recent landmark multi-year global deal with ESPN, the thrilling sport now has exposure to a massive global audience, extending to many parts of the world with reach to millions of households and multiple digital channels. The sport’s iconic U.S. Open Polo Championship®, which is broadcast by ESPN, now sits alongside the elite company of The Masters and Kentucky Derby as one of the country’s most prestigious spring sporting events.

In addition, the USPA now owns the USPA National Polo Center (NPC), the sport’s premier destination in North America. The 2024 American High-Goal Polo Season has brought record crowds and sellout Sundays, with the best polo in the world from January-April. Nestled in beautiful Palm Beach County, Florida, this outstanding venue spans 160 acres, encompassing multiple grass polo fields, fine dining, tennis courts, stadium seating, a swimming pool, and the NPC Retail Shop. Exciting updates to the world-class facility are slated for 2025.

"We continue to seek avenues and partnerships to expand into new global markets, as well as new and innovative areas of business. The combination of these factors, alongside our authentic connection to the sport of polo and outstanding global brand marketing, is the key to our global success," Prince adds. "I am optimistic about the U.S. Polo Assn. global business maintaining its leadership position among its industry peers while gaining market share and our ability to reach over $3 billion in worldwide sales and 1,500 U.S. Polo Assn. retail stores in the coming years."

"Today, I am proud to say that our U.S. Polo Assn. global ecosystem is comprehensive of both the brand and the sport, with our $2.4 billion global sport-inspired brand, a global sports content platform with ESPN, and ownership of NPC, one of the sport’s most beautiful and prestigious venues," concludes Prince.

About U.S. Polo Assn. and USPA Global

U.S. Polo Assn. is the official brand of the United States Polo Association (USPA), the governing body for the sport of polo in the United States and one of the country’s oldest sports governing bodies, founded in 1890. With a multi-billion-dollar global footprint and worldwide distribution through more than 1,100 U.S. Polo Assn. retail stores as well as thousands of additional points of distribution, U.S. Polo Assn. offers apparel, accessories, and footwear for men, women, and children in more than 190 countries worldwide. A recent, multi-year deal with ESPN to broadcast several of the premier polo championships in the world, sponsored by U.S. Polo Assn., has made the thrilling sport accessible to millions of sports fans globally for the very first time.

U.S. Polo Assn. has consistently been named one of the top global sports licensors alongside the NFL, NBA, and MLB, according to License Global. In addition, the sport-inspired brand is being recognized around the world with awards for global growth, expansion, licensing, and digital growth. Due to its tremendous success as a global brand, particularly in the last five years, U.S. Polo Assn. has been featured in Forbes, Fortune, Modern Retail, and GQ as well as on Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg, among many other noteworthy media sources around the world.

For more information, visit uspoloassnglobal.com and follow @uspoloassn.

USPA Global is a subsidiary of the USPA and manages the global, multi-billion-dollar U.S. Polo Assn. brand, providing the sport with a long-term source of revenue. Through its subsidiary, Global Polo Entertainment (GPE), USPA Global also manages Global Polo TV, which provides sport and lifestyle content. For more sports content, visit globalpolo.com.

Contact Information

Stacey Kovalsky
VP Global PR and Communications

Kaela Drake
PR & Communications Specialist

SOURCE: USPA Global Licensing Inc.


View the original press release on newswire.com.

The dividend dilemma: Exploring the impact of stock and cash dividends on stock prices

At the outset of the new business year, publicly listed companies are preparing for their annual general meetings (AGMs), significant events where those demonstrating robust financial performance from the previous year may declare dividends.

This prompts the question: what type of dividends will a company distribute to its shareholders? A company has the option to distribute either stock dividends, cash dividends, or a combination of both. Stock dividends and cash dividends represent two distinct avenues through which companies allocate profits to their shareholders. Below, we provide a comparative analysis of these methods and their potential impact on prevailing stock prices.

Stock Dividends:

Stock dividends involve the issuance of additional shares of the company’s stock to existing shareholders, typically on a pro-rata basis. For example, a company might declare one additional share for every ten shares held by a shareholder.

Unlike cash dividends, stock dividends do not involve the distribution of ca
sh; instead, they signify a transfer of retained earnings into the company’s equity capital.

From the shareholders’ perspective, receiving stock dividends increases the number of shares they hold but does not alter the overall value of their investment.

For instance, if a shareholder owns 100 shares of a company’s stock valued at Ghs50 per share before a 10% stock dividend, they would receive 10 additional shares, yet the total value of their investment remains unchanged.

