Conférence biblique sur « Les Secrets du ciel dans les paraboles enseignées par Jésus »

Au milieu d’un déclin mondial de la population religieuse, une explication claire de la Bible a attiré plus de 140 000 croyants et l’attention de millions de personnes.

NEW YORK, 30 décembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Shincheonji l’Église de Jésus, le Temple du Tabernacle du Témoignage, organise la « Conférence en ligne de Shincheonji: Témoignage sur les paraboles et la réalité des secrets du ciel ». Cette conférence sur la compréhension des paraboles dans la Bible dans le Nouveau Testament sera en direct sur YouTube tous les lundis et jeudis du 3 janvier au 28 mars.

Poster for the Bible series

« Les paraboles sont la clé pour comprendre les secrets du ciel. Les prophéties de l’Ancien Testament se sont accomplies à la première venue de Jésus, et maintenant les prophéties du Nouveau Testament s’accomplira « quand le temps viendra » (Jean 16:25). Nous nous dirigeons vers le vrai sens alors que la prophétie est révélée », déclare un responsable de l’église.

Les conférences précédentes sur Apocalypse ont été diffusées en 24 langues et ont atteint 7 millions de vues dans 136 pays dont 16 000. 1 200 dirigeants d’églises mondiales dans 57 pays ont signé des protocoles d’accord avec l’église pour renforcer la coopération internationale et l’échange de matériel.

Plus de 140 000 personnes ont rejoint l’église depuis 2019, malgré le début de la pandémie de Covid-19.

Un responsable de Shincheonji a déclaré: « À travers le monde, de plus en plus de personnes souffrent de maladies, de catastrophes et de difficultés dues au COVID-19, réfléchissant profondément au sens de la vie et de la souffrance. La religion doit pouvoir apporter des réponses à ces personnes. Dans le monde religieux où les activités en face à face sont limitées, l’éducation devrait toucher chaque individu dans les communautés locales. »

« Ce qui attire les gens à Shincheonji, l’explication claire de la mission de Jésus dans le Nouveau Testament », a-t-il ajouté.

(Vous pouvez regarder la conférence en recherchant « Conférence en ligne de Shincheonji:

Témoignage sur les paraboles et la réalité des secrets du royaume des cieux » sur YouTube ou via le lien SCJ Americas.)


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Seminar Reveals the Secrets of Heaven Hidden in Parables Taught by Jesus

Amid a decline in church membership, one church has drawn more than 140,000 believers and attracted the attention of millions

NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, explains the Bible in plain language through free online seminars. Its latest seminar series, “Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” will be livestreamed via YouTube from January 3rd to March 28th. The series will provide a biblical explanation of the parables mentioned in the New Testament.

Poster for the Bible series

“Parables are the key element to understanding the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The prophecy of the Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of Jesus in his first coming,” said a Shincheonji Church official. “Jesus gave the prophecies of the New Testament to be fulfilled ‘when the time comes’ (John 16:25). We are heading towards [receiving] the true meaning as the prophecy is revealed.”

Shincheonji Church concluded its series on Revelation in December. This seminar, which was released in 24 languages, reached 7 million viewers in 136 countries, including 16,000 pastors. As a result of their participation in the Revelation seminar series, 1,200 church leaders in 57 countries signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church to boost international cooperation and exchange educational materials.

“I want to be able to grow in the word and I want to teach our congregation…and help bring them from death to life. I want to be one with God’s kingdom and have open communication,” said Pastor Jerry Hagerman of Wayside Mission Church in Virginia, who signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church.

Shincheonji Church has seen a steady increase in membership. Over 140,000 people have joined the church since 2019, despite the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Across the world, more and more people are experiencing diseases, disasters, and hardships due to Covid-19 [and] thinking deeply about the meaning of life and suffering,” says a church official. “Religion must be able to provide answers to these people. In a world where face-to-face activities are limited, education should reach every individual in local communities.”

“What [makes] the Shincheonji Church appeal to people is the clear explanation of Jesus’ mission in the New Testament,” the church official said.

Watch “Shincheonji Online Seminar: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings” via the SCJ Americas YouTube Channel.


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Malfunctioning traffic lights in Koforidua expose motorists, pedestrians to danger

Koforidua,— Traffic lights on nearly all major roads in the Eastern Regional capital, Koforidua, have not been functioning for months, raising concerns of road accidents and knockdowns among motorists and pedestrians.

Many of the traffic lights found on the major routes in the city are faulty and the signals have not been working for months, causing heavy gridlocks during rush hours and market days.

Ghana News Agency (GNA) investigations showed that some traffic lights at the principal intersections were not functioning at all despite electricity supply.

The lights were either all yellow in the day or did not display any signal at all.

In some areas, it was either showing red or yellow or green without changing.

