Ignore tantrums of doom prophesies—Rev Akolbugri


Wa,— Rev Robert K. Akolbugri, Head Pastor of the Wa Revival Assembly of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, has advised Christians to ignore doom prophesies against individuals, families, and the nation.

He noted that in every new year, some elements prophesy doom but followers of Christ should “Ignore their tantrums and keep praying; for the Lord is on our side.”

Rev. Akolbugri gave the advice in his message to his congregation and the general public in Wa at the weekend to mark the New Year celebration on the theme “My Year Of God’s Glory”.

He urged church leaders to stand firm and perform their duties to the glory of God saying, “We as a church don’t need a message from the IGP to be guided, we know our God and we shall do accordingly to the proportion of our faith and Godly ethics”.

While thanking God for the good tidings they enjoyed in the past years, Rev Akolbugri commended the congregation for the sacrifices they endured to contribute to the growth of the church and the work of God.

The Rev. Minister encouraged the congregation to work towards fulfilling the great commission as enshrined in Matthew 28:19, including soul-winning for the kingdom of God.

He said that could be achieved through dedicated evangelism and visitation, spiritual orderliness of worship, and dedicated teachings both in the church and at home.

Rev Akolbugri explained that in 2021, the Revival Assembly, in Wa operated on the theme: “My year of divine speed to possess territories (Isaiah 40;31)”, but said this year they would operate on the theme: “My Year of God’s Glory”.

He also appealed to the legislators to work in unity, and learn to dialogue among themselves rather than turning the floor of Parliament into “a boxing arena of fist instead of ideas and candor.”

“What we need is peace to debate issues and we call on all stakeholders to see the need for proper sensitization, dissemination of information, and consensus-building on national issues.

“This would raise the bar above pettiness and partisan interest. We have One Ghana, let’s all put our hands on deck to develop and make it great,” he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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