Stock dividends are often perceived as an indication of the company’s confidence in its future prospects, signaling reinvestment of profits into the business rather than cash distribution.

Cash Dividends:

Cash dividends involve disbursing a portion of the company’s profits to shareholders in the form of cash payments. The dividend amount is typically specified as a fixed sum per share (e.g., Ghs0.50 per share).

Cash dividends provide shareholders with immediate cash returns on their investment, which they may utilize for consumption, r
einvestment, or other financial endeavors.

Income-oriented investors, seeking regular income streams from their investments, typically favor cash dividends. Additionally, cash dividends may attract investors seeking stable returns and dividend yield.

Impact on Current Stock Prices:

The impact of stock dividends and cash dividends on current stock prices can fluctuate depending on various factors, including investor sentiment, market conditions, and the company’s financial performance.

Stock dividends, by increasing the total number of shares outstanding, dilute the ownership stake of existing shareholders. However, since stock dividends do not alter the overall company value, their impact on the stock price per share is often minimal. In some instances, the announcement of a stock dividend may result in a temporary decrease in the stock price due to perceived dilution by investors, although this effect is typically short-lived.

Conversely, cash dividends typically deplete the company’s retained earnings
and cash reserves. While cash dividends may be well-received by income-oriented investors, large or unexpected cash dividends could signal to the market a lack of profitable investment opportunities or financial challenges. Cash dividends affect current prices on the ex-date because share prices represent future cash flows of the company, meaning future dividend payments are incorporated into the share price.

For details, the use of discounted dividend models can help analyze a stock’s value in the market. Consequently, the impact on the stock price per share may vary, with some investors interpreting cash dividends positively and others viewing them as a negative indicator of the company’s future prospects.

Overall, while both stock dividends and cash dividends can influence shareholder wealth and investor sentiment, their impact on current stock prices hinges on various factors and may differ from one scenario to another.

For a deeper understanding of this subject and further assistance kindly contact Ec
oCapital Investment Management Ltd., on +233(0)501 553 502 or send us a mail via invest@ecocapinvestment.com.

EcoCapital Investment Management Limited (EIML) is a company incorporated in Ghana and licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an Investment Management firm, and by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) as Fund Manager of both second and third tiers of the national pension scheme.

The corporate mandate of the firm is to deliver premium financial solutions and investment management services to both retail and institutional investors in Ghana. Services on offer at EcoCapital include: Wealth Creation and Management, Investment Portfolio Management, Pension Fund Management, Mutual Funds, Retirement Planning, Investment research and Advisory. The firm has three mutual fund products under management, namely; Prime Fund, Nordea Income Growth Fund and the Weston Oil and Gas fund.

Written By:

Dela Herman Agbo, MBA, MSc, CGIA

Chief Executive Officer

EcoCapital Investment Ma
nagement Ltd.

Source: Ghana Web

Ghana must industrialise before investing in solar, other renewables – Former GRIDCo Boss

Mr Jonathan Amoako-Baah, a former Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), says investment in renewable energy, including solar is not a viable option to drive Ghana’s industrialisation agenda.

He said in the wake of the intermittent power challenges, the country should focus on establishing a ‘very big’ base load such as a nuclear power plant that would offer reliable and affordable power to champion massive industrialisation for development.

Mr Amoako-Baah, a former Board Member of the Nuclear Power Institute (NPI) under the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), made the call when some Staff members and Management of the Nuclear Power Ghana (NPG) paid a courtesy call on him at his residence in Koforidua in the Eastern Region.

The visit was heralded by a tour of the Boti Falls in the Eastern Region as part of NPG’s activities to commemorate the Ghana Heritage Month.

Mr Amoako-Baah said the country required ‘conventional plants’ as baseload to guarantee a reliable supply of pow
er for industries.

He said in the wake of the depletion of the country’s hydro resources, nuclear power remained the viable option to power Ghana’s industrialisation plan in the long term.

‘Renewables cannot power the industries; Tema Steel or VALCO is a case in point. VALCO takes about 345MWe. How much renewable can you put to generate such power considering the intermittent nature of renewable and capacity factors? In the night and during some seasons, you do not have the sun to power the solar panels. The wind is also not consistent.

‘You need a very big baseload plant; conventional plants like hydro (which has been used up); thermal or nuclear. Nuclear is the new thing now,’ he said.

Mr Amoako-Baah called for the active continuation of Ghana’s Nuclear Power Programme to enable the country to achieve the target of building and operating the first nuclear power plant in the near future.