The GNA further discovered that most of the traffic lights were old-fashioned, use electricity to function, as none appeared to be using solar energy.

However, officials of the Department of Urban Roads (DUR) under the Ministry of Roads and Highways in the Eastern Region, said the Department began rolling out a solar system to power traffic lights in 2014.

The initiative was expected to serve as a buffer to power outages and ensure the continuous functioning of the lights to control road traffic jams and accidents in the city.

Speaking to the GNA, Mr Ebenezer Kam, Maintenance Engineer, Department of Urban Roads, said there were 12 traffic lights in Koforidua out of which 10 were functioning and two broken-down.

He explained that one of the non-functioning traffic lights, Ada Rd/Hospital Rd/Nana Kweku Boateng 1, has not been functioning for years now.

He attributed the broken down traffic lights to persistent theft of poles and cables and breakages due to the digging of manholes as well as a faulty controller.

Mr Kam said approval had been given to a contractor to upgrade the signalized intersection.

He said the Kassadjan Rd/Aburi Rd (Poly Junction) defects were due to power supply failure and had since 4th December 2021 been reported to the contractor in charge for maintenance.

He added that other areas which were malfunctioning have been fixed and also subjected to upgrading.

These include Nana Asafo Adjei Rd/Nana Osei Hwedie Rd (B Foster) and Nana Asafo Adjei Rd/Old Estate Rd (Bula spot).

He urged motorists and pedestrians to exercise restraints while the situation was fixed.

The traffic lights, which were found not working, included Kassadjan/Aburi (Poly Junction), Shell Filling Station heading towards Effiduase, Regional Hospital and B Foster as well as Regional Hospital one that connects to All Nations University and Poly Clinic.

The Kassadjan/Aburi traffic light routes serve many pedestrians such as students crossing the road to and fro Koforidua Technical University, New Juaben SHS, basic schools and JHS, hostels and houses.

Some students, who spoke with the GNA, said several people use the traffic signal to cross the road but because it was faulty, pedestrians, especially students, find it difficult to cross.

They, therefore, appealed to authorities to fix the situation to help save lives.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Support Police to respond to religious excesses- Reverend Opuni-Frimpong

Reverend Dr Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong, Executive Director, Africa Alliance for Christian Advocacy (AACA), has rallied Church leaders and religious stakeholders to support the efforts of the Police to respond to religious excesses.

He said it was only prudent to support the police, who have initiated measures to forestall the unpleasant, misleading theologies and religious abuses in the name of prophecies, which had created panic and fear in the public.

Such prophecies have also frustrated the Christian public testimony and threatened religious harmony.

“Over the years, in the name of religion, some Human rights have been abused and we have found instances where specific names of key personalities had been mentioned to die within the year and, therefore, we must as key stakeholders in the religious domain support this novel effort of the Ghana Police Service without any doubt,” he said.

He said the Constitution, which provided liberties for the church to operate freely without any hindrance or interference, also guarantees the right to privacy to every Ghanaian irrespective of creed or status and that must not be lost on religious leaders as they make preparations to usher in the new year with religious and spiritual activities.

Speaking in an interview with the GNA on a recent statement by the Police on careless 31st Night Prophesies, Reverend Opuni-Frimpong, a former General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana, described the call by the Police as apt.

He said it was a subtle reminder of the constitutional right within the existing framework of the laws of the country and nothing new and, therefore, imperative for all stakeholders to give their maximum support.

Some pastors and prophets have become notorious for wild prophecies, including those that bordered on the rights and security of persons and which political party was ordained by God to win during elections.

On the concerns of others on why the Police had waited until now or not invited previous offenders, he stressed, “why we have waited till now is a legitimate question, but what is wrong yesterday is certainly not right today and it’s only prudent to implement measures to address it at a point.”

Source: Ghana News Agency

China bans its national football players from getting tattoos

Footballers who play for China’s national team have been banned from getting tattoos – and advised to remove ones they have – under a new directive.

The country’s sports administration body said recruiting new players with tattoos at the national level and to youth squads was “strictly prohibited”.

The administration said the move would help set a “good example for society”.

Some national stars, including defender Zhang Linpeng, have previously been told to cover their tattoos.

China has been increasingly stepping up-regulation since mid-2018 to stop tattoos being shown on screens. Some professional footballers have since been covering their arms with long sleeves to hide their body art.

In a statement, the country’s General Administration of Sport (GAS) said national players with tattoos were “advised to have them removed”

“In special circumstances, the tattoos must be covered during training and competition, with the consent of the rest of the team,” it said.

In Chinese culture a stigma has been attached to tattoos – in the past they were used to brand criminals and the tattoo still has links to organised crime groups in east Asia. Tattoos among ethnic groups were often seen as a mark of the uncivilised.

They are disapproved of by China’s ruling Communist Party, but have become increasingly popular among young Chinese.

Earlier this year, China’s broadcasting regulator announced that it was tightening rules on what it described as “unhealthy content”.

Television and internet appearances by sports personalities and celebrities have been restricted in cases involving tattoos and men’s ponytails – in some instances these have been blurred from screens.

Last December, a women’s university football match in China had to be called off after players were told they were not allowed to have dyed hair.

The match organisers, the National Youth Campus Football League, said in a statement at the time: “Athletes at all stages shall not have tattoos, dye their hair, wear weird hairstyles, or wear any accessories, otherwise they will be ineligible for the competition.”

Source: Modern Ghana

Revoke suspension of Maxwell Mahama – NPP Council of Elders

Sunyani,- The Bono Regional Council of Elders of the New Patriotic Party has ordered the party in the region to revoke the suspension of Mr Maxwell Mahama, the Sunyani East Communication’s Officer, with immediate effect.

Mr Mahama, an outspoken member of the NPP in the region, was suspended from the party on March 6, 2021, for gross misconduct.

But, the party in a letter signed by Mr James Kofi Kyereme, Bono Regional Council of Elders, and made available to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani, said, “the suspension of Mr Mahama as communication officer or officer of the party and member is settled and should be lifted.”

Copies of the letter were sent to the National Executive Committee, National Council Of Elders, the Bono Regional Secretariat, Sunyani East Constituency Executive Committee and Sunyani East Constituency Council of Elders of the NPP.

Mr Frank Musah Damtarl, the Sunyani East Constituency Chairman of the party, has earlier petitioned the Council to resolve the impasse in the supreme interest of the Party.

The letter expressed the Council’s gratitude to Mr Kwame Baffoe, the Bono Regional Chairman of the NPP, and the regional executives for the maximum cooperation during and after the settlement processes.

“The Council of Elders shall continue to work hand in hand with the Regional Executives in ensuring peace and harmony in all the constituencies to enhance the fortunes of the NPP in Election 2024”, it stated.

It, therefore, advised every member to promote, and defend the good name and image of the NPP in the region, promote unity, remain truthful, and abide by and publicly uphold the decisions of the party.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Football is not about books and degrees – Alhaji Grusah jabs Kotoko coach Prosper Narteh Ogum after FA Cup win

Alhaji Grusah, the owner and bankroller of King Faisal has taken a swipe at Asante Kotoko coach, Prosper Narteh Ogum following his side’s MTN FA Cup win over the Porcupine Warriors.

The ‘Insha Allah’ lads stunned their city rivals by a lone goal at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium in the Round of 64 games on Wednesday to book a place in the Round of 32.

The win on Wednesday was also Faisal’s second win over Kotoko having already beaten them in the Ghana Premier League with a 3-2 scoreline.

Speaking to the media following his side’s victory, he said, “I never said we will use Kotoko to celebrate Christmas, I only said we will beat them. Our secret is the might of God and nothing else.”

“Prosper Narteh is a professor in education not football that’s why he still goes to the class to teach despite coaching Kotoko. Degrees and books don’t win matches. We have professors in coaching but not in Ghana here unless in Europe,” the veteran football administrator added.

King Faisal have had an impressive start to the 2021/22 season as there are joint league leaders in the Premier League after 10 games played.

Source: Modern Ghana

Maintain Your Faith And Be Steadfast In The Face of Challenges—Moderator

Ho,— Ghanaians, especially Christians, have been asked to remain steadfast and maintain their faith as believers in the face of challenges and obstacles.

“Challenges and obstacles are to be expected but we must maintain our faith as believers and remain steadfast.”

Rt. Rev. Dr Lt. Col. Bliss Divine Agbeko made the call in his new year message copied to the Ghana News Agency in Ho.

He said in the face of difficulties and instead of giving up in despair, Christians should ensure they did the right thing.

He entreated Christians not to settle for anything except what honoured God and the nation.

“Let us have the hope that God has something better in store for our future as a nation and as a people,” Rt. Rev. Dr Lt. Col. Agbeko advised.

The Moderator urged them to look up to God of righteousness and justice to fight their battles for them.

“Surrender your problems to God who is watching over you,” he advised.

He reminded Christians that God knew their problems and cared for them.

The Moderator said if Christians did not doubt and lose hope but cast their problems on God, victory would be theirs.

He said things would get better in the country because “it is our promised land.”

Rt. Rev. Dr Lt. Col. Agbeko said what Ghanaians needed to do was to remain truthful to the nation, knowing it would be well with the country.

He urged all Christians to keep praying for the country.

The Moderator wished all Ghanaians God’s blessings, peace and guidance throughout 2022 for a fulfilled and celebrated life.

Source: Ghana News Agency