‘The work must continue for us to be able to establish the first nuclear power plant by 2030. Government should pay a
ttention to this,’ he said.

Energy experts estimate that beyond 2025, Akosombo and Kpong Hydropower Plants, the nation’s baseload supply points which currently serve 32 per cent of electricity demand, would have reduced drastically to about 25 per cent.

Ghana in its quest to access affordable and stable power to industrialise sustainably as well as to meet the global energy transition from fossil fuel to clean energy, is seeking to include nuclear power in its energy mix.

The deployment of nuclear power in Ghana is also in line with the country’s medium-term development plans and climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The decision is also part of the country’s Green Energy Solutions targets and the government’s medium to long-term strategy of actualising industrialisation and socio-economic development within the West African sub-region.

Dr Stephen Yamoah, the Executive Director of NPG, said meetings and discussions with vendors for Ghana’s nuclear power plant would continue this year.

He said t
he NPG under the policy direction of the Ministry of Energy had targeted taking ‘firm decisions’ on the technology, the financing arrangements, and the project structure this year.

‘We have really advanced and the target this year is to be able to come out with a decision on the vendor and the technology… I am certain,’ Dr Yamoah said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Watch how Bishop Adonteng Boateng rescued a child from fire incident in USA

Bishop Adonteng Boateng, a Ghanaian-American theologian based in the United States of America, rescued a young child from the wreckage of a flipped truck that caught fire.

The preacher, who also serves as a philanthropist and is the head pastor of Divine Word International, brought joy to the mother of the child.

Both the child and his mother were rushed to the hospital after sustaining injuries of varying degrees.

Bishop Adonteng Boateng was captured in videos at the scene with the young child.

Source: Ghana Web

Kasoa Accident: Funny Face granted GHC120,000 bail

Benso Oduro Boateng aka Funny Face, a comedian, who allegedly knocked down a woman and two children at Kakraba Junction on the Kasoa-Nyanyano road has been granted bail.

Appearing before a District Court Kasoa Akweley, Funny Face was admitted to bail in the sum of GHC 120,000 with two sureties.

Boateng is facing charges of careless and inconsiderate driving and two counts of negligently causing harm.

Boateng’s plea has not been taken by the court presided over by Annie Adobor. This is because investigations are ongoing.

Meanwhile the GNA has learnt that four of the victims have been discharged but the elderly woman is still on admission because of surgery performed on her legs.

The case presented by Assistance Superintendent of Police (ASP) Thomas Sarfo was that on March 24, 2024, at about 7:50 pm Benson Oduro Boateng, a driver and a resident of Millennium City, Kasoa, was driving a Hyundai Atos Private car with registration number GN 1134-16 from Kasoa towards Nyanyano.

On reaching a section of the roa
d at Kakraba Junction on the Kasoa Nyanyano road, Prosecution said Boateng knocked down a pedestrian by the name Theresah Quaicoe of about 50 years and her two children, Elizabeth Turkson, age about 5years and Robi Turkson, age about 1year, who attempted crossing the road.

According to the prosecution, in the process, Boateng lost control of the steering wheel and crashed head-on with a motor bike with the registration number M-18-GR 1976 ridden by Sam Francis Kwesi Bible with a pillion rider, Nicholas Ashong.

Prosecution said Theresa Quaicoe and Elizabeth Turkson, were referred to Korle-Bu hospital Accra, for further treatment whiles victim Nicholas Ashong was referred to the Ridge hospital, Accra for further treatment but could not be admitted due to shortage of bed and was brought back to Kasoa Community Clinic for further treatment.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Watch the intimate moment Henry Quartey knelt before Chief Imam to be prayed for

In a touching display of humility and respect, Henry Quartey, the Minister of the Interior, was seen kneeling before the revered Chief Imam of Ghana to receive prayers.

The intimate moment, captured during an Iftar celebration in Accra on April 8, 2024, saw the Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, a figure of significant religious influence in Ghana, offering blessings to Henry Quartey.

As Henry Quartey knelt, the Chief Imam placed his hands on his head, offering words of wisdom and blessings.

Henry Quartey, who is also the MP for Ayawaso Central, joined other politicians, including Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, and the leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen, who have been spotted in intimate moments like this with the Chief Imam.

Henry Quartey shared food and drinks with the Muslims who gathered at the Alajo AstroTurf Park to celebrate the Iftar.

The Muslim community will mark this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Source: Ghana